8.3 Saving and re-running an experiment

Saving an experiment in a .csv file and re-running it

You have the option of saving a loaded experiment in a comma-separated values (.csv) file and running it again at a later time. After creating an experiment, you can click on Save Loaded Experiment and choose the .csv file format, as shown in Figure 33. If you want to re-run your saved experiment later, you can click on Open a .csv file, select the file that contains your saved experiment and click on the OK button (see Figure 34). Your experiment will then be re-run and the results plotted in the Graph View. In Figure 35 you can see the resulting graph from a re-run of a saved experiment on the a-b-c.biopepa model, where the initial population size of species $A$ has been set to 50.

Figure 52: Saving a loaded experiment as a .csv file
Figure 53: Opening the saved experiment
Figure 54: The resulting graph for the re-run experiment

Saving an experiment as a SED-ML file

You can also save a loaded experiment as a SedML (Simulation Experiment Discription Markup Language, for more information see [5, 27, 19]) file, i.e. in .xml format. After creating an experiment, you can click on Save Loaded Experiment and choose to save it as a SED-ML file, as shown in Figure 36.

Figure 55: Saving a loaded experiment as a SED-ML file