BC 3.04, 47 Potterrow

Gene-Ping Yang

I am a fifth-year PhD student in Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, where I work in Centre for Speech Technology Research (CSTR). I am blessed to work with my supervisor Prof. Hao Tang and Prof. Peter Bell, and I'm currently engaged in the exploration of self-supervised learning, generative process of speech and automatic speech recognition. My aim is to develop versatile speech foundational models that cater to general-purpose applications.

I graduated from National Taiwan University, where I received my master's degree in Computer Science and undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering. I am grateful to have had the pleasure of working with Prof. Lin-shan Lee and Prof. Hung-yi Lee on research topics in speech separation and enhancement with deep learning methods.

Please refer to my résumé for more information.


  • A Simple HMM with Self-Supervised Representations for Phone Segmentation
    Gene-Ping Yang, Hao Tang. SLT 2024.
    [bib] [abstract]

  • On-Device Constrained Self-Supervised Learning for Keyword Spotting via Quantization Aware Pre-Training and Fine-tuning
    Gene-Ping Yang, Yue Gu, Sashank Macha, Qingming Tang, Yuzong Liu. ICASSP 2024.
    [bib] [abstract]

  • Towards Matching Phones and Speech Representations
    Gene-Ping Yang, and Hao Tang. ASRU 2023.
    [bib] [abstract]

  • On-device Constrained Self-Supervised Speech Representation Learning for Keyword Spotting via Knowledge Distillation
    Gene-Ping Yang, Yue Gu, Qingming Tang, Dongsu Du, Yuzong Liu. Interspeech 2023.
    [bib] [abstract]

  • Autoregressive Predictive Coding: A Comprehensive Study
    Gene-Ping Yang, Sung-Lin Yeh, Yu-An Chung, James Glass and Hao Tang. JSTSP 2022.
    [bib] [abstract]

  • Supervised Attention In Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Speech Recognition
    Gene-Ping Yang and Hao Tang. ICASSP 2022.
    [bib] [abstract]

  • Supervised Attention In Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Speech Recognition
    Gene-Ping Yang and Hao Tang. MLSLP 2021.
    [bib] [abstract]

  • Stabilizing Label Assignment for Speech Separation by Self-supervised Pre-training
    Sung-Feng Huang, Shun-Po Chuang, Da-Rong Liu, Yi-Chen Chen, Gene-Ping Yang, Hung-yi Lee. Interspeech 2021.
    [bib] [abstract]

  • Interrupted and Cascaded Permutation Invariant Training for Speech Separation
    Gene-Ping Yang, Szu-Lin Wu, Yao-Wen Mao, Hung-yi Lee, Lin-shan Lee. ICASSP 2020.
    [bib] [abstract]

  • Improved Speech Separation with Time-and-Frequency Cross-domain Joint Embedding and Clustering
    Gene-Ping Yang, Chao-I Tuan, Hung-Yi Lee, Lin-shan Lee. In Interspeech, 2019.
    [bib] [abstract]