Philip Wadler's home page
ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages ,
Chair (2009–2012), Past Chair (2012–2015).
Avaya Labs ,
Basking Ridge, Researcher (2000–2003).
Bell Labs
1127 ,
Lucent Technologies ,
Murray Hill, Researcher (1996–2000).
Glasgow University ,
Professor (1993–1996), Reader (1990–1993), Lecturer (1987–1990).
University of Sydney ,
Guest professor (Jan–Feb 1991).
University of Copenhagen ,
Guest professor (Aug 1989).
Oxford University ,
Postdoc (1983–1987)
Chalmers Tekniska Högskola ,
Göteborg, Visiting Fellow (Sep 1986–Feb 1987).
Carnegie-Mellon University ,
Graduate student (1977–1982)
Stanford University ,
Undergraduate (1973–1977)
For details see my vita
or short biography .
Upcoming events
FLOPS , Akita, Japan, 23—25 April 2020. Program committee.
Chalmers FP , 8 June 2020, invited talk.
ZuriHac , Zurich, 13 June 2020. Keynote. (Virtual.)
HOPL IV , London, 14—16 June 2020. Program committee.
(Postponed to 2021.)
Rigorous Methods for Smart Contracts ,
Dagstuhl, June 2020. Invited attendee.
Monadic Party , Poznan, 18—19 June 2020. Invited speaker.
Logic Mentoring Workshop , Saarbrücken, 6 July 2020.
Invited speaker. (Virtual.)
IOHK Cardano Virtual Summit ,
2—3 July 2020. Invited speaker (three times). (Virtual.)
Logic Mentoring Workshop
Saarbrücken, Germany, 6 July 2020. Invited speaker. (Virtual.)
Scala Symposium , Berlin, July 2020. Member of program committee.
Formal Methods for Blockchains (FMBC) , Los Angeles, July 2020.
Member of program committee.
Haskell Love , 31 July—1 August 2020. Invited speaker.
Verified Software , Newton Institute, Cambridge,
2—22 August 2020. Invited attendee.
Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP) ,
9am BRT (1pm BST) 20 October 2020. Keynote speaker.
Research interests
Concurrency. A recent
shows how to extend the Curry-Howard correspondence to session types.
Simon Gay and
Nobuko Yoshida ,
I am leading the EPSRC programme grant
From Data Types to Session Types: A Basis for Concurrency and Distribution (ABCD)
Agda. With Wen Kokke I coauthored the textbook,
Programming Language Foundations in Agda .
A paper
describing the book appeared in SBMF 2018, and won the prize
for best paper.
Blame. The
blame calculus ,
developed with Robby Findler ,
Jeremy Siek ,
and Amal Ahmed ,
integrates different type systems via casts. Casts may mediate between dynamic
and static types, or between simple and dependent types. The key
result is that when a cast fails, blame must lie on the less precise
side of the cast.
I led the team that developed
a programming language for web application development.
My collaborators include
Ezra Cooper ,
Sam Lindley ,
and Jeremy Yallop .
Our work on
has been included in
Web Sharper ,
and in libraries for
Common Lisp ,
F# ,
JavaScript ,
Haskell ,
Racket , and
Scala .
I represented Avaya on the
W3C XML Query
working group, which designed
a query language for XML .
My work on XQuery was done in close collaboration with
Jerome Simeon
Mary Fernandez ,
who have an implementation of XQuery called Galax .
I ran a workshop on
XML and Data Binding .
I formerly served on the
W3C XSL working group,
and I wrote a simple
formal model
for pattern matching in XSLT.
Gilad Bracha ,
Martin Odersky ,
David Stoutamire ,
I designed
GJ ,
an extension of Java
that incorporates generic types.
Benjamin Pierce and
Atsushi Igarashi ,
I designed
Featherweight Java ,
a small formal model of Java, comparable in simplicity to lambda calculus.
Maurice Naftalin
I wrote
Java Generics and Collections ,
published by O'Rielly.
Functional languages .
I was a principal designer of
Haskell .
With Simon Marlow, I developed a
type tool
Erlang .
I am a founding member of
IFIP WG 2.8 Functional Programming ,
and served as editor-in-chief of the
Journal of Functional Programming .
Logic and programming .
I occasionally write and speak on the
history of logic and programming languages ,
most recently a paper on
Propositions as Types ,
which appeared in CACM and was presented at Strange Loop
(video ).
At The Stand in Edinburgh, I performed a routine on Computability
(video ).
Best paper, SBMF 2018, for
Programming Language Foundations in Agda .
SIGPLAN Distinguished Service Award , 2016.
ACM Fellow , 2007.
Fellow Royal Society of Edinburgh , 2005.
Wolfon-Royal Society Research Merit Award , 2004–2009.
EUSA Teaching Awards , Overall High Performer, runner up, 2009.
Most Influential POPL Paper Award 2003 (for 1993),
Imperative functional programming ,
by Simon Peyton Jones and Philip Wadler.
Recent events
WTSC , Malaysia, 14 February 2020. Program committee.
WGT , New Orleans, 25 January 2020.
PADL , New Orleans, 20—21 January 2020. Panel.
Collège de France , Paris, 12 December 2019. Invited talk.
Loft, Sao Paul, 27 November 2019.
SBMF , Sao Paulo, 27—29 November 2019. Program co-chair.
PURPL , PurPL Fest, Purdue University, 23—24 September 2019.
Keynote speaker.
GPCE , Athens, 21—22 October 2019. Program committee.
FMBC , Porto, 11 October 2019. Program committee.
Bright Club , Edinburgh, 29 October 2019. A Profound Pun.
ICFP Tutorial , Berlin, 23 August 2019.
Full Stack Fest , Barcelona, 3—6 September 2019. Speaker.
RADICAL , Amsterdam, 26 August 2019. Program committee.
Scottish Programming Languages and Verification
Summer School (SPLV) ,
Strathclyde University, Glasgow, 5—9 August 2019. Core course.
Curry On , London, 15—16 July 2019. Invited speaker.
BuzzConf , Buenos Aires, 12—14 June 2019. Keynote speaker.
Lecture series, Padova, 27—31 May 2019. Lecturer.
UNSW/Data62. 20 May. Speaker.
Melbourne University. 16 May. Speaker.
Yow! Lambda Jam , Melbourne, 13—15 May. Keynote
IOHK Summit , Miami, 17—18 April 2019. Speaker.
IOHK School, Addis Ababa, 11—22 March 2019. Lecturer.
POPL (and HOPL IV PC), Lisbon, 12—20 January 2019.
ABCD , London, 17—18 December 2018. PI.
Plutusfest ,
Edinburgh, 11 December 2018. Keynote speaker.
SBMF , Salvador, 28—30 November 2018.
Programming Language Foundation in Agda
(key ,
pdf )
and Panel Speaker
(key ,
pdf ).
Hughes 60, Chalmers, Gothenburg, 17 October 201
(key ,
pdf ).
Strange Loop , St Louis, 27—28 September 2018.
Categories for the Working Hacker
(key ,
pdf ).
ICFP , St Louis, 23—29 September 2018. Member of ERC & attending.
LambdUp , Prague, 13 September 2018. Keynote speaker.
Curry On & ECOOP, 15—21 July 2018. Attending.
Facebook, 20 June 2018.
WG2.8, Asilomar, 10—15 June 2018. Attending.
2nd Workshop on Trusted Smart Contracts (WTSC) ,
1—2 March 2018, Santa Barbara Beach Resort, Curacao.
Programme committee.
Sysmics Workshop ,
Vienna, 26—28 February 2018,
Propositions as Sessions:
pdf ,
Lambda Days ,
Krakow, 22—23 February 2018,
Categories for the Working Hacker,
IOHK School, Barbados, 5—9 February 2018.
University of Lisbon, 23 January 2018,
pdf ,
pdf .
IOHK annual meeting, Lisbon, 15—20 January 2018,
video .
Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) ,
Los Angeles, 8—13 January 2018.
Programme committe &
coauthor of
Refinement Reflection: Complete Verification with SMT .
On sabbatical in Rio de Janeiro, 26 December 2017—11 July 2018.
Google X, 16 November 2017.
Quoted Domain-Specific Languages:
pdf .
QCon San Francisco , 13—15 November 2017.
Presenting Category Theory for the Working Hacker :
key ,
pdf .
Apple Computer, 10 November 2017:
key ,
pdf .
International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP) ,
Oxford, 3—9 September 2017. Coauthor of
Gradual Session Types &
Theorems for Free for Free .
Domain-Specific Language Design and Implementation (DSLDI) ,
Vacouver, Sun 22 October 2017. Programme committee.
Generative Programming: Concepts and Experience (GPCE) ,
Vancouver, October 2017. Programme committee.
Recent Advances in Concurrency and Logic (RADICAL) ,
colocated with QONFEST, Berlin, 4 September 2017. Programme committee.
WG 2.8 meeting , Edinburgh,
Sunday 11--Friday 16 June 2017. Local host.
QCon São Paulo , 24—26 April 2017.
Theorems for Free, Blame for All .
Strachey 100 ,
18—19 November 2016, Oxford. Speaker:
pdf ,
keynote .
Data Science CDT, 20 October 2016
(slides ).
Papers We Love ,
John Reynolds, Definitional Interpreters for Higher-Order Languages,
18 October 2016, Remote Meetup
(slides pdf ,
slides key ,
links to papers ,
video ).
Lambda World ,
1 October 2016, Cadiz. Keynote
(slides ).
Programming Language Mentoring Workshop (PLMW) ,
colocated with
18 September 2016, Nara. Speaker
(slides ).
International Summer School on Metaprogramming ,
8—12 August 2016, Cambridge. Lecturer
(slides ).
Coherence Generalises Duality:
a logical explanation of multiparty session types ,
Marco Carbone, Sam Lindley, Fabrizio Montesi, Carsten Schürmann, Philip Wadler,
Quebec, August 2016.
BETTY Summer School ,
27 June—1 July 2016, Limassol, Cyprus; lecturer
(slides1 ,
slides2 ,
paper1 ,
paper2 ).
22—24 June 2016, Torun; keynote speaker.
Joy of Coding ,
17 June 2016, De Doelen, Rotterdam; keynote speaker
(slides pdf ,
video ).
Papers We Love ,
John Reynolds, Definitional Interpreters for Higher-Order Programming Languages,
7 June 2016, Skills Matter, London
(slides pdf ,
slides key ,
links to papers ,
video ).
Stanford EE380 ,
Palo Alto, 11 May 2016,
Propositions as Types
(slides ).
7—12 May 2016, San Jose,
SIG on Usability of Programming Languages
( ).
Facebook ,
Mountain View, 5 May 2016,
Everything old is new again
(slides ).
IBM Watson, Yorktown, 2 May 2016,
Everything old is new again ,
(slides ).
Paul Hudak Symposium , Yale, 29 April 2016; speaker
(slides pdf ,
slides keynote ).
Everything old is new again ,
25 April 2016, Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden,
(slides ).
11—12 April 2016, Edinburgh
(slides ).
13 April 2016, Edinburgh
(slides ).
Colloquium Polaris ,
25 February 2016, Lille; presenting
Propositions as Types (cancelled).
Lambda Days ,
18—19 February 2016, Krakow; keynote speaker
(slides ).
POPL and
17—23 January 2016, St Petersberg, Florida;
Everything Old is New Again at PEPM.
Propositions as Types , CACM, December 2015.
Code Mesh ,
London, 2—4 November 2015; keynote speaker.
Strange Loop ,
St Louis, 24—26 September 2015; presenting
Propositions as types
(video ),
Everything old is new again
(video ).
ESSLLI , Barcelona, 3—7 Aug 2015,
lecturer, presenting Propositions as Types .
Summer School on DSL Design and Implementation ,
Lausanne, 12—17 July 2015, lecturer, presenting
video .
Curry On , Prague, 6—10 July 2015, invited speaker,
Curry On slides ,
video ,
DSLDI slides .
PLDI , Portland, 15—17 June 2015,
presenting Blame and coercion: Together again for the first time .
Pervasive Parallelism CDT event , Edinburgh, 2—3 June 2015,
keynote speaker.
(local arrangements ), Kefalonia, 24—29 May 2015, member.
SNAPL , Asilomar, 3—6 May 2015,
member of program committee and
presenting A complement to blame .
Computability , The Stand, Edinburgh, 28 April 2015.
POPL , Mumbai, 11—18 January 2015, external review committee.
PlanBig , Dagstuhl, 14—19 December 2014.
The Third International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and
Grid Computing (PDGC) , Himachal Pradesh, 11—13 December 2014, keynote
Imperial College Computing Student Workshop , London, 25—26 September 2014,
keynote speaker, video .
ABCD Meeting , Arran, 9—11 September 2014.
ICFP 2014 , Göteborg, 1—6 September 2014.
Erlang , workshop colocated with ICFP, Göteborg, 5 September 2014, program committee.
BEAT , workshop colocated with CONCUR, Rome, 1 September 2014, program committee.
Advances in Programming Languages ,
Heriot Watt, 19—22 August 2014, lecturer.
Summer School on Trends in Computing (SSTiC) ,
Tarragona, 7–11 July 2014, keynote speaker.
You and Your Research and The Elements of Style
Church's Coincidences/Propositions as Types
A Practical Theory of Language-Integrated Query
Propositions as Sessions
BETTY Summer School ,
Lovran, Croatia, 30 June–4 July 2014, instructor.
Software Contracts for Communication, Monitoring, and Security ,
NII Shonan Meeting, Shonan Village, 26–30 May 2014, co-organizer
(slides of blame tutorial ).
CoCo , Loch Lomond, 8 May 2014
(slides on ABCD ).
ESOP , Grenoble, 7–11 April 2014, program committee.
Functional Programming eXchange , London, 14 March 2014,
invited speaker.
Off the Beaten Track (OBT) , co-located with POPL,
San Diego, 2014, program committee.
Programming Language Mentoring Workshop (PLMW) ,
co-located with POPL, San Diego, 2014, invited speaker,
plmw-sandiego.pdf .
YOW! 2013
Australia Developers Conference, Melbourne 5—6 Dec,
Brisbane 9—10 Dec, Sydney 12—13 Dec 2013,
keynote speaker.
monads-haskell.pdf ,
monads-scala.pdf ,
dsl-long.pdf ,
dsl-short.pdf .
Sydney, 16 Dec 2013, keynote speaker.
ScalaSyd ,
Sydney, 11 December 2013,
atlassian.pdf .
Functional Programming with the Stars ,
Brisbane, 7 Dec 2013, invited speaker.
Programming Languages Workshop , University of Melbourne,
4 Dec 201, invited speaker.
Workshop on Secure Cloud and Reactive Internet Programming
Technology (SCRIPT) Vrije University, Brussels, 12—13
Nov 2013, invited speaker.
FP Days ,
Cambridge, 24 Oct 2013, keynote speaker.
Colin Runciman Celebration ,
York, 23 Oct 2013, keynote speaker.
ICFP 2013 ,
presenting A practical
theory of language-integrated query .
DBPL 2013 ,
Trento, 30 Aug 2013, program committee.
International Summer School on Trends in Computing (SSTC 2013),
Tarragona, 22–26 July 2013,
invited lecturer .
Fourth Annual Scala Workshop ,
Montpellier, 2 July 2013,
keynote speaker .
Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing Science ,
8–12 April 2013, invited lecturer
(Topics in Lambda Calculus and Life ).
Data Driven Functional Programming (DDFP) ,
workshop at POPL ,
22 January 2013, keynote speaker
(The essence of language-integrated query ).
Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW) ,
workshop at POPL ,
22 January 2013, invited lecturer
(You and Your Research and The Elements of Style ).
Tech Mesh , London, 4–6 December 2012,
keynote speaker plus
Faith, Evolution, and Programming Languages .
The essence of language-integrated query ,
draft paper, 1 December 2012.
Propositions as Sessions ,
Copenhagen, 10–12 September 2012.
SICSA Conference , 20–22 June 2012, keynote speaker,
slides .
Summer School on Types and Programming Languages ,
St. Andrews, invited speaker,
Well-typed programs can't be blamed ,
slides .
PLDI , Beijing, 11–13 June 2012,
to chair SIGPLAN EC. Took a Wild Wall Hiking Tour with
Stretch-a-leg .
Turing Centenial Celebration at Princeton ,
10–12 May 2012, invited speaker,
The future of functional programming languages ,
Robin Milner Symposium, 16 April 2012, panel chair.
Faith, Evolution, and Programming Languages
QCon, London, 9 March 2012
(video ).
Philadelphia, 25–27 January 2012, to chair SIGPLAN EC.
Foundations of Scripting Languages , Dagstuhl, 2–6 January 2012.
Course lecturer, Integrating Static and Dynamic Types Systems ,
28–29 October, 2–3 December 2011, University of Warsaw,
slides .
Older events .
Recent talks and papers
A simple blame calculus for explicit nulls
Ondrej Lhotak and Philip Wadler.
Journal of Functional Programming 34 , e15, 26 pages, 2025.
Explicit Weakening
Philip Wadler.
A Second Soul: Celebrating the Many Languages of Programming -
Festschrift in Honor of Peter Thiemann's Sixtieth Birthday - Freiburg,
Germany. EPTCS 413. August 2024.
Blame and Coercion, Together Again for the First Time
Jeremy G. Siek, Peter Thiemann, Philip Wadler.
Journal of Functional Programming , 31 e20, 2021.
Featherweight Go
Robert Griesemer, Raymond Hu, Wen Kokke, Julien Lange, Ian Lance
Taylor, Bernardo Toninho, Philip Wadler, Nobuko Yoshida.
PACMPL (volume 4, issue OOPSLA, article 149), November 2020.
Theoretical Pearl: ≐≃≡ Leibniz equality is
isomorphic to Martin-Löf identity, parametrically .
Andreas Abel, Jesper Cockx, Dominique Devriese, Amin Timany, and
Philip Wadler.
Journal of Functional Programming , 30 e17, 2020.
Towards Races in Linear Logic ,
Wen Kokke, J. Garrett Morris, and Philip Wadler,
Coordination , June 2019.
Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) , Los Angeles, 8—13 January 2018.
Programme committe &
coauthor of
Refinement Reflection: Complete Verification with SMT .
International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP) ,
Oxford, 3—9 September 2017. Coauthor of
Gradual Session Types &
Theorems for Free for Free .
Coherence Generalises Duality:
a logical explanation of multiparty session types ,
Marco Carbone, Sam Lindley, Fabrizio Montesi, Carsten Schürmann, Philip Wadler,
Quebec, August 2016.
The key to blame: Gradual typing meets cryptography ,
Jeremy Siek and Philip Wadler.
Draft paper, March 2016, updated July 2016.
Everything Old is New Again ,
Shayan Najd, Sam Lindley, Josef Svenningsson, Philip Wadler.
PEPM, January 2016.
Propositions as types ,
Philip Wadler, CACM, December 2015.
Blame and coercion: Together again for the first time ,
Jeremy Siek, Peter Thiemann, Philip Wadler.
PLDI, June 2015.
A complement to blame ,
Philip Wadler,
SNAPL, May 2015.
The Implicit Calculus: A New Foundation for Generic Programming ,
Bruno C. D. S. Oliveira, Tom Schrijvers, Wontae Choi, Wonchan Lee,
Kwangkeun Yi, Philip Wadler. Draft paper, 2014.
Propositions as sessions ,
Philip Wadler, Journal of Functional Programming, Best papers of ICFP 2012.
Blame, coercions, and threesomes, precisely ,
Jeremy Siek, Peter Thiemann, and Philip Wadler, draft, March 2014.
(Superseded by Blame and coercion: Together again for the first time ).
A practical theory of language-integrated query ,
Boston, 25–27 September 2013.
You and Your Research and The Elements of Style ,
Rome, POPL ,
22 January 2013.
Propositions as Sessions ,
Copenhagen, 10–12 September 2012.
Church's Coincidences ,
Turing Centenial Celebration at Princeton ,
10–12 May 2012, invited speaker.
Blame for All ,
POPL 2011 .
The arrow calculus ,
Threesomes, with and without blame ,
POPL 2010 .
Monadic constaint programming ,
The RPC Calculus ,
PPDP 2009 .
Blame for all ,
STOP 2009 .
Threesomes, with and without blame ,
STOP 2009 .
Well-typed programs can't be blamed .
ESOP 2009 ,
The essence of form abstraction ,
APLAS 2008.
Idioms are oblivious, arrows are meticulous,
monads are promiscuous ,
MSFP 2008.
The arrow calculus (Functional pearl) ,
Submitted to ICFP 2008.
Well-typed programs can't be blamed ,
Submitted to ICFP 2008.
An idiom's guide to formlets ,
Submitted to ICFP 2008.
Signed and sealed ,
Submitted to ICFP 2008.
A located lambda calculus ,
Submitted to ICFP 2008.
Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD 2008) ,
2–4 April 2008, Brussels (keynote).
Presented Well-typed programs can't be blamed .
Well-typed programs can't be blamed ,
Scheme workshop, ICFP, Freiburg, 30 September 2007.
Comprehensive comprehensions ,
Haskell workshop, ICFP, Freiburg, 30 September 2007.
Links: Web Programming
Without Tiers , invited talk, FMCO, Amsterdam, 9 November 2006,
NICTA, Melbourne, 2 February 2006, and
PADL, Charleston, 9 January 2006.
Faith, Evolution, and Programming
Languages , invited talk, OOPSLA, Portland, 26 October 2006.
You and Your Research ,
my attempt to channel R. W. Hamming in a talk
for postgraduate students at Firbush retreat.
Here is a transcript of
Hamming's original talk .
Call-by-value is dual to call-by-name, Reloaded
Invited talk,
Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA),
Nara, April 2005.
The unreasonable effectiveness of logic ,
inaugural lecture, University of Edinburgh, 16 November 2004.
Down with the bureaucracy of syntax!
Pattern matching for classical linear logic ,
manuscript, April 2004.
The Girard-Reynolds Isomorphism (second edition) ,
manuscript, March 2004.
XQuery from the Experts ,
published by Addison-Wesley, 29 August 2003 (contributor).
Call-by-value is dual to call-by-name ,
ICFP , Uppsala, Sweden, 25-29 August 2003.
Preliminary version:
NJPLS , AT&T Labs, Florham Park, 21 February 2003.
A Prettier Printer ,
The Fun of Programming ,
A symposium in honour of Professor Richard Bird's 60th birthday,
Examination Schools, Oxford, 24-25 March 2003.
As Natural as 0, 1, 2 ,
Edinburgh University
Informatics Jamboree
20 May 2004,
Bard College
Distinguished Scientist Lecture ,
10 April 2003, and
University of Utah
Evans and Sutherland Distinguished Lecture ,
20 November 2002.
The Essence of XML ,
POPL 2003 , New Orleans, January 2003.
Preliminary version:
FLOPS 2002 , Aizu, Japan, September 2002 (invited talk).
The Great Type Hope .
Erlang Workshop, Pittsburgh, October 2002 (invited talk).
XQuery, a typed functional language for querying XML ,
Advanced Functional Programming, Oxford, August 2002.
XQuery tutorial ,
XML 2001, Orlando, December 2001 (tutorial).
Et tu, XML? The fall of the relational empire ,
VLDB 2001, Rome, September 2001 (keynote).
MSL: A model for W3C XML Schema ,
WWW01, Hong Kong, May 2001.
From Frege to Gosling ,
Alan J. Perlis Symposium,
Programming Languages: Theory Meets the Real World ,
Yale University, 27 April 2000 (invited talk).
19'th Century Logic and 21'st Century Programming Languages ,
Dr Dobbs, December 2000.
Publications and Talks
Citations of my work on
Google Scholar ,
Microsoft Academic Search ,
Citeseer .
Google ranks my h-index at 60 (September 2013).
I appear at position 6 in a list of
most acknowledged researchers .
Bibliography at
DBLP and
Edinburgh Research Explorer .
Here is my
Orcid id .
Current students (PhD):
Jakub Zalewski (PhD), starting fall 2015,
enrolled in
Centre for Doctoral Training in Pervasive Parallelism .
Simon Fowler (PhD), started fall 2014,
enrolled in
Centre for Doctoral Training in Pervasive Parallelism .
Jack Williams (PhD), started fall 2014,
recipient of a
Microsoft Research PhD Scholarship .
Shayan Najd (PhD), started fall 2013,
recipient of a
Google European Doctoral Fellowship .
Ben Kavanagh (PhD), started 2004, currently working with James Cheney,
blog ,
wiki .
Previous students (PhD and MPhil):
Previous students (MSc and UG4):
Of interest to potential students:
Service and Editorial
Please submit to the above!
Unusual applications
Here are some unusual application of my work. Please let me know of others!
Computational linguistics.
Quantum computation.
A Lambda Calculus for Quantum Computation
Quantum Computation, Categorical Semantics and Linear Logic ,
Andre van Tonder
cites my work on linear logic.
Structuring quantum effects: superoperators as arrows ,
by Juliana Vizzotto, Thorsten Altenkirch, and Amr Sabry,
relates quantum computing to monads and arrows.
A linear-non-linear model for a computational call-by-value lambda calculus ,
by Peter Selinger and Benoit Valiron,
relates quantum computing to both linear logic and monads.
The Arrow Calculus as a Quantum Programming Language ,
by Juliana Kaizer Vizzotto, Andre Rauber Du Bois, and Amr Sabry,
is based on my work with Sam Lindley and Jeremy Yallop on
The Arrow Calculus .
Proof Assistants
The proof monad ,
by Florent Kirchner and Cesar Munoz,
applies monads to support computational features of proof languages,
such as side effects, exception handling, and backtracking.
Jewish calendar
A request: please avoid scheduling events on
Shabbat, Rosh Hasanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Chanukkah, Purim, and Passover.
Holiday dates for the next five years .
I am a member of Sukkat Shalom, the Edinburgh Liberal Jewish Community ,
Jews for Justice for Palestinians ,
and Scottish Jews for a Just Peace .
I am the father of Adam and Leora.
We are entering an era where someone might use a large language model
to generate a document out of a bulleted list, and send it to a person
who will use a large language model to condense that document into a
bulleted list. Can anyone seriously argue that this is an improvement?
— Ted Chiang,
Why A.I. Isn't Going to Make Art ,
The New Yorker, 31 August 2024.
Other favorite quotes
Philip Wadler ,