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Table of Contents

  1. User Guide
    1. Welcome to HIPR!
    2. What is HIPR?
    3. Guide to Contents
    4. How to Use HIPR
      1. General Overview
      2. Hypermedia Basics
      3. How to Use the Worksheets
      4. Getting the Most out of HIPR
    5. Technical Support
    6. Advanced Topics
      1. The Directory Structure of HIPR
      2. Images and Image Formats
      3. Filename Conventions
      4. Installation Guide
    7. Local Information
  2. Worksheets
    1. Image Arithmetic
      1. Pixel Addition
      2. Pixel Subtraction
      3. Pixel Multiplication
      4. Pixel Division
      5. Blending
      6. Image ANDing
      7. Image ORing
      8. Image XORing
      9. Image Inversion
      10. Image BitShifting
    2. Point Operations
      1. Thresholding
      2. Adaptive Thresholding
      3. Contrast Stretching
      4. Histogram Equalization
      5. Logarithm Operator
      6. Exponential Operator
    3. Geometric Operations
      1. Scaling
      2. Rotation
      3. Reflection
      4. Translation
      5. Affine Transformation
    4. Image Analysis
      1. Intensity Histogram
      2. Classification
      3. Connected Components Labeling
    5. Morphology
      1. Dilation
      2. Erosion
      3. Opening
      4. Closing
      5. Hit and Miss Transform
      6. Thinning
      7. Thickening
      8. Skeletonization/Medial Axis Transformation
    6. Digital Filters
      1. Mean Smoothing
      2. Median Smoothing
      3. Gaussian Smoothing
      4. Conservative Smoothing
      5. Crimmins Speckle Removal
      6. Frequency Filters
      7. Laplacian/Laplacian of Gaussian
      8. Unsharp Filter
    7. Feature Detectors
      1. Roberts Cross Edge Detector
      2. Sobel Edge Detector
      3. Canny Edge Detector
      4. Compass Edge Detector
      5. Zero Crossing Detector
      6. Line Detector
    8. Image Transforms
      1. Distance Transform
      2. Fourier Transform
      3. Hough Transform
    9. Image Synthesis
      1. Noise Generation
    10. Others
      1. Convolution
  3. Interactive Experimentation
    1. Individual worksheets for each of the operators
    2. A tableau whereby operators can be connected together
  4. Image Library
    1. Introduction
    2. Image Catalogue by Image Subject/Type
    3. Image Catalogue by Alphabetical Filenames
  5. Other User Resources
    1. A to Z of Common Image Processing Concepts
      1. Binary Images
      2. Color Images
      3. Color Images, 8-bit
      4. Color Images, 24-bit
      5. Color Quantization
      6. Convolution
      7. Distance Metrics
      8. Dithering
      9. Edge Detectors
      10. Frequency Domain
      11. Grayscale Images
      12. Image Editing Software
      13. Idempotence
      14. Isotropic Operators
      15. Kernels
      16. Logical Operators
      17. Look Up Tables and Colormaps
      18. Masking
      19. Mathematical Morphology
      20. Multi-Spectral Images
      21. Non-linear Filtering
      22. Pixels
      23. Pixel Connectivity
      24. Pixel Values
      25. Primary Colors
      26. RGB and Colorspaces
      27. Spatial Domain
      28. Structuring Elements
      29. Wrapping and Saturation
    2. Common Software Implementations
      1. Visilog
      2. Khoros
      3. Matlab
      4. HIPS
    3. HIPRscript Reference Manual
    4. Bibliography
    5. Acknowledgements
    6. The HIPR Copyright
    7. The User License
    8. About the Authors


    Note: You may find it easiest to use your browser's searching facilities on this index in order to find the entries you require.


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    ©2003 R. Fisher, S. Perkins, A. Walker and E. Wolfart.

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