Sam Lindley

Sam Lindley

I am a Reader in Programming Language Design and Implementation in the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science at the School of Informatics at The University of Edinburgh.

I hold a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship in Effect Handler Oriented Programming.


See also DBLP and Google Scholar.


Programme committees

ICFP 2023 (PC Chair), ML 2022, ICFP 2022, ESOP 2022, APLAS 2021, PEPM 2021 (co-chair), APLAS 2020, MSFP 2020 (co-chair), POPL 2020, TFP 2019, DBPL 2019, ProWeb 2019, Haskell Symposium 2018, ICFP 2018, MSFP 2018 (co-chair), WWW-WPDAI 2018, ProWeb 2018, OCaml 2017, ML Family Workshop 2017 (chair), TyDe 2017 (co-chair), PLACES 2017, POPL-ERC 2017, ICFP-ERC 2016, DPRTCPS 2015, DBPL 2015, HOPE 2015, ML 2015, PADL 2015, TFP 2015, TYPES 2015, PEPM 2015, PADL 2014, Haskell Symposium 2011, ICFP 2011, DBPL 2011