Korin Richmond

Centre for Speech Technology Research

Research supervision

I've enjoyed working with many, many people over the course of my career so far, conducting research on a wide range of topics. The people below here are some of those with whom I've worked in a research supervision/mentoring role.

PhD Research

PhD Topic Graduation
Jinzuomu Zhong Accent and style control for text-to-speech synthesis (2028)
Nicholas Sanders Personification and Controllable TTS (2025)
Siqi Sun TTS Frontend modelling (2025)
Dan Wells Low-resource text-to-speech synthesis using self-supervised speech representations (2025)
Emelie Van de Vreken Evaluating Emotive Synthetic Speech (2025)
Jason Taylor Pronunciation modelling in end-to-end text-to-speech synthesis 2022
Qiong Hu Statistical parametric speech synthesis based on sinusoidal models 2016
João Cabral HMM-based speech synthesis using an acoustic glottal source model 2010

Research Staff

Researcher Project
Cassia Valentini Botinhao SGILE (NRC funded "Speech generation for Indigenous language education")
Lorena Aldana SGILE (NRC funded "Speech generation for Indigenous language education")
Niamh Corkey SGILE (NRC funded "Speech generation for Indigenous language education")
Cassia Valentini Botinhao Ultrax2020 (EPSRC Healthcare Partnerships Programme grant EP/P02338X/1)
Sam Ribeiro Ultrax2020 (EPSRC Healthcare Partnerships Programme grants EP/I027696/1 and EP/P02338X/1)
Aciel Eskey Ultrax2020 (EPSRC Healthcare Partnerships Programme grants EP/I027696/1 and EP/P02338X/1)

Research Visitors

I've hosted a number of research visits, usually of 6 months to 1 year duration, and working with researchers from PhDs to Professors. Here's a selection of them, with links to some of the published research outcomes from our collaboration. I'm always open to further collaboration, so if you'd like to propose a research visit project, please do get in touch!

Miku Nishihara Low-dimensional Style Token Control for Hyperarticulated Speech Synthesis
Jing-Xuan Zhang Voice Reconstruction from Tongue and Lip Articulation with Transfer Learning from Text-to-Speech Synthesis
Kouichi Katurada Speaker-Independent Mel-Cepstrum Estimation from Articulator Movements Using D-Vector Input
Jeff Lai Attentive Filtering Networks for Audio Replay Attack Detection
Maria Astrinaki Mage - HMM-based speech synthesis reactively controlled by the articulators
Ming Lei Formant-controlled HMM-based speech synthesis
Ingmar Steiner Towards unsupervised articulatory resynthesis of German utterances using EMA data
Zhenhua Ling Articulatory control of HMM-based parametric speech synthesis driven by phonetic knowledge
Chao Qin Predicting tongue shapes from a few landmark locations
Blaise Potard Data-driven inversion mapping

MSc Research

I enjoy supervising a number of MSc projects each year, including the following in more recent years. (Most project topics proposed by me; overall average grade = 72%, which is a distinction, with 28 distinctions to date!)

Ben Hunt The Best Bang for your Bucca: Making Best Use of Electromagnetic Articulography Data for Acoustic to Articulatory Inversion
Jinzuomu Zhong AccentBox: High-Fidelity Zero-Shot Accent Generation
You-Xuan Lin Articulation Encoding in the Self-Supervised Speech Model and Effects on Acoustic-to-Articulatory Inversion
Zulong Chen Leveraging Speech-to-Text Models in Silent Speech Recognition
Mingli Zhou Acoustic-to-Articulatory Inversion Mapping of Depressive Speech
Spencer Jensen ContinuousAccent: An L2 Speech Dataset For Foreign Accent Intensity
Noe Berger Low-Resource Accent TTS Support via Large Multi-Accent Neural Frontend Pronunciation Knowledge Transfer
Eilish Newmark Improving Homograph Disambiguation in Whole-Sentence Neural TTS Frontend Modelling
Talia Apter Mer Yidish! Extending a Text-to-Speech System for Yiddish
Lian-Hui Tan Articulatory-to-Acoustic Inversion Mapping using Single Speaker Bilingual Data
Chloe Austin Disentangling Speaker Accent and Identity in TTS - Investigating the Roles of Speaker and Accent Embeddings
Jacob Rosen Acoustic-to-Articulatory Inversion with Extracted Tongue Contour Features from Ultrasound Tongue Imaging
Rachel Beeson Multi-speaker Speech Recognition using Articulator Pose Estimation on Silent versus Voiced Speech
Jemima Goodall Automatic Hypernasality Severity Classification using a Combined CNN-LSTM Network
Jannis Spiekermann Uncertainty in Natural Language Processing: Bayesian Neural Networks for Deep Sequence Tagging
Brent Ho Pedagogical Charts, Personalized Audio, and Visual Feedback in Lexical Tone Learning
Adam Drazsky An Alternative Method for Deriving Phoneme Durations for Voice Puppetry
Aidan Pine Low Resource Speech Synthesis
Stephen Walters Utilising Native Language Information for Improved Foreign Accent Classification
Samuel Lo The First Text-to-Speech System for Yiddish
Ronghua Chen Speech-driven Smile Detection Using Neural Networks
Elisa Gambicchia I-Vector Extraction and Visualisation Analysis for Multi-Accent Speech Recognition
Dan Lyth Modeling vocal effort in speech synthesis with variational autoencoders
Daniel Jordan Linguistically-augmented approaches to G2P conversion
Caela Northey Neural approaches to morphological decomposition for pronunciation learning
Noel Kleber Beyond Speaker Independent Articulatory Inversion, using a Locally Linear Embedding to Predict Speaker-Indepedent Vocal Tract Shapes.
Danil Khristov
John Stockdale Combining Multiple Data Sources for Articulatory Inversion-Mapping Using Neural Networks
Alexandra Antonides Ultrasound-based Audio-Visual Speech Recognition for Children with Speech Disorders
Yu Bai Feature Extraction Based on MFCCs and DCT Cepstral Coefficients for Replay Attack Detection
Shannon Wotherspoon Human vs. Machine Detection of Replay Spoofing Attacks
Mark Leisten Quantitative Target Approximation Modelling of Fundamental Frequency in Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis
Harriet Collier Investigating the Success of an Articulatory Join Cost for Unit Selection Synthesis
Maiia Bikmetova Grapheme-to-Metaphoneme Conversion for Unisyn and Combilex Baseform Transcriptions
Zeb Taylor Using Spectral Discontinuity Features to Detect Unit-Selection-generated Spoofing Attacks
Yue Liu Speaker Verification Countermeasures against Synthetic Speech Spoofing and their Vulnerability to Re-vocoded Speech
Maria Naka Replay Spoofing Attacks and Countermeasures
Ruiduan Li Examining the Effects of Vocoder and Statistical Model Type on Spoofing Countermeasure Performance
Alessandro Di Martino Spotting Anomalies in Carbon Fibre Composites using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Phoebe Parsons Acoustic-to-Articulatory Inversion Using the DoubleTalk Corpus
Ricardo Cortez Deep Neural Networks for Factored Speech Synthesis Modelling
Terence Simms Investigating Non-Uniqueness in the Acoustic-Articulatory Inversion Mapping
Simon Hammond Using Keyword Metaphones in HMM-based Speech Synthesis
Matthieu Chassot Magnetic Field Optimization from Limited Data
Alexis Grant Dae ye ken me?: Speech Synthesis in the Gorbals Region of Glasgow
Gregor Hofer Emotional Speech Synthesis
Emina Kurtić Polyglot voice design for unit selection speech synthesis
Steinthor Steingrimsson Bilingual Voice for Unit Selection Speech Synthesis
Yoko Saikachi Building a Unit-selection Voice for Festival