Visual observation and analysis of animal and insect behavior 2012

A one day workshop to be held in conjunction with the

21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012)
Tsukuba, Japan
November 11, 2012

and sponsored by the EU Fish4Knowledge project: Supporting humans in knowledge gathering and question answering w.r.t. marine and environmental monitoring through analysis of multiple video streams

There has been an enormous amount of research on analysis of video data of humans, but relatively little on visual analysis of other organisms. The goal of this workshop is to stimulate and bring together the current research in this area, and provide a forum for researchers to share expertise. As we want to make this more of a discussion workshop, we encourage work-in-progress presentations. Reviewing will be lightweight and only abstracts will be circulated to attendees.

The issues that the research will address include:

These problems can be applied to a variety of species at different sizes, such as fruit and house flies, crickets, cockroaches and other insects, farmed and wild fish, mice and rats, commercial farm animals such as poultry, cows and horses, and wildlife monitoring, etc. One aspect that they all have in common is video data.

Registration Information

On-line registration of workshops will be available via the ICPR 2012 web page. It is not necessary to register for the full conference to attend the workshop.

Papers Presented

Tsukuba International Congress Center, Room 405B

8:30 Welcome and administrative details

Identifying All Individuals in a Honeybee Hive - Progress Towards Mapping All Social Interactions
C. L. Luengo Hendriks, ZQ. Yu, A. Lecocq, T. Bakker, B. Locke, O. Terenius
Bumblebees Detection and Tracking
B. D. Miranda, J. Salas, P. Vera
Counting the Bumblebees Entering and Leaving a Beehive
J. Salas, P. Vera
Local Appearance Feature Based Classification of the Theraphosidae Family
Á. Utasi
3D Tracking of Building Processes in Macrotermes
K. Petersen, N. Napp, J. Chin-Lee, J. Werfel, R. Nagpal
Flying Animals 1
Vision System for Wing Beat Analysis of Bats in the Wild
M. Breslav, N. W. Fuller, M. Betke
Break: 10:40-11:00
Flying Animals 2
Analysing the hovering flight of the hummingbird using statistics of the optical flow field
F. Martinez, A. Manzanera, E. Romero
Error Analysis and Design Considerations for Stereo Vision Systems Used to Analyze Animal Behavior
G. Towne, D. H. Theriault, Z. Wu, N. Fuller, T. H. Kunz, M. Betke
Ground Animals 1
Multiple Animal Species Detection Using Robust Principal Component Analysis and Large Displacement Optical Flow
P. Khorrami, JP. Wang, T. Huang
Rat behavior: human versus automatically generated annotation
E. A. van Dam, L. P. J. J. Noldus
Lunch 12:20 - 14:00

Ground Animals 2
HMM Based Behavior Recognition of Laboratory Animals
S. Sandikci, P. Duygulu, A. B. Ozguler
Automated tracking of motor behavior as a means to assess severity of symptoms in the 6-OHDA marmoset model of Parkinsons disease
T. Palmér, M. Santana, R. Fuentes, P. Petersson
Learning animal social behavior from trajectory features
E. Eyjolfsdottir, X. P. Burgos-Artizzu, S. Branson, K. Branson, D. J. Anderson, P. Perona
Fish and other Marine Animals 1
Three-dimensional behavior measurements of small aquatic lives using a single camera
K. Kawasue, S. Nagatomo, Y. Oya
Using non-local background modeling to quantify the schooling behaviour of sticklebacks
R. Ardekani, A. K. Greenwood, C. L. Peichel, S. Tavaré
Break 15:40 - 16:00

Fish and other Marine Animals 2
Using Sparse Representation for Fish Recognition and Verification in Real World Observation
Y.-H. Shiau, F.-P. Lin, C.-C. Chen
Long-term underwater camera surveillance for monitoring and analysis of fish populations
B. J. Boom, P. X. Huang, C. Beyan, C. Spampinato, S. Palazzo, J. He, E. Beauxis-Aussalet, S.-I. Lin, H.-M. Chou, G. Nadarajan, Y.-H. Chen-Burger, J. van Ossenbruggen, D. Giordano, L. Hardman, F.-P. Lin, R. B. Fisher
Marker-Based Tracking of Subsurface Locomotion in Noisy Environments
M. M. Serrano, S. S. Sharpe, D. I. Goldman, P. A. Vela

Submission Information

Submit a 4 page extended abstract in English, in PDF, by email to by August 1, 2012. The extended abstracts (PDF) should be anonymous. Include in your email the name(s) of the author(s), institutional affiliation, complete mailing address, international phone and fax numbers. The papers presented at the workshop will be published in the workshop notes, for distribution to the participants and linked to this page after the workshop.

There will also be an associated journal special issue titled "AnimalĀ and Insect Behaviour Understanding in Image Sequences" in the EURASIP Journal of Image and Video Processing published by Springer.

Important Dates

Submission DeadlineAugust 1, 2012
Acceptance NotificationSeptember 1, 2012
Revised Abstract DeadlineOctober 1, 2012

Workshop Organisers

R. FisherUniversity of Edinburgh
J. HallamUniversity of South Denmark
B. BoomUniversity of Edinburgh

Program Committee

D. ArmstrongUniversity of Edinburgh
M. BetkeBoston University
A. Branzan Albu University of Victoria
P. DickinsonUniversity of Lincoln
G. FarinellaUniversity of Catania
A. FrenchNottingham University
Y. KitaJapanese Nat. Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
M. MirmehdiUniversity of Bristol
G. Mori Simon Fraser University
E. PauwelsCentrum Wiskunde & Informatica
S. RavelaMassachusetts Inst of Technology
M. RuetherTechnische Universitat Graz
T. SerreBrown University
R. SillitoActual Analytics
C. SpampinatoUniversita' di Catania
Y. Xiao University of West England


Email: Prof. Robert Fisher at rbf -a-t-

School of Informatics, Univ. of Edinburgh
1.26 Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton St
Edinburgh EH8 9AB, UK
Tel: +44-(131)-651-3441 (direct line), +44-(131)-651-3443 (secretary)
Fax: +44-(131)-650-6899

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