- User Guide
- Welcome to HIPR!
- What is HIPR?
- Guide to Contents
- How to Use HIPR
- General Overview
- Hypermedia Basics
- How to Use the Worksheets
- Getting the Most out of HIPR
- Technical Support
- Advanced Topics
- The Directory Structure of HIPR
- Images and Image Formats
- Filename Conventions
- Installation Guide
- Local Information
- Worksheets
- Image Arithmetic
- Pixel Addition
- Pixel Subtraction
- Pixel Multiplication
- Pixel Division
- Blending
- Image ANDing
- Image ORing
- Image XORing
- Image Inversion
- Image BitShifting
- Point Operations
- Thresholding
- Adaptive Thresholding
- Contrast Stretching
- Histogram Equalization
- Logarithm Operator
- Exponential Operator
- Geometric Operations
- Scaling
- Rotation
- Reflection
- Translation
- Affine Transformation
- Image Analysis
- Intensity Histogram
- Classification
- Connected Components Labeling
- Morphology
- Dilation
- Erosion
- Opening
- Closing
- Hit and Miss Transform
- Thinning
- Thickening
- Skeletonization/Medial Axis Transformation
- Digital Filters
- Mean Smoothing
- Median Smoothing
- Gaussian Smoothing
- Conservative Smoothing
- Crimmins Speckle Removal
- Frequency Filters
- Laplacian/Laplacian of Gaussian
- Unsharp Filter
- Feature Detectors
- Roberts Cross Edge Detector
- Sobel Edge Detector
- Canny Edge Detector
- Compass Edge Detector
- Zero Crossing Detector
- Line Detector
- Image Transforms
- Distance Transform
- Fourier Transform
- Hough Transform
- Image Synthesis
- Noise Generation
- Others
- Convolution
- Interactive Experimentation
- Individual worksheets for each of the operators
- A tableau whereby operators can be connected together
- Image Library
- Introduction
- Image Catalogue by Image Subject/Type
- Image Catalogue by Alphabetical Filenames
- Other User Resources>
- A to Z of Common Image Processing Concepts
- Binary Images
- Color Images
- Color Images, 8-bit
- Color Images, 24-bit
- Color Quantization
- Convolution
- Distance Metrics
- Dithering
- Edge Detectors
- Frequency Domain
- Grayscale Images
- Image Editing Software
- Idempotence
- Isotropic Operators
- Kernels
- Logical Operators
- Look Up Tables and Colormaps
- Masking
- Mathematical Morphology
- Multi-Spectral Images
- Non-linear Filtering
- Pixels
- Pixel Connectivity
- Pixel Values
- Primary Colors
- RGB and Colorspaces
- Spatial Domain
- Structuring Elements
- Wrapping and Saturation
- Common Software Implementations
- Visilog
- Khoros
- Matlab
- HIPRscript Reference Manual
- Bibliography
- Acknowledgements
- The HIPR Copyright
- The User License
- About the Authors
Note: You may find it easiest to use your browser's searching
facilities on this index in order to find the entries you
- 24-bit color images
- 8-bit color images
- Acknowledgements
- Addition
- Advanced topics
- Affine transformations
- Aliasing
- Anamorphosis
- Antilogarithm
- Bi-modal intensity distribution
- Bibliography
- Binary images
- Bit-plane
- Bit-reversal mask
- Bit-slicing
- Bitshift operators
- Blending
- Canny edge detector
- Change detection,
- Circle detection,
- Classification
- Closing
- Color images
- Color quantization
- Colormaps
- Common software implementations
- Connected components labeling
- Conservative smoothing
- Contrast stretching
- Convex hull
- Convolution
- Corner detection
- Crimmins speckle removal
- Density slicing
- Detector noise
- Difference of Gaussians filter
- Difference of boxes filter
- Dilation
- Directory structure of HIPR
- Discrete cosine transform (DCT)
- Distance metrics
- Distance transform
- Dithering
- Division
- DoG filter
- Dual lattice
- Edge Detectors
- Edge detectors,
- Enhancement,
- Erosion
- Exponential operator
- External image viewers and Netscape
- Fast fourier transform (FFT)
- Feature vector
- Filename conventions
- Fourier transform
- Frequency domain
- Frequency filters
- Gamma correction
- Gaussian filter,
- Gaussian noise
- Gaussian smoothing
- Geodesic distance
- Grayscale images
- Guide to contents
- Histogram equalization
- Histogram modeling
- Histogram specification
- Histogram, intensity
- Hit-and-miss transform
- Hough transform
- How to use HIPR
- Idempotence
- Image editors
- Image enhancement
- Image formats
- Image library
- Image segmentation
- Image sharpening
- Installation guide
- Inverse fourier transform
- Invert
- Isotropic filters,
- Isotropic operators
- Kernel
- Khoros
- LUT-transformation
- Laplacian filter
- Laplacian of Gaussian filter
- Lightfield,
- Line Detection
- Line detection,
- Local enhancement
- Local information
- Logarithm
- Logical operators
- Look-up tables
- Mapping function
- Marr edge detector
- Marr filter
- Masking
- Mathematical morphology
- Matlab
- Maximum entropy filtering
- Mean filter
- Medial axis transform
- Median filter
- Median,
- Morphological filters
- Multi-spectral images
- Multiplication
- Noise generation
- Noise reduction,
- Non-linear filtering
- Non-maximal suppression,
- Normalization
- Nyquist frequency
- OR
- Opening
- Optical flow
- Order form
- Pixel connectivity
- Pixel format
- Pixel values
- Pixels
- Plane transformation: Euclidean, Similarity, Affine, Projective
- Polarity
- Prewitt edge detectors,
- Primary colors
- Pruning
- RGB and colorspaces
- Raise to power
- Range images,
- Ratioing
- Reflect
- Resolution
- Roberts Cross
- Rotate
- Salt and pepper noise
- Sampling theory
- Saturation
- Scale, geometric
- Scaling, graylevel
- Skeleton by zone of influence (SKIZ)
- Skeletonization
- Smoothing
- Sobel edge detector
- Spatial domain
- Speckle
- Structuring elements
- Subsampling
- Subtraction
- Support
- Symmetry analysis
- Thickening
- Thinning
- Threshold averaging
- Thresholding
- Tracking,
- Transfer function
- Translate
- Truth-table,
- Two's complement
- Union of images
- Unsharp filter
- Visilog
- Voronoi diagram
- Welcome to HIPR!
- What is HIPR?
- Wiener filtering
- Wrapping
- Zero crossing detector

©2003 R. Fisher, S. Perkins,
A. Walker and E. Wolfart.