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Sonnet text.

args[0] (son3)

The original image.

args[0] (son3fur2)

The logarithm of the magnitude of the Fourier Transform image corresponding to son3.

args[0] (son3fur4)

The thresholded magnitude of the Fourier Transform image corresponding to son3.

args[0] (son3rot1)

Result of rotating son3 by 45 degrees clockwise about its center.

args[0] (son3fur1)

The logarithm of the magnitude of the Fourier Transform image corresponding to son3rot1.

args[0] (son3fur3)

The thresholded magnitude of the Fourier Transform image corresponding to son3rot1.


©2003 R. Fisher, S. Perkins, A. Walker and E. Wolfart.

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