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Energy Based Approach


With the energy based approach one minimizes the energy of the deformable mesh. The energy function is defined for every mesh in the set of admissible meshes and the resulting surface mesh is the minimum argument of this function. The energy is
where tex2html_wrap_inline416. The purpose of the internal energy tex2html_wrap_inline418 is to control the shape of mesh in order to the resulting surface mesh to be smooth. The external energy tex2html_wrap_inline420 couples the mesh with salient image features. The internal energy of tex2html_wrap_inline372 is defined as
where tex2html_wrap_inline424 is a measure of area of tex2html_wrap_inline364. Note that the internal energy is invariant to scalings, translations and rotations of the mesh. A comparison of (3) and (6) reveals that (3) is the negative of the gradient of the numerator of tex2html_wrap_inline428 for each i. However, similar result does not hold if we consider the numerator of the internal energy of tex2html_wrap_inline364 as whole because also tex2html_wrap_inline434, depend on tex2html_wrap_inline372.

The external energy can be defined as
where I is again the pre-processed version of the original image with intensity values scaled from 0 to 1.

The minimization of (5) is a difficult task due to numerous local minima and a large number of variables. Furthermore, the minimization has to be constrained; Otherwise a global minimum of (5) is easily obtained by finding the voxel of the highest intensity in I and forming a mesh inside that voxel (and this is not what we want).

Methods for the minimization of the energy of the deformable surface meshes are various. Many of these are based on the iteration of some local optimization algorithm. These include multi-resolution methods (two quite different algorithms based on this idea are presented in [6] and in [11]) and methods that try to force minimization process stuck in a local energy minimum out of the minimum; two variants are presented in [17] and [14] (see also [10]). Somewhat different optimization routine based on genetic algorithms is presented in [12]. Its usability is limited by its high computational cost, but it offers a great generality when designing the energy function of the meshes.

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Bob Fisher
Wed Jul 24 10:32:16 BST 2002