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Coherence Based Stereo

The estimation of disparity shares many similarities with the computation of optical flow. But having available only two discrete ``time''-samples, namely the images of the left and right view, creates an additional problem in disparity estimation. The discrete sampling of visual space leads to aliasing effects which limit the working ranges of simple disparity detectors.


Figure 1: The velocity of an image patch manifests itself as the main texture direction in the space-time flow field traced out by the intensity pattern in time (left). Sampling such flow patterns at discrete time points can create aliasing effects which lead to wrong estimates if the velocity of the flow is too fast (right). Using optical flow estimation techniques for disparity calculations, this problem is always present, since only the two samples obtained from the left and right eye are available for flow estimation. 

For an explanation consider Figure 1. If a small surface patch is shifted over time, the intensity pattern of the patch traces out a corresponding flow pattern in spacetime. The principal texture direction of this flow pattern indicates the velocity of the image patch. It can be estimated without difficulty if the intensity data for all time points is available (Fig. 1, left). Even if the flow pattern can not be sampled continuously, but only at some discrete time points, the shift can be estimated without ambiguity if this shift is not too large (Fig. 1, middle). However, if the shift between the two samples exceeds a certain limit, this becomes impossible (Fig. 1, right). The wrong estimates are caused by simple aliasing in the ``time''-direction; an everday example of this effect is sometimes seen as motion reversal in movies.

To formalize, let tex2html_wrap441 be the image intensity of a small patch in the left view of a scene with corresponding Fourier transform  tex2html_wrap281 . Moving the left camera on a linear path to the position of the right camera, we obtain a local flow-field very similar to Figure 1, namely: tex2html_wrap282 . Here tex2html_wrap444 is the disparity of the image patch and the shift parameter tex2html_wrap284 runs from 0 to 1. The Fourier transform of tex2html_wrap285 follows from elementary calculus as tex2html_wrap447 . Now, if the spectrum of tex2html_wrap281 is bounded by some maximum wavevector  tex2html_wrap288 , i.e. if tex2html_wrap450 for tex2html_wrap290 , we find as highest wavevector of the flow field tex2html_wrap291 in tex2html_wrap284 -direction tex2html_wrap293 . However, the maximal representable wavevector in this direction is given by sampling theory as tex2html_wrap294 . Since sampling in tex2html_wrap284 -direction is done with a step size of tex2html_wrap296 , we obtain as an upper bound for sampling the flow field without aliasing effects


Equation (1) states that the range of reliable disparities estimates for a simple detector is limited by the largest wavevector present in the image data. This size-disparity scaling is well-known in the context of spatial frequency channels assumed to exist in the visual cortex. Cortical cells respond to spatial frequencies up to about twice their peak wavelength tex2html_wrap297 , therefore limiting the range of detectable disparities to values less than tex2html_wrap459 . This is known as Marr's quarter-cycle limit [8, 9].

Since image data is usually sampled in spatial direction with some fixed receptor spacing tex2html_wrap299 , the highest wavevector tex2html_wrap288 which can be present in the data after retinal sampling is given by tex2html_wrap462 . This leads to the requirement that tex2html_wrap302 -- without additional processing steps, only disparities less than the receptor spacing can be estimated reliably by a simple disparity unit.

Equation (1) immediately suggests a way to extend the aliasing limited working range of disparity detectors: spatial prefiltering of the image data before or during disparity calculation reduces tex2html_wrap288 , and in turn increases the disparity range. In this way, larger disparities can be estimated, but only with the consequence of reducing simultaneously the spatial resolution of the resulting disparity map.

Another way of modifying the disparity range is the application of a preshift to the input data of the detectors before the disparity calculation. However, modification of the disparity range by preshifting requires prior knowledge of the correct preshift to be applied, which is a nontrivial problem. One could resort again to hierarchical coarse-to-fine schemes by using disparity estimates obtained at some coarse spatial scale to adjust the processing at finer spatial scales, but the drawbacks inherent to hierarchical schemes have already been elaborated.

Instead of counteracting the aliasing effects discussed, one can utilize them within a new computational paradigm. Basic to the new approach is a stack of simple disparity estimators, all responding to a common view direction, with each unit tex2html_wrap304 having some preshift or presmoothing applied to its input data. Such a stack might even be composed of different types of disparity units. Due to random preshifts and presmoothing, the units within the stack will have different and slightly overlapping working ranges of reliable disparity estimates, tex2html_wrap305 .

If an object seen in the common view direction of the stack has true disparity tex2html_wrap444 , the stack will be split by the stimulus into two disjunct classes: the class tex2html_wrap307 of detectors with tex2html_wrap308 for all tex2html_wrap309 , and the rest of the stack, tex2html_wrap471 , where tex2html_wrap311 . All disparity detectors tex2html_wrap473 will code more or less the true disparity tex2html_wrap313 , but the estimates of detectors belonging to tex2html_wrap471 will be subject to random aliasing effects, depending in a complicated way on image content and specific disparity ranges tex2html_wrap476 of the units. Thus, we will have tex2html_wrap316 whenever units tex2html_wrap304 and tex2html_wrap318 belong to tex2html_wrap307 , and random values otherwise. A simple coherence detection within each stack, i.e. searching for all units with tex2html_wrap320 and extracting the largest cluster found will be sufficient to single out tex2html_wrap307 . The true disparity tex2html_wrap444 in the common view direction of the stack can be estimated as an average over the detected cluster:


The coherence detecting scheme has to be repeated for every view direction and leads to a fully parallel algorithm for disparity calculation. Neighboring disparity stacks responding to different view directions estimate disparity independently from each other.

Since coherence detection is based on analyzing the multi-unit activity within a stack, the scheme turns out to be extremely robust against single-unit failure. As long as the density of disparity estimators remains high enough along a specific view direction, no substantial loss of network performance will be noticed.

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