Ian Stark

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science

Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science
School of Informatics
The University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh EH8 9AB, Scotland
Email: Ian.Stark@ed.ac.uk
Office: Informatics Forum 4.15
Diary:Online calendar
Telephone: +44 131 651 5663
PGP key:0xEB58D1AD


Papers · Talks

My research is on mathematical models for programming languages and concurrent systems; in particular reasoning about name generation and secure mobile code. Below are some papers, talks and events; for more follow the links above.

Events: Robin Milner Symposium; ESOP 2012 conference; FLoC 2010 conferences.

PhD Study at Edinburgh

I am always happy to have new PhD students: if you are interested then please send me email and tell me something about your background and research interests.

In 2014 we are opening a new Centre for Doctoral Training in Pervasive Parallelism, with ten fully funded scholarships each year. The centre covers a wide range of theoretical and applied topics, including research on safety and security in programming languages for concurrent and distributed systems of all kinds.

The Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science also offers graduate research positions and PhD scholarships.

Links: Graduate study at Edinburgh; Pervasive Parallelism; Apply for a PhD at LFCS.

Research Projects


Chris Banks is working on modal logic for the continuous π-calculus, a process algebra for modelling behaviour and variation in biomolecular systems.

Marek Kwiatkowski successfully defended his PhD thesis, A formal computational framework for the study of molecular evolution, in October 2010. Since then he has been working in Switzerland on resource ecology and host-parasite co-evolution, most recently at the University of Neuchâtel Institute of Biology.

Previously, I was principal PhD supervisor for Uli Schöpp (now at LMU in Munich), Sam Lindley (now working on Links at Edinburgh), and Tom Chothia (lecturing at Birmingham).


Current courses (2013/2014)

Past courses

  • Models of Computation
  • Semantics of Computation
  • Domain Theory
  • Advances in Semantics
Spider Food

Subjects: mathematical logic, category theory, type theory, principles of programming languages, denotational semantics, operational semantics, domain theory, game semantics, functional programming, Standard ML, Java, proof-carrying code, process calculi, pi-calculus, systems biology, nu-calculus, reasoning with names.

People: David Aspinall, Nick Benton, Lennart Beringer, Gavin Bierman, Julian Bradfield, Luca Cattani, James Cheney, Juliusz Chroboczek, Adriana Compagnoni, Vincent Danos, Marcelo Fiore, Dan Ghica, Stephen Gilmore, Andrew Gordon, Jane Hillston, Martin Hofmann, Andrew Kennedy, Marek Kwiatkowski, Paul-André Melliès, Eugenio Moggi, Andrzej Murawski, Peter O'Hearn, Luke Ong, Andrew Pitts, Don Sannella, Alex Simpson, Perdita Stevens, Glynn Winskel.

Page last modified: Monday 23 September 2024