The original image.
Intensity histogram of wom1.
Result of histogram equalizing wom1.
Result of contrast stretching wom1
using linear interpolation between c = 79 and d =
Intensity histogram of wom1str1.
Result of contrast stretching wom1
using a cutoff fraction, c = 0.03.
Intensity histogram of wom1str2.
Result of contrast stretching wom1
using c = 0.8.
Intensity histogram of wom1str3.
Result of adding 0.1% salt and pepper noise to wom1str2.
Result of cropping and zooming
Result of filtering wom1noi1 using 1 iteration of Crimmins Speckle Removal Algorithm.
Result of cropping and zooming
Result of filtering wom1noi1 using 4 iterations of Crimmins Speckle Removal Algorithm.
Result of cropping and zooming
Result of filtering wom1noi1 using 8 iterations of Crimmins Speckle Removal Algorithm.
Result of adding 3% salt and pepper noise to
wom1str2 and then applying 11 iterations of
Crimmins Speckle Removal Algorithm.