Hot off the press
- Nominal Matching Logic with Fixpoints.Mircea Sebe, Maribel
Fernández, and James Cheney. CPP 2025.
- Hack Me If You Can: Aggregating AutoEncoders for Countering Persistent Access
Threats Within Highly Imbalanced Data.
Sidahmed Benabderrahmane, Ngoc Hoang, Petko Valtchev, James Cheney,
Talal Rahwan. Future Generation Computer Systems,
Volume 160,
Pages 926-941. (arXiv)
- Eris: Efficiently measuRing dIscord in multidimensional
Sources, Alberto Abelló and James Cheney. The VLDB Journal 33, 399–423 (2024). (arXiv)
Journal Articles
- Hack Me If You Can: Aggregating AutoEncoders for Countering Persistent Access
Threats Within Highly Imbalanced Data.
Sidahmed Benabderrahmane, Ngoc Hoang, Petko Valtchev, James Cheney, Talal Rahwan. Future Generation Computer Systems,
Volume 160,
Pages 926-941. (arXiv)
- Eris: Efficiently measuRing dIscord in multidimensional
Sources, Alberto Abelló and James Cheney. The VLDB Journal 33, 399–423 (2024). (arXiv)
- Strongly Normalizing Higher-Order Queries, Wilmer Ricciotti and James Cheney, Logical Methods in Computer Science 18(3:23), special issue for FSCD 2020. (arXiv)
- A Formalization of SQL with Nulls, Wilmer Ricciotti and James Cheney, Journal of Automated Reasoning. (arXiv)
- Cross-tier
web programming for curated databases: a case study, Simon
Fowler, Simon Harding, Joanna Sharman, and James Cheney.
IJDC 16(1), 2021.
- A Polymorphic RPC Calculus, Kwanghoon Choi, James Cheney,
Simon Fowler and Sam Lindley, Science of Computer Programming
197:102499, October 2020. Preliminary version presented at SBMF 2019. (arXiv)
- A baseline for unsupervised advanced persistent
threat detection in system-level provenance, Ghita Berrada,
Sidahmed Benabderrahmane, James Cheney, William Maxwell, Himan
Mookherjee, Alec Theriault, and Ryan Wright, Future
Generation Computing Systems Volume 108, July 2020, Pages 401-413. (arXiv)
- Proof-relevant
π-calculus: a constructive account of concurrency and
causality, Roly Perera and James Cheney, Mathematical
Structures in Computer Science 28(9):1541-1577,
2018. (arXiv)
- Language-integrated provenance in Haskell, Jan Stolarek
and James Cheney. The Art, Science and Engineering of Programming, 2(3):11, 2018.
- Language-integrated provenance, Stefan Fehrenbach
and James Cheney, Science of Computer Programming 155:103--145,
2018. Special issue
on PPDP 2016. (arXiv)
- αCheck: A mechanized metatheory model-checker,
James Cheney and Alberto Momigliano, Theory and Practice
of Logic Programming, 17(3):311-352, 2017. (arXiv)
- On principles of Least Change and Least Surprise
for bidirectional transformations, James Cheney, Jeremy Gibbons, James McKinna
and Perdita Stevens, Journal of Object Technology, volume 16, no. 1 (February 2017), 3:1--31, 2017. (preprint)
- A simple
sequent calculus for nominal
logic, James Cheney. Journal of Logic and
Computation 26(2):699-726, 2016. Special issue in honor of Roy
Dyckhoff. (arXiv)
- The Rationale of PROV, Luc Moreau, Paul Groth,
James Cheney, Simon Miles and Timothy Lebo, Journal of Web
Semantics, 35:235-257, 2015.
- YesWorkflow: A
User-Oriented, Language-Independent Tool for Recovering Workflow
Information from Scripts, Timothy McPhillips, Tianhong
Song, Tyler Kolisnik, Steve Aulenbach, Khalid Belhajjame, R. Kyle
Bocinsky, Yang Cao, James Cheney, Fernando Chirigati, Saumen Dey,
Juliana Freire, Christopher Jones, James Hanken, Keith W. Kintigh,
Timothy A. Kohler, David Koop, James A. Macklin, Paolo Missier,
Mark Schildhauer, Christopher Schwalm, Yaxing Wei, Mark Bieda,
Bertram Ludäscher, International Journal of Digital Curation, 10(1):298-313, 2015.
- A core calculus for
provenance, Umut A. Acar, Amal Ahmed, James Cheney
and Roly Perera. Journal of Computer Security 21(6):919-969, 2013 (Special Issue on POST
- Revisiting "Forward Node-Selecting Queries
over Trees", James Cheney. Transactions on Database Systems 38(2):13, 2013.
- Consistency and Repair for
XML Write-Access Policies, Loreto Bravo, James Cheney,
Irini Fundulaki, and Ricardo Segovia. VLDB Journal
21(6):843-867, 2012.
- Requirements for Provenance on the Web, Paul Groth, Yolanda Gil, James Cheney and Simon Miles, International Journal of Digital Curation 8(1):39-56, 2012.
- A dependent nominal type
theory, LMCS volume 8(1:8), 2012 (special issue for
TYPES 2010). (arXiv)
- Provenance as Dependency
Analysis. James Cheney, Amal Ahmed and Umut Acar. Mathematical Structures in Computer
Science 21(6): 1301-1337 (2011).
- Formalizing adequacy for
higher-order abstract syntax. James Cheney, Rene Vestergaard
and Michael Norrish. Journal of Automated
Reasoning 49(2):209--239, 2012. Special issue on TAASN 2009 (revised September 2010,
published online February 2011).
Formal development here.
- Mechanizing the metatheory of
LF. Christian Urban, James Cheney, and Stefan Berghofer.
Transactions on Computational Logic. 12(2):A15, January 2011.
Formal development here.
- Equivariant
unification. James Cheney. Journal
of Automated Reasoning 45(3):267-300, 2010.
- On the expressiveness of implicit provenance in query and update languages, P. Buneman, J. Cheney and S. Vansummeren. Transactions on Database Systems, 33(4):28 November 2008.
- Nominal Logic Programming, J. Cheney and C. Urban. Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 30(5):26 August 2008.
- Completeness and Herbrand theorems for nominal logic, James Cheney, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 71(1), 299-320, 2006.
- An X-ray diffraction simulator for undergraduate crystallography, J. Cheney and M. de Graef, Journal of Materials Education, 18:57-66, 1996
Refereed Conference Papers
- Nominal Matching Logic with Fixpoints.Mircea Sebe, Maribel
Fernández, and James Cheney. CPP 2025.
- Language-Integrated Query for Temporal Data, Simon Fowler, Vashti Galpin and James Cheney, GPCE 2022 (arXiv)
- Nominal matching logic, James Cheney and Maribel Fernandez, PPDP 2022 (arXiv)
- Constraint-based type inference for FreezeML, Frank Emrich, Jan Stolarek, James Cheney and Sam Lindley. ICFP 2022. (arXiv)
- One Down, 699 to go: or, synthesizing compositional
desugarings, Sándor Bartha, James Cheney, and Vaishak Belle,
OOPSLA 2021. (arXiv)
- A Typed Slicing Compilation of the Polymorphic RPC
Calculus, Kwanghoon Choi, James Cheney, Sam Lindley and Bob
Reynders, PPDP 2021 (arXiv)
- A Rule Mining-based Advanced Persistent Threats Detection System, Sidahmed Benabderrahmane,
Ghita Berrada,
James Cheney,
Petko Valtchev, IJCAI 2021. (arXiv)
- Data provenance, quality and curation in
metrology, James Cheney, Adriane Chapman, Joy Davidson, and
Alistair Forbes, AMCTM XII (arXiv)
- Query Lifting: Language-integrated query for heterogeneous
nested collections, Wilmer Ricciotti and James Cheney. ESOP
2021. (arXiv)
- Cross-tier
web programming for curated databases: a case study, Simon
Fowler, Simon Harding, Joanna Sharman, and James Cheney.
Pre-proceedings, IDCC 2020 (arXiv).
- Strongly normalizing higher-order relational queries,
Wilmer Ricciotti and James Cheney. FSCD 2020.
- FreezeML: Complete and easy type inference for first-class
polymorphism, Frank Emrich, Sam Lindley, Jan Stolarek, James
Cheney, and Jonathan Coates. PLDI 2020. (arXiv)
- Language-Integrated Updatable Views, Rudi Horn, Simon Fowler and James Cheney,
post-proceedings of IFL 2019. (arXiv)
- Flexible graph matching and graph edit distance using answer
set programming, Sheung Chi Chan and James Cheney, PADL 2020 (arXiv).
- A Polymorphic RPC Calculus, Kwanghoon Choi, James Cheney,
Simon Fowler and Sam Lindley, Science of Computer Programming
197:102499, October 2020. Preliminary version presented at SBMF 2019. (arXiv)
- ProvMark: A provenance expressiveness benchmarking
system, Sheung Chi Chan, James Cheney, Pramod Bhatotia, Thomas
Pasquier, Ashish Gehani, Hassaan Irshad, Lucian Carata and Margo
Seltzer. Middleware 2019. (arXiv)
- Verified self-explaining computation, Jan Stolarek and
James Cheney, MPC 2019. (arXiv)
- Language-integrated provenance by trace analysis,
Stefan Fehrenbach and James Cheney, DBPL 2019 (arXiv)
- Explicit Auditing, Wilmer Ricciotti and James
Cheney, ICTAC 2018 (arXiv)
- Incremental relational lenses, Rudi Horn, Roly Perera and
James Cheney, ICFP 2018 (arXiv)
- Strongly normalizing audited computation, Wilmer
Ricciotti and James Cheney, CSL 2017, p. 36:1-36:21. (arXiv)
- Imperative Functional Programs that Explain their Work,
Wilmer Ricciotti, Jan Stolarek, Roly Perera and James Cheney. ICFP
2017. (arXiv)
- μPuppet: A declarative subset of the Puppet configuration
language, Weili Fu, Roly Perera, Paul Anderson and James
Cheney, ECOOP 2017, p. 12:1--12:27. (arXiv)
- Language-integrated provenance, Stefan Fehrenbach
and James Cheney, PPDP 2016, p. 214-227. (arXiv)
- Causally consistent dynamic slicing, Roly Perera, Deepak Garg and James Cheney, CONCUR
2016, p. 18:1-18:15.
- Advances in Property-Based Testing for alpha-Prolog, James
Cheney, Alberto Momigliano and Matteo Pessina, TAP 2016, p. 37-56. (arXiv)
- Notions of bidirectional computation and entangled state
monads, Faris Abou-Saleh, James Cheney, Jeremy Gibbons,
James McKinna and Perdita Stevens, MPC 2015. (arXiv)
- Dynamic provenance for SPARQL Updates, Harry Halpin
and James Cheney, ISWC 2014, p. 425-440 (arxiv)
- Database Queries that Explain their Work, James
Cheney, Amal Ahmed and Umut Acar. PPDP 2014, p. 271-282 (arXiv)
- Query shredding:
Efficient relational evaluation of queries over nested
multisets, Sam Lindley, James Cheney and Philip Wadler.
SIGMOD 2014, p. 1027-1038. (arxiv, code)
- Effective
Quotation, James Cheney, Sam Lindley, Gabriel Radanne,
and Philip Wadler. PEPM 2014. (arxiv, code)
- A
practical theory of language-integrated query, James
Cheney, Sam Lindley and Phil Wadler. ICFP 2013, p. 403-416. See
also supplementary
material available here.
- Functional Programs that Explain their
Work, Roly Perera, Umut A. Acar, James Cheney, and
Paul Blain Levy. ICFP 2012, p. 365-376.
- A core calculus for
provenance, Umut A. Acar, Amal Ahmed, James Cheney and
Roly Perera. POST 2012.
- Mechanizing
the Metatheory of mini-XQuery,
James Cheney and Christian Urban. CPP 2011. Formalization here.
A formal framework for provenance security, James Cheney. CSF 2011.
- Satisfiability algorithms for conjunctive queries over
trees, James Cheney. ICDT 2011, p. 150-161.
- Destabilizers and independence of XML updates, Michael
Benedikt and James Cheney. VLDB 2010, p. 906-917.
- Provenance: A Future History, James Cheney, Steve Chong, Nate Foster, Margo Seltzer, Stijn Vansummeren. Onward! 2009.
- Schema-Based
Independence Analysis for XML Updates, Michael Benedikt and
James Cheney. VLDB 2009, p. 61-72. (technical report)
- Semantics,
Types and Effects for XML Updates, Michael Benedikt and
James Cheney. DBPL 2009, p. 1-17. (technical report)
- Estimating the Distribution and Propagation of Genetic
Programming Building Blocks through Tree Compression. Bob McKay, Xuan Hoai Nguyen, James Cheney, Min Hyeok Kim and
Naoki Mori. GECCO 2009, p. 1011-1018.
FunctionaL Updates for XML. James Cheney. ICFP 2008, p. 3-14. (arXiv)
- Mechanizing
the metatheory of LF. Christian Urban, James Cheney, and
Stefan Berghofer. LICS 2008, p. 45-56. Superseded by TOCL article. (arXiv)
- Regular
Expression Subtyping for XML Query and Update Languages,
James Cheney, ESOP 2008, p. 32-46. (arXiv)
- Provenance as Dependency
Analysis. James Cheney, Amal Ahmed and Umut Acar. DBPL 2007,
p. 139-153. (arXiv)
Superseded by MSCS article.
- Repairing
Inconsistent XML Write-Access Control Policies. Loreto Bravo,
James Cheney and Irini Fundulaki, DBPL 2007, p. 98-112. Superseded by
VLDBJ article. (arXiv)
- Mechanized Metatheory
Model-Checking, James Cheney and Alberto Momigliano, PPDP
2007, p. 75-86.
- On the Expressiveness of Implicit Provenance in Query and Update Languages, Peter Buneman, James Cheney, and Stijn Vansummeren. ICDT 2007, Volume 4353 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 209-223. (Springer)
- The Semantics of Nominal Logic Programs, James Cheney. ICLP 2006, p. 361 - 375. (Errata) (Springer)
- Provenance Management in Curated Databases. Peter Buneman, Adriane Chapman, and James Cheney. SIGMOD 2006, p. 539 - 550.
- Tradeoffs in XML Database Compression, James Cheney, DCC 2006, p. 392-491. (IEEE)
- Scrap your Nameplate (Functional Pearl), ICFP 2005. pp 180-191.
- Avoiding Equivariance in Alpha-Prolog, Christian Urban and James Cheney. TLCA 2005, pp. 401-416. (Springer)
- Equivariant Unification, James Cheney. RTA 2005, pp. 74-89. (Springer)
- A Simpler Proof Theory for Nominal Logic, James Cheney. FOSSACS 2005, pp. 379-394. (Springer)
- AlphaProlog: A Logic Programming Language with Names, Binding
and alpha-equivalence, James Cheney and Christian Urban. ICLP 2004, p. 269-283. (Springer)
- A Sequent Calculus for Nominal Logic, Murdoch Gabbay and James Cheney. LICS 2004, p. 139-148. (IEEE)
- The Complexity of Equivariant Unification, James Cheney. ICALP 2004, p. 332-344. (Springer)
A lightweight implementation
of generics and dynamics, James Cheney and Ralf Hinze. Haskell Workshop
2002, Pittsburgh, PA, 2002.
Cyclone: A Safe Dialect of C, Trevor Jim, Greg Morrisett, Dan Grossman, Michael
Hicks, James Cheney, and Yanling Wang. USENIX Annual Technical Conference,
p. 275-288, Monterey, CA, June 2002.
- Region-based
Memory Management in Cyclone, Dan Grossman, Greg Morrisett, Trevor
Jim, Michael Hicks, Yanling Wang, and James Cheney. ACM Conference
on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 282-293, Berlin,
Germany, June, 2002.
- Toward
a Theory of Information Preservation (Abbreviated Conference Version),
James Cheney, Carl Lagoze and Peter Botticelli,
5th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for
Digital Libraries (ECDL 2001), Darmstadt, 2001.
- Compressing XML with Multiplexed Hierarchical
Models, James Cheney, in Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Data Compression Conference,
pp. 163-172.
- Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International
Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative
Programming, Maurizio Gabbrelli, Andreas Abel, and James Cheney, editors, September 8-10, 2016. ACM Press.
- Proceedings of the
8th International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations,
James Cheney and Hsang-Shiang Ko.
- Proceedings of the Eighteenth International
Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, James Cheney
and German Vidal, editors, September 5-7, 2016. ACM Press.
- Proceedings of the Fifteenth International
Symposium on Database Programming Languages, James Cheney
and Thomas Neumann, editors, October 27, 2015. ACM Press.
- Programming Languages for Big Data (PlanBig),
Dagstuhl Seminar 14511, James Cheney, Torsten Grust and
Dimitrios Vytiniotis, Dagstuhl Reports, 4(12):48--67.
- Principles
of Provenance (Dagstuhl Seminar 12091), James Cheney,
Anthony Finkelstein, Bertram Ludaescher, and Stijn Vansummeren,
Dagstuhl Reports, 2(2):84-113, 2012.
- Proceedings of the First Workshop on Cross-Model
Language Design and Implementation, James Cheney and
Torsten Grust, editors, September 9, 2012. Informal proceedings.
- Proceedings of
the First Workshop on the Theory and Practice of
Provenance, James Cheney, editor,
February 23, 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- LFMTP '09: Proceedings of the Fourth International
Workshop on Logical Frameworks and
Meta-Languages, James Cheney and Amy Felty, editors, August 2, 2009, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Special journal issues
- Editorial: Special issue on Programming Languages
for Big Data, James Cheney and Torsten Grust, Journal of Functional Programming 28: e8 (2018)
- Guest editorial: the provenance of online
data, Adriane Chapman, James Cheney and Simon Miles, ACM
Transactions on Internet Technology, 17(4):33:1-3, 2017.
- Editorial: Special issue dedicated to ICFP
2010, Umut A. Acar, James Cheney and Stephanie Weirich,
Journal of Functional Programming 22(4-5):379--381, 2012.
Invited papers
- Reflections on monadic lenses, Faris Abou-Saleh, James
Cheney, Jeremy Gibbons, James McKinna, and Perdita Stevens.
WadlerFest festschrift, p. 1-31, 2016. (arXiv)
- Toward a theory of
self-explaining computation, James Cheney, Umut A. Acar
and Roly Perera. Festschrift for Peter Buneman, p. 193-216, LNCS 8000.
- The Database Wiki
project, Peter Buneman, James Cheney, Sam Lindley and
Heiko Mueller, SIGMOD Record Systems & Prototypes column.
- Is
provenance logical?, James Cheney, invited talk, LID 2011.
- Provenance in databases:
Why, where and how, J. Cheney, L. Chiticariu and
W.-C. Tan. Foundations and Trends in Databases, 1(4):379-474,
- Provenance, XML and the Scientific Web. James Cheney, PLAN-X 2009.
- Curated Databases, Peter Buneman, James Cheney, Wang-Chiew Tan and Stijn Vansummeren. PODS 2008, p. 1-12.
- Recording Provenance for SQL Queries and Updates, Stijn Vansummeren and James Cheney. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 30(4):29-37, December 2007.
- Program slicing and data provenance, James Cheney. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 30(4):22-28, December 2007.
Workshop, Demo, and Short Papers
- Measuring Discord Among Multidimensional Data
Sources, Alberto Abelló and James Cheney, DOLAP 2022.
- Comprehending nulls, James Cheney and Wilmer Ricciotti,
DBPL 2021 (arXiv)
- Provenance expressiveness benchmarking on
non-deterministic executions, Arthur Chan, James Cheney, and
Pramod Bhatotia, TaPP 2021
- Curating Covid-19 data in Links, Vashti Galpin,
James Cheney, IPAW 2021 demo paper (arXiv)
- VICToRy:
Visual Interactive Consistency Management in Tolerant Rule-based
Systems, Nils Weidmann, Anthony Anjorin and James Cheney. GCM
Integrity Checking and Abnormality Detection of Provenance Records
Sheung Chi Chan, Ashish Gehani, Hassaan Irshad, and James Cheney,
TaPP 2020
- Towards meta-interpretive learning of programming language semantics
, Sándor Bartha and James Cheney, ILP
2019. (arXiv)
- Provenance meets bidirectional transformations, Anthony
Anjorin and James Cheney, TaPP 2019
- Aggregating unsupervised provenance anomaly detectors,
Ghita Berrada and James Cheney, TaPP 2019
- Mixing set and bag semantics,
Wilmer Ricciotti and James Cheney, DBPL 2019 (arXiv)
- TryLinks: An interactive tutorial system for a cross-tier Web
programming language,
Junao Wu, Arek Mikolajczak, and James Cheney, ProWeb 2019 (arXiv)
- Expressiveness benchmarking for system-level provenance,
Sheung Chi Chan, James Cheney, Ashish Gehani, Ripduman Sohan, and
Hassaan Irshad. TaPP 2017.
- Provenance segmentation, Rui Abreu, Dave Archer, Erin
Chapman, Hoda Eldardiry, James Cheney, and Adria Gascon, TaPP 2016.
- Proof-relevant π-calculus, Roly Perera and James
Cheney, LFMTP 2015, p. 46-70.
- Towards a Principle of Least Surprise for Bidirectional
Transformations, James Cheney, Jeremy Gibbons, James McKinna
and Perdita Stevens, BX 2015, p. 66-80.
- Language-integrated provenance in Links, Stefan Fehrenbach
and James Cheney, TaPP 2015.
- An analytical survey of provenance sanitization, James
Cheney and Roly Perera, IPAW 2014. (arxiv)
- Toward a
repository of BX examples, James Cheney and
James McKinna and Perdita Stevens and Jeremy Gibbons,
postproceedings of BX 2014, CEUR-WS volume 1133:87--91, 2014.
- Entangled
State Monads, James Cheney and
James McKinna and Perdita Stevens and Jeremy Gibbons
and Faris Abou-Saleh,
postproceedings of BX 2014, CEUR-WS volume 1133:108-111, 2014.
- Lenses
for Web Data, postproceedings of BX 2013, EC-EASST
volume 57.
Raghu Rajkumar, Sam Lindley, Nate Foster, James Cheney.
- Semantics and Provenance for Processing Element Composition in Dispel Workflows, Eric Griffis,
Paul Martin and James Cheney, WORKS 2013.
- Static Enforceability of XPath-Based Access Control
Policies, DBPL 2013.
Provenance for seismological processing
pipelines in a distributed streaming workflow Alessandro Spinuso,
James Cheney, Malcolm Atkinson, BigProv 2013
- Toward provenance-based security for configuration
languages. Paul Anderson and James Cheney. TAPP 2012.
- Hierarchical models of provenance. Peter Buneman, James Cheney, and Egor Kostylev. TAPP 2012.
- Row-based effect types for database integration,
Sam Lindley and James Cheney, TLDI 2012.
- Using Links to prototype a Database Wiki,
James Cheney, Sam Lindley and Heiko Mueller, DBPL 2011.
- Higher-order
unification for the lambda-alpha-nu calculus, Ben Kavanagh
and James Cheney, UNIF 2011.
provenance for SPARQL Updates using Named Graphs.
Harry Halpin and James Cheney. TAPP 2011.
- Causality and the semantics of provenance, James Cheney. DCM 2010.
- A
graph model of data and workflow provenance, Umut Acar,
Peter Buneman, James Cheney, Jan Van den Bussche, Natalia
Kwasnikowska, and Stijn Vansummeren. TAPP 2010.
- Formalizing adequacy. James Cheney, Rene
Vestergaard and Michael Norrish. TAASN 2009.
- Simple Nominal Type Theory. James Cheney. LFMTP 2008. An initial formalization of key syntactic properties is here.
- Resource Bound Analysis for Database Queries. James Cheney and Morten Dahl. PLAS 2008.
- Lux: A lightweight,
statically-typed language for updating XML, PLAN-X 2007 (informal
- A Provenance Model for Manually Curated Data, Peter Buneman, Adriane Chapman, James Cheney, and Stijn Vansummeren. 2006 International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW 2006), LNCS 4145, 162-170. (Springer)
- Towards a General Theory of Names, Binding and Scope, MERLIN 2005. pp 33-40.
- An Empirical Evaluation of Simple DTD-Conscious Compression Techniques, WebDB 2005. (ps)
- Relating Higher-Order Pattern Unification and Nominal Unification, James Cheney. Proceedings of UNIF 2005, p. 104-119
- System Description: alpha-Prolog, a Fresh Approach to Logic Programming Modulo alpha-Equivalence, James Cheney and Christian Urban. UNIF 2003, Valencia, Spain, 2003.
- Event Report: Workshop on Theory and Practice of Provenance.
James Cheney. SIGMOD Record 38(2):57-60, 2009.
- Report on
the Principles of Provenance Workshop. James Cheney, Peter
Buneman and Bertram Ludaescher. SIGMOD Record 37(1):62-65,
- Nominal Logic and Abstract Syntax, Logic Column, SIGACT News 36(4), p. 47-69, December 2005. (arxiv)
In this paper, I identified some properties of higher-order abstract syntax techniques, primarily as employed in LF, where I think some improvement may be possible. Karl Crary and Robert Harper of CMU responded to these criticisms in a subsequent logic column.
Posters and Demos
DBWiki: A Structured Wiki for Curated Data and Collaborative Data
Peter Buneman, James Cheney, Sam Lindley and Heiko Mueller. Demo,
SIGMOD 2011.
ACCOn: Checking Consistency of XML Write-Access Control Policies, Loreto Bravo, James Cheney and Irini Fundulaki. Demo, EDBT 2008.
- Statistical Modeling for Term Compression, James Cheney,
in Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE Data Compression Conference, p. 550.
(full version)
Technical Reports
- Provenance
Traces, James Cheney, Umut A. Acar and Amal Ahmed.
- A Simpler Proof Theory for Nominal Logic, James Cheney. Technical Report EDI-INF-RR-0237, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.
- A Linearly Typed Assembly Language. James Cheney and Greg Morrisett. CUCIS TR2003-1900.
- First-Class Phantom Types. James Cheney and Ralf Hinze. CUCIS TR2003-1901. (errata)
- Formal Type Soundness for Cyclone's Region System, Dan Grossman, Greg Morrisett, Trevor Jim, Mike Hicks, Yanling Wang and James Cheney. CUCS TR2001-1856.
- Cyclone User's Manual, Version 0.1.3, Dan Grossman, Greg Morrisett, Trevor Jim, Michael Hicks, Yanling Wang and James Cheney. CUCS TR2001-1855.
- Toward
a Theory of Information Preservation (Complete Version), James Cheney, Carl Lagoze and Peter Botticelli. Cornell University,
Ithaca, Computer Science Technical Report TR2001-1841.
Dissertations and Theses
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