CVonline: Visual Processing Software, Models & Environments
Index by Topic
- 3D Data
- Camera calibration
- Convolutional Neural Networks/Deep Networks - Pre-trained
- Educational
- Engineering
- Face and Eye/IRIS processing
- Features
- Image manipulation/editing
- Image processing framework/generic library
- Kinect and other depth cameras
- Mathematics
- Medicine & Biology
- Motion and motion tracking
- Segmentation dedicated
- Specialized toolboxes
- Video data
See below for CVPR PROJECT code.
- 3DGSS - geometric scale-space analysis tools for range images[before 12/01/2022]
- 3DTK - The 3D Toolkit - collection of tools for manipulating 3D point sets[before 12/01/2022]
- 3DUNDERWORLD - open source software for structure light scanners (Charalambos Poullis)[before 12/01/2022]
- ARC - Automatic Reconstruction Conduit - free web-based 3D reconstruction, including camera position, from uploaded images of a scene or object[before 12/01/2022]
- BlenSor - Blender Sensor Simulation - A Blender plugin used to simulate a variety of 3D sensors (Gschwandtner, Kwitt, Uhl)[before 12/01/2022]
- Color Coherent Point Drift - 3D point set registration software based on theory described here.[before 12/01/2022]
- DSLAM - Data-Efficient Decentralized Visual SLAM for multi-robot applications (T. Cieslewski, S. Choudhary, D. Scaramuzza)[before 12/01/2022]
- DUGMA - a robust 3D point cloud registration algorithm based on dynamic uncertainty-based gaussian mixture alignment. See: README.md (C. Pu, N. Li, R. Tylecek, R. B Fisher)[before 12/01/2022]
- EIKONA3D Commercial Windows package for 3D image processing, analysis and visualization[before 12/01/2022]
- GRIS Surface Reconstruction from Multi-Resolution Sample Points (Maeke, Klowsky, Goesele)[before 12/01/2022]
- Hydra - a real-time system to build 3D scene graphs from sensor data (Hughes, Chang, Carlone). [19/10/2022]
- ImLib3D - A C++ library for 3D image processing[before 12/01/2022]
- Kinect 3D hand tracking and library for FORTH 3D Hand Tracking software (Iason Oikonomidis, Nikolaos Kyriazis, Antonis Argyros)[before 12/01/2022]
- Kinect Calibration Toolbox v2.0 - simultaneously calibrates the Kinect color camera, the Kinect depth camera, an (optional) external high resolution color camera, and the relative pose between them (Daniel Herrera)[before 12/01/2022]
- KinectCapture v.1.0.1 - tool for recording, exporting, visualizing, and analyzing Microsoft Kinect sensor data (Steven Cadavid)[before 12/01/2022]
- Las Vegas Reconstruction Toolkit - source C++-library of several algorithms for polygonal map generation[before 12/01/2022]
- Max flow 2-D and 3-D foreground-background image segmentation (Jing, Bae, Tai, Boykov)[before 12/01/2022]
- Max flow 2-D and 3-D multi-region image segmentation (Jing, Bae, Tai, Boykov)[before 12/01/2022]
- MOTRIS - a framework for 3d-model based tracking, developed as a successor to XTrack[before 12/01/2022]
- Point Cloud Library (PCL) - a standalone, large scale, open project for 2D/3D image and point cloud processing.[before 12/01/2022]
- REMODE - "REgularized, probabilistic, MOnocular Depth Estimation" (M. Pizzoli, C. Forster, D. Scaramuzza)[before 12/01/2022]
- UAH 3D Pose Error Evaluator - evaluates 3D object detection and pose estimation, using the PASCAL 3D+ dataset. (Redondo-Cabrera, Lopez-Sastre, Xiang , Tuytelaars, Savarese)[before 12/01/2022]
- VripPack - Volumetric Range Image Processing Package[before 12/01/2022]
- Zurich Active Volumetric Reconstruction - a library active object reconstruction using a camera-based depth sensor on a mobile robot Robots (mobile manipulators, flying, ground robots, etc. (Isler, Sabzevari, Delmerico, Scaramuzza)[before 12/01/2022]
- Camera Calibration in Matlab Toolkit (J-Y Bouguet)[before 12/01/2022]
- DLR CalDe and DLR CalLab - Calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using (semi-)planar targets)[before 12/01/2022]
- EasyCamCalib v1.1 - a camera calibration toolbox for matlab that enables the calibration of a camera from a single image of a chessboard pattern requiring minimal user intervention[before 12/01/2022]
- IVT: Integrating Vision Toolkit - free, convenient access to imaging devices, clean camera abstraction, generic calibration, integration of OpenCV and QT.[before 12/01/2022]
- OpenGV - C++ geometric computer vision algorithms for calibrated camera pose computation (L. Kneip, P. Furgale)[before 12/01/2022]
- AEGNN - Asynchronous Event-based Graph Neural Networks - give a reduction of computation (>200x in FLOPs) and inference time (>8x) in classification and detection tasks (Schaefer, Gehrig, Scaramuzza)[15/04/2022]
- BMLC Model Zoo - including CNNs trained for
Flickr Style, BVLC GoogleNet, NIN-Imagenet, NIN-CIFAR10, VGG_CNN-S/M/F, Simonyan & Zisserman's 16/19 layer networks,
Places205-CNN, Hybrid-CNN, GoogLeNet, FCN-[8s,16s,32s,AlexNet] [PASCAL, PASCAL-Context, SIFT FLOW, NYUDv2],
CAFFE Oxford Flowers, DIFAR10-48bit, Places-CNDS-8, Age/Gender.net (Evan Shelhamer)[before 12/01/2022]
- Caffe CNN Model Zoo - various BVLC trained
networks, including Reference CaffeNet, AlexNet, GoogLeNet, Reference R-CNN (Yangqing Jia, Evan Shelhamer)[before 12/01/2022]
- Caffe source code for CNN segmentation with topological and geometrical prior (Aicha BenTaieb and Ghassan Hamarneh)[before 12/01/2022]
- EV-Transfer - train a neural network for events using off-the-shelf labeled image datasets and unlabeled target events (Davide Scaramuzza et al) [13/05/2022]
- Lipizzaner - framework to train Generative Adversarial Networks by using spatially distributed co-evolutionary algorithms (Jamal Toutouh et al)[before 12/01/2022]
- Pix2Pix - Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Nets (Isola, Zhu, Zhou, Efros)[before 12/01/2022]
- YOLO - You Only Look Once pretrained object detector and classifier. 9000 classes. 50ish FPS, 78% on Pascal VOC[before 12/01/2022]
- ImageNets - a tool which can be used to teach students the basics of computer vision (Uwe Lange)[before 12/01/2022]
- NeatVision 2.0 - An Image Analysis Educational Resource Interactive JAVA-based image processing. There is also a developers guide. (Paul Whelan, whelanp@eeng.dcu.ie)[before 12/01/2022]
- Poplog interactive programming environment and vision teaching materials with distribution here.[before 12/01/2022]
- System Design and Control (Henrik Christensen, Thierry Vieville and ECVNet)[before 12/01/2022]
- THEANO - "a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently" (THEANO development team)[before 12/01/2022]
- 3D Facial Landmarking Software Windows free 3D facial landmarking software (Sukno, Waddington, Whelan)[before 12/01/2022]
- Face detection Software (Robert W. Frischholz)[before 12/01/2022]
- FaceDancer - Pose- and Occlusion-Aware High Fidelity Face Swapping (Eren Aksoy) [31/10/2022]
- FaceRecLib - a library to run comparable and reproducible face recognition algorithms (Biometrics, Idiap Research Institute)[before 12/01/2022]
- Frontalize - synthesizes frontal views of faces from single unconstrained photos (Tal Hassner et al)[before 12/01/2022]
- RT-GENE: Real-Time Eye Gaze Estimation in Natural Environments - RT-GENE: Real-Time Eye Gaze Estimation in Natural Environments (Fischer, Chang, Demiris, Imperial College London)[before 12/01/2022]
- Surrey Face Model (SFM) - a 3D Morphable Model of faces. See full info here (Patrik Huber)[before 12/01/2022]
- Accelerated-KAZE Features - accelerated version of a novel 2D feature detection and description method that operates completely in a nonlinear scale space (respects natural boundaries of objects and does not smooth details and noise equally)[before 12/01/2022]
- CUDA SURF - NVidia CUDA platform implementation of SURF[before 12/01/2022]
- DSEC-FLOW: an Optical Flow Benchmark - includes high-quality labels for event-based optical flow methods recorded on over 10Km trajectories with a car, plus automatic code evaluation and leader board. (Gehrig, Millhäusler, Gehrig, Scaramuzza) [31/10/2022]
- ESIM: event-camera simulator - C++, can simulate arbitrary camera motion in 3D scenes, while providing events, standard images, inertial measurements, with full ground truth information including camera pose, velocity, as well as depth and optical flow maps (Henri Rebecq, Daniel Gehrig, Davide Scaramuzza)[before 12/01/2022]
- FAST corner detector for event cameras - a method to reduce an event stream to a corner event stream (E. Mueggler, C. Bartolozzi, D. Scaramuzza)[before 12/01/2022]
- Feature Selection Toolbox 3 - C++ open source library specialized particularly in the problem of feature selection[before 12/01/2022]
- Homest: A C/C++ Library for Robust, Non-linear Homography Estimation - homest is a C/C++ implementation of an algorithm for non-linear, robust homography estimation from matched image point features that is distributed under the GPL. It supports different cost functions for the non-linear minimization and includes robust regression techniques for coping with outlbbc radio 6iers.[before 12/01/2022]
- Outliner - an edge detection utility and AnalyticBMPApproximation for segmentation raster images around interest points. (Wladik Derevianko)[before 12/01/2022]
- Recycling Video Datasets for Event Cameras - software to convert regular videos to event camera videos (Gehrig, Gehrig, Hidalgo Carrio, Scaramuzza)[before 12/01/2022]
- SFOP - scale invariant feature operator (Wolfgang Forstner)[before 12/01/2022]
- Spatio-Chromatic Opponent Features code Matlab code, editable with no hidden binaries. (Ioannis Alexiou)[before 12/01/2022]
- VLFeat open source library - implements popular computer vision algorithms including HOG, SIFT, MSER, k-means, hierarchical k-means, agglomerative information bottleneck, SLIC superpixels, and quick shift. It is written in C for efficiency and compatibility, with interfaces in MATLAB for ease of use.[before 12/01/2022]
- XVision/XVision2 - application independent set of tools for visual feature tracking (Darius Burschka)[before 12/01/2022]
- CImg (cool image) C++ image manipulation library (David Tschumperle)[before 12/01/2022]
- CYTOMINE - An open-source rich internet application for collaborative analysis of multi-gigapixel images (Montefiore Institute)[before 12/01/2022]
- GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program- free software for image manipulation[before 12/01/2022]
- GraPeS - Image-based Procedural Modeling Using Shape Grammars, parsing facade images using shape grammars[before 12/01/2022]
- FPimage: Commercial Image Processing Software for the PC[before 12/01/2022]
- HIPS Image Processing Software For the Unix/`C' Environment[before 12/01/2022]
- ImageJ - public domain Java image processing program[before 12/01/2022]
- ImageMagick: tools and libraries to read, write, and manipulate images[before 12/01/2022]
- Image Processing with XBit - (Chengye Mao)[before 12/01/2022]
- Bob Vn 2 biometrics, signal-processing and machine learning toolbox (Marcel Sebastien)[before 12/01/2022]
- Ceemple - rapid C++ based scientific computing with MATLAB and Python, OpenCV and other libraries.[before 12/01/2022]
- CImg (cool image) C++ image processing library (David Tschumperle)[before 12/01/2022]
- Commercial Image Processing developer toolkits (Lead Technologies)[before 12/01/2022]
- CVIPtools - Windows, FreeBSD, Linux and Solaris, Irix based software package for the exploration of computer vision and image processing[before 12/01/2022]
- Epipolar Geometry Toolbox - A matlab based set of functions for multiple view computer vision problems. See Technical Report (Gian Luca Mariottini, Domenico Prattichizzo)[before 12/01/2022]
- Fourier - Platform-independent image processing and analysis software written in ANSI C[before 12/01/2022]
- FreeImage - Image library for Windows[before 12/01/2022]
- GAC++: A Toolbox for PDE-Based Image Processing (George Papandreou)[before 12/01/2022]
- Gandalf: computer vision and numerical algorithm library[before 12/01/2022]
- IReSISD: Object modelling from sparse tomographic data (Adeline Paiement, Majid Mirmehdi)[before 12/01/2022]
- Khoros - a brief overview (Adrian Clark)[before 12/01/2022]
- LTI-Lib Computer Vision Library in C++ - open source library with many standard and advanced computer vision methods[before 12/01/2022]
- MATLAB and Octave Functions for Computer Vision and Image Processing - hundreds of Matlab/Octave functions for a variety of computer vision and image processing tasks (Peter Kovesi)[before 12/01/2022]
- Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRT) - small library of C++ classes (Russell Freeman)[before 12/01/2022]
- Morphology Toolbox for MATLAB (Roberto Lotufo, lotufo@dca.fee.unicamp.br)[before 12/01/2022]
- NVL++ - C++ thread-safe wrapper for OpenCV[before 12/01/2022]
- Occlusion-region detection (Ahmad Humayun, Oisin Mac Aodha, Gabriel J. Brostow)[before 12/01/2022]
- openCV - A non-profit foundation supported comprehensive open and free for all uses (BSD license) computer vision library in C++ but with full Python and Java interface fully supporting Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS. Developer site here[before 12/01/2022]
- OpenMorpho - A C++ image processing library dedicated to Mathematical Morphology[before 12/01/2022]
- openMVG: open Multiple View Geometry (Pierre Moulon) (or see GitHub's OpenMVG[before 12/01/2022]
- OpenTVF - a C++ library/framework for Tensor Voting[before 12/01/2022]
- OpenVL - a high-level interface to image segmentation (Gregor Miller)[before 12/01/2022]
- PNG image library[before 12/01/2022]
- Popular Software packages for vision and image processing(Adrian Clark)[before 12/01/2022]
- pureImage - an open-source cross-language plugin framework, focused on the reuse of freely available image processing libraries[before 12/01/2022]
- QCV - Qt-based computer vision framework library that provides an interface to display, analyze and run computer vision algorithms.[before 12/01/2022]
- QVision - fast computer vision prototyping and programming, object oriented C++ environment, interoperates with libraries like OpenCV, CGAL[before 12/01/2022]
- SBA - a generic sparse bundle adjustment c/c++ package based on the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and LEVMAR - the Levenberg-Marquardt non-linear least squares algorithms in C/C++[before 12/01/2022]
- SaliencyToolbox 2.0 for Matlab - "a collection of Matlab functions and scripts for computing the saliency map for an image, for determining the extent of a proto-object, and for serially scanning the image with the focus of attention".[before 12/01/2022]
- Scyllarus hyperspectral imaging software package and dataset - MATLAB toolbox, C++ API (Cong Phuoc Huynh)[before 12/01/2022]
- A Structure and Motion Toolkit in Matlab (Phil Torr)[before 12/01/2022]
- TIFF image library[before 12/01/2022]
- TINA - an open source environment to accelerate the process of image analysis research.[before 12/01/2022]
- Walrus Vision Toolbox 1.1 - digital image processing plugin environment[before 12/01/2022]
- ViSP-3.1.0: open-source object-oriented library for fast development of visual tracking and servoing applications (Fabien Spindler)[before 12/01/2022]
- Univ of Maryland - code for stereo, optical flow, egomotion estimation and fundamental matrix estimation.[before 12/01/2022]
- VXL - C++ Libraries for Computer Vision Research and Implementation, based on TargetJr and the Image Understanding Environment (IUE) to make it lighter, faster and more consistent.[before 12/01/2022]
- VIGRA - Generic C++ Programming for Computer Vision[before 12/01/2022]
- Yayi:an open-source mathematical morphology and image processing "generic" framework, written in C++ with a Python interface (under the permissive Boost licence).[before 12/01/2022]
- CUDA code for Fast GPU Fitting of Kinetic Models for Dynamic PET images (Ghassan Hamarneh)[before 12/01/2022]
- Gestoos robust hand tracking and fast gesture recognition using depth cameras - for Asus family, Primesense, Structure sensor, Orbbec3d and Kinect 1 (Gestoos Team)[before 12/01/2022]
- Kinect 3D hand tracking and library for FORTH 3D Hand Tracking software (Iason Oikonomidis, Nikolaos Kyriazis, Antonis Argyros)[before 12/01/2022]
- Kinect Calibration Toolbox v2.0 - simultaneously calibrates the Kinect color camera, the Kinect depth camera, an (optional) external high resolution color camera, and the relative pose between them (Daniel Herrera[before 12/01/2022]
- KinectCapture v.1.0.1 - tool for recording, exporting, visualizing, and analyzing Microsoft Kinect sensor data (Steven Cadavid)[before 12/01/2022]
- Gaussian or mean curvature regularization optimizer - used in denoising, debluring, segmentation, dehazing, enhancement, etc. (Yuanhao Gong)[before 12/01/2022]
- FastPD - a FastPD MRF Optimization Library: minimizing the energy of a discrete Markov Random Field[before 12/01/2022]
- FFTW - free C subroutine library for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions[before 12/01/2022]
- infer.net - a framework for running Bayesian inference in graphical models.[before 12/01/2022]
- libmorpho - C library for basic mathematical morphology operators (Marc Van Droogenbroeck)[before 12/01/2022]
- Atlas-based Lung Boundary Detection - x-ray based (Candemir et al)[before 12/01/2022]
- Anima - a set of libraries and multi-platform software for medical image analysis (Inria Visages research team)[before 12/01/2022]
- Automatic Brain Structures Segmentation (ABSS) (Mostafa Jabaroti Moghaddam)[before 12/01/2022]
- BBLimage: tools for processing volume images, especially medical images[before 12/01/2022]
- Bilateral Filtering of DTMRI in Matlab (Ghassan Hamarneh)[before 12/01/2022]
- Bio-medical Imaging in Java (Michael Abramoff)[before 12/01/2022]
- CMTK - Computational Morphometry Toolkit: A software toolkit for computational morphometry of biomedical images.[before 12/01/2022]
- DeepMedic - Deep Learning for Medical Image Segmentation (brain lesion segmentation) (Konstantinos Kamnitsas, Ben Glocker)[before 12/01/2022]
- DLTK - Deep Learning Tool Kit (DLTK) for Medical Imaging v0.2 with Model Zoo - in python, on top of TensorFlow, to enable fast prototyping, including a medical model zoo, full application examples, several network implementations, and interfacing with medical imaging formats (Martin Rajchl, Nick Pawlowski, Ira Ktena and Matthew Lee)[before 12/01/2022]
- DT-Frenet - Frenet-Frame diffusion tensor image segmentation tool (Brian G. Booth, Ghassan Hamarneh)[before 12/01/2022]
- dMRI - diffusion MRI (dMRI) graph-embedding toolbox (Brian G. Booth, Ghassan Hamarneh)[before 12/01/2022]
- DT-ICE - diffusion tensor information content estimation (Brian G. Booth, Ghassan Hamarneh)[before 12/01/2022]
- GeoS - free tool for semi-automatic segmentation of 3D medical scans (Antonio Criminisi, Microsoft)[before 12/01/2022]
- ITK-SNAP: a software application used to segment structures in 3D medical images[before 12/01/2022]
- Live-Vessel - interactive, Live-Wire-like segmentation tool for tubular structures (e.g. vessels)[before 12/01/2022]
- medInria 2.2 - a multi-platform medical image processing and visualization software (medInria development team)[before 12/01/2022]
- MiaLite - free interactive segmentation of various organs or lesions from 2D/3D medical datasets (Chunliang Wang)[before 12/01/2022]
- Microsoft Random Decision Forest (Antonio Criminisi, Jamie Shotton)[before 12/01/2022]
- PET Image Segmentation (National Institutes of Health)[before 12/01/2022]
- PyASTRAToolbox 1.0: High performance 2D/3D tomography for Python (Daniel Pelt)[before 12/01/2022]
- SIRF: Synergistic Image Reconstruction Framework - MATLAB and Python framework for synergistic PET/MR reconstruction (Ovtchinnikov, Pasca, Thielemans)[before 12/01/2022]
- Stain Normalization toolbox for histopathology image analysis (BIA Lab (Warwick) and Derek Magee (Leeds))[before 12/01/2022]
- TongueTrack - software specialized for tracking mid-sagittal tongue motions in 2D+time ultrasound data (Ying Wai Tang)[before 12/01/2022]
- TurtleSeg interactive 3D image segmentation software (Ghassan Hamarneh)[before 12/01/2022]
- Vessel Scale-Selection using MRF Optimization (Hengameh Mirzaalian, Ghassan Hamarneh)[before 12/01/2022]
- View3D: MATLAB viewer for 3D scalar, vector, and tensor-valued (medical) images (Hossein Badakhshannoory, Brian Booth, Ghassan Hamarneh)[before 12/01/2022]
- WalkTract - multi-region tractography software (Brian G. Booth, Ghassan Hamarneh)[before 12/01/2022]
- EDS - Event-aided Direct Sparse Odometry combining events and frames via direct methods (Davide Scaramuzza et al) [13/05/2022]
- E-RAFT - Dense Optical Flow for Event Cameras (Gehrig, Millhäusler, Gehrig, Scaramuzza). [19/10/2022]
- Human motion capture / articulated tracking (Soren Hauberg and Kim S. Pedersen)[before 12/01/2022]
- Kimera - a real-time software for metric-semantic Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). C++, is ROS-compatible, and runs on CPU. It only uses a camera and an IMU. (Antoni Rosinol, Marcus Abate, Yun Chang, Luca Carlone)[before 12/01/2022]
- Monocular pose estimation in ROS for estimating the relative pose of two robots using infrared LEDs. (Davide Scaramuzza)[before 12/01/2022]
- Online quality assessment of human movements from skeleton data (Adeline Paiement)[before 12/01/2022]
- OpenSfM - a BSD licensed Structure from Motion library written in Python on top of OpenCV (Jan Erik Solem)[before 12/01/2022]
- Optical Flow, Robust Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Human motion tracking software (Michael Black)[before 12/01/2022]
- PAMPC - Perception-Aware Model Predictive Control - tracks a trajectory and while keeping a point-of-interest in the field of view of the camera (Falanga, Foehn, Lu, Scaramuzza)[before 12/01/2022]
- SVO 2.0: Semi-direct Monocular Visual Odometry - operates directly on pixel intensities, which results in subpixel precision at high frame-rates (Christian Forster, Matia Pizzoli, Davide Scaramuzza)[before 12/01/2022]
- SVO Pro - Semi-direct Visual-Inertial Odometry and SLAM for Monocular, Stereo, and Wide Angle Cameras (Zhang, Cioffi, Forster, Pizzoli, Werlberger, Gassner, Scaramuzza) [14/12/2021][before 12/01/2022]
- UltimateSLAM - combines events, frames, and IMU to achieve robust visual SLAM in high speed and high dynamic range scenarios (Rosinol Vidal, Rebecq, Horstschaefer, Scaramuzza). [19/10/2022]
- VTS - Tracking by Sampling Trackers (Junseok Kwon, Kyoung Mu Lee)[before 12/01/2022]
- XCTIO - Data-Efficient Collaborative Decentralized Thermal-Inertial Odometry, collaborative odometry in the dark for a team of flying robots (Polizzi, Hewitt, Hidalgo-Carrio, Delaune, Scaramuzza). [19/10/2022]
- XVision/XVision2 - application independent set of tools for visual feature tracking (Darius Burschka)[before 12/01/2022]
- DeepLab v2 - for Semantic Image Segmentation (Chen, Papandreou, Kokkinos, Murphy)[before 12/01/2022]
- DeformIt 2.0: Simulate novel images with ground truth segmentations from a single image-segmentation pair. Version 2.0 now supports scalar, vector, and tensor-valued images. (Brian Booth and Ghassan Hamarneh)[before 12/01/2022]
- DSEC Semantic Dataset - large-scale event-based dataset with fine-grained labels (Sun, Messikommer, Gehrig, Scaramuzza) [31/10/2022]
- ESS Event-based Semantic Segmentation from Still Images (Sun, Messikommer, Gehrig, Scaramuzza). [19/10/2022]
- Fast Random Walker with priors for image segmentation (Shawn Andrews, Ahmed Saad, Ghassan Hamarneh)[before 12/01/2022]
- Live-Vessel - interactive, Live-Wire-like segmentation tool for tubular structures (e.g. vessels)[before 12/01/2022]
- Lund Curvature Code for curvature based image inpainting and segmentation[before 12/01/2022]
- Max flow 2-D and 3-D foreground-background image segmentation (Jing, Bae, Tai, Boykov)[before 12/01/2022]
- Max flow 2-D and 3-D multi-region image segmentation (Jing, Bae, Tai, Boykov)[before 12/01/2022]
- OpenVL - a high-level interface to image segmentation (Gregor Miller)[before 12/01/2022]
- RPG Trajectory Evaluator - Trajectory alignment methods for different sensing modalities (monocular, stereo and visual-inertial) plus commonly used error metrics: Absolute Trajectory Error and Relative (Odometry) Error (Z. Zhang, D. Scaramuzza)[before 12/01/2022]
- TurtleSeg interactive 3D image segmentation software[before 12/01/2022]
- BagOfKeyPoses - algorithm for multiclass classification of data with sequential or temporal relation (A. A. Chaaraoui, P. Climent-Pérez, F. Flórez-Revuelta)[before 12/01/2022]
- Classemes extraction - compact/fast object categorization software.[before 12/01/2022]
- Color SIFT - color-based SIFT descriptor at keypoints (Jan-Mark Geusebroek)[before 12/01/2022]
- Contour Detection by CORF operator (G. Azzopardi, N. Petkov)[before 12/01/2022]
- Crowd Detection from Remotely Sensed Images by using FAST Keypoints (Beril Sirmacek)[before 12/01/2022]
- Drop - software for deformable image registration using discrete optimization.[before 12/01/2022]
- ESIM: Event camera simulator - also a recurrent neural network that we train only in simulation (using ESIM) to reconstruct high quality intensity images and show that it transfers to real event cameras (Inivation, Prophesee, Samsung DVS) without any fine tuning. (Davide Scaramuzza>[before 12/01/2022]
- Event-based Cameras - ROS driver and tools for intrinsic and stereo calibration (Davide Scaramuzza>[before 12/01/2022]
- Event-based Structure Light - code and datasets (Muglikar, Gallego, Scaramuzza) [14/12/2021][before 12/01/2022]
- GIPUMA/FUSIBILE multi-view stereo toolkit, also on github: GIPUMA and FUSIBILE. (Silvano Galliani, Katrin Lasinger, Konrad Schindler)[before 12/01/2022]
- Homest: A C/C++ Library for Robust, Non-linear Homography Estimation - homest is a C/C++ implementation of an algorithm for non-linear, robust homography estimation from matched image point features that is distributed under the GPL. It supports different cost functions for the non-linear minimization and includes robust regression techniques for coping with outlbbc radio 6iers.[before 12/01/2022]
- Image Watch - C++/OpenCV Image Debug Visualizer (Wolf Kienzle)[before 12/01/2022]
- Imalab - free extensible interactive image analysis environment[before 12/01/2022]
- IUE: Image Understanding Environment - a brief overview (Adrian Clark)[before 12/01/2022]
- Multiple-view error diffusion via dual quaternions (Emanuele Rodola)[before 12/01/2022]
- OpenDR - An open Deep Robotics toolkit: methods for human pose estimation, face detection, recognition, facial expression recognition, semantic and panoptic segmentation, video and skeleton-based action recognition, image, multimodal and point cloud-based object detection, 2D and 3D object tracking, speech command recognition, heart anomaly detection, navigation for wheeled robots, and grasping. (EC Horizon 2020 project OpenDR) [12/01/2022]
- Real-Time Detection of Texture-minimal Objects (Dima Damen)[before 12/01/2022]
- Trainable COSFIRE filters for Keypoint Detection and Pattern Recognition (G. Azzopardi, N. Petkov). See also MATLAB v1.3 for curvilinear structure delineation (N. Strisciuglio)[before 12/01/2022]
- Action Bank v1.0 - high-level representation of activity in video (Jason Corso)[before 12/01/2022]
- CamCap: Nottingham Windows-based video image processing environment[before 12/01/2022]
- ClipMine - combines automated video indexing with crowd-sourced tagging (Saad Ali)[before 12/01/2022]
- Efficient Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Optimal Human Pose Estimation (Min Sun, Silvio Savarese)[before 12/01/2022]
- Estimating the Aspect Layout of Object Categories (Yu Xiang, Silvio Savarese)[before 12/01/2022]
- LIBSVX: A Supervoxel Library and Benchmark for Video Processing (Chenliang Xu, Jason Corso)[before 12/01/2022]
- Microsoft Random Decision Forest (Antonio Criminisi, Jamie Shotton)[before 12/01/2022]
- Shot Detection, Video OCR (text detection and text tracking), Face detection Windows source code (Rainer Lienhart)[before 12/01/2022]
- VideoOCX - a commercial ActiveX control that allows integration of video capture and image processing capabilities into software applications. [before 12/01/2022]
- Estimating the Aspect Layout of Object Categories (Yu Xiang, Silvio Savarese)[before 12/01/2022]
- Efficient Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Optimal Human Pose Estimation (Min Sun, Silvio Savarese)[before 12/01/2022]
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