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A to Z of Image Processing Concepts

* Binary Images
* Color Images
* Color Images, 8-bit
* Color Images, 24-bit
* Color Quantization
* Convolution
* Distance Metrics
* Dithering
* Edge Detectors
* Frequency Domain
* Grayscale Images
* Image Editing Software
* Idempotence
* Isotropic Operators
* Kernels
* Logical Operators
* Look Up Tables and Colormaps
* Masking
* Mathematical Morphology
* Multi-Spectral Images
* Non-linear Filtering
* Pixels
* Pixel Connectivity
* Pixel Values
* Primary Colors
* RGB and Colorspaces
* Spatial Domain
* Structuring Elements
* Wrapping and Saturation


©2003 R. Fisher, S. Perkins, A. Walker and E. Wolfart.

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