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Sonnet text - illumination gradient.

args[0] (son1)

The original image.

args[0] (son1thr1)

Result of thresholding son1 at a pixel value of 128.

args[0] (son1sub1)

Result of pixel subtracting son2 from son1 and adding an offset of 100.

args[0] (son1sub2)

Result of pixel subtracting son2 from son1 using wrapping.

args[0] (son1sub3)

Result of pixel subtracting son2 from son1 using absolute difference.

args[0] (son1sub4)

Result of applying gamma correction to son1sub3.

args[0] (son1thr3)

Result of thresholding son1sub1 at a pixel value of 80.

args[0] (son1div1)

Result of pixel dividing son1 by son2.

args[0] (son1thr2)

Result of thresholding son1div1 at a pixel value of 160.

args[0] (son1adp1)

Result of adaptive thresholding son1 using the mean of a 7×7 neighborhood.

args[0] (son1adp2)

Result of adaptive thresholding son1 using the mean-C as a local threshold, where C = 7 and the neighborhood size is 7×7.

args[0] (son1adp3)

Result of adaptive thresholding son1 using the mean-C as a local threshold, where C = 10 and the neighborhood size is 75×75.

args[0] (son1adp4)

Result of adaptive thresholding son1 using the median-C as a local threshold, where C = 4 and the neighborhood size is 7×7.


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©2003 R. Fisher, S. Perkins, A. Walker and E. Wolfart.

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