TrackYourSpot - Easy Skin Lesion Tracking

Skin cancer is a growing medical concern with rates of incidence increasing. Fortunately, skin cancer is also easily treated if caught early. One key to early detection is knowing when one of your skin spots changes appearance. But, most people find it hard to remember what a spot looked like a few months ago.

What We Do

This app helps users to keep track of potentially dangerous skin spots. One of the key indicators of possible skin cancer is a change in appearance of a mole or spot. People are not good at remembering what a spot looked like 3 months ago. This app enables easy comparison, which facilitates early intervention.


1) Take photos periodically of different spots and keep track of them using a convenient body-oriented interface.
2) Select and compare side-by-side two images taken at different times of the same spot.
3) Email the two images to a doctor (or other person).

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TrackYourSpot Android
TrackYourSpot iOS

Information Screens

Get a little background advice from the Information Screens.

Add New Spots

Take a picture of a new spot.

Update A Spot's History

Take an updated picture of an old spot.

Compare Two Spots

Compare two pictures of the same spot.

Email The Compared Photos To Someone

Email the compared photos to someone like your doctor.


  1. There are many different types of skin cancer. You probably have heard of malignant melanoma, which is a highly dangerous cancer and needs immediate treatment. Some cancers are slow growing and may not need treatment.
  2. There are many normal reasons why a spot might change appearance and a change does not mean cancer. Similarly, an existing spot could become cancerous without much change to its appearance.
  3. You should see your doctor if there is anything about a spot that worries you.
  4. Sun exposure is a major factor in skin cancer. Always use appropriate skin protection.
  5. The developers assume no liability for the use of the app nor any decisions that people make based on the use of the app.