Bob Fisher's Publications

Recent Publications

Book Publications

  1. H. Laga, Y. Guo, H. Tabia, R. B. Fisher, M. Bennamoun; 3D Shape Analysis: Fundamentals, Theory, and Applications, John Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-119-40519-1, 2018.
  2. R. B. Fisher, Y.-H. Chen-Burger, D. Giordano, L. Hardman, F.-P. Lin (Eds), Fish4Knowledge: Collecting and Analyzing Massive Coral Reef Fish Video Data, Springer International Publishing, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-30208-9.
  3. R. Fisher, T. Breckon, K. Dawson-Howe, A. W. Fitzgibbon, C. Robertson, E. Trucco, C. K. I. Williams; Dictionary of Computer Vision and Image Processing, John Wiley and Sons, Second Edition, 2014, ISBN 978-1-119-94186-6. You can see the terms from the first edition online here.
  4. R. Fisher, K. Dawson-Howe, A. W. Fitzgibbon, C. Robertson, E. Trucco; Dictionary of Computer Vision and Image Processing, John Wiley and Sons, 2005, ISBN 0-470-01526-8. You can see the terms from the first edition online here.
  5. Fisher, R. B., Perkins, S., Walker, A., Wolfart, E., "HIPR: Hypermedia Image Processing Reference", CDrom published by John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 1996. HIPR2 published over the www at, 2000.
  6. Fisher, R. B., "From Surfaces to Objects: Computer Vision and Three Dimensional Scene Analysis", John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 1989. Russian translation 1993.

Edited Proceedings

  1. F. J. Perales, R. B. Fisher, T. B. Moeslund (Eds). Proc. VII Conf. on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects (AMDO 2012), Mallorca, Spain, July 2012.
  2. F. J. Perales, R. B. Fisher (Eds). Proc. VI Conf. on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects (AMDO 2010), Mallorca, Spain, July 2010.
  3. F. J. Perales, R. B. Fisher (Eds). Proc. V Conf. on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects (AMDO 2008), Mallorca, Spain, July 2008.
  4. M. J. Chantler, E. Trucco and R. B. Fisher (Eds), Proc. 2006 British Machine Vision Conference, BMVA Press, Heriot Watt and Edinburgh Universities, Sept 2006.
  5. F. J. Perales, R. B. Fisher (Eds). Proc. IV Conf. on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects (AMDO2006), Mallorca, Spain, July 2006.
  6. R. B. Fisher, K. Dawson-Howe, C. O'Sullivan (Eds). Proc. Int. Symp. on Virtual and Augmented Architecture (VAA01) Springer-Verlag (London), Dublin, Ireland, June 2001.
  7. Fisher, R. B. and Hayes, G. M. (Eds). Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Intelligent Robotic Systems, Univ. of Edinburgh, July 1998.
  8. Fisher, R. B. and Trucco, E. (Eds), Proc. 1996 British Machine Vision Conference, BMVA Press, Univ. of Edinburgh, Sept 1996.
  9. Fisher, R. B. (editor), "Design and Application of Curves and Surfaces: Mathematics of Surfaces V", Oxford University Press, 1994.

Index to Book Chapter, Journal and Conference Publications by Topic

  1. Range/3D Data Analysis
    1. Range Sensing/Data Fusion/View Planning
    2. Feature Extraction
    3. Reverse Engineering/Model Acquisition
    4. Object Recognition and Location
  2. High Level Vision
    1. Object Representation
    2. Object Recognition, Matching and Searching
    3. Geometric Reasoning/Pose Estimation
  3. Video Sequence Analysis
  4. Intensity Image Analysis
    1. Appearance-Based Vision
    2. Image Feature Extraction
  5. Medical and Healthcare Imaging
  6. Robot/Industrial Vision
  7. Parallel Vision
  8. Other Vision
  9. Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
  10. Other Research
  11. Other Group Publications
  12. Unpublished documents

Book Chapter, Journal and Conference Publications by Topic

Range/3D Data Analysis

Range/3D Data Analysis: Sensing/Data Fusion/View Planning

  1. H. Cuevas-Velasquez, A. Galan-Cuenca, A. J. Gallego, M. Saval-Calvo, R. B. Fisher; Global Point Cloud Registration Network for Large Transformations, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 27(137), 2024. A draft version is here.
  2. C. Pu, C-Y. Yang, J-N. Pu, R. Tylecek, R. B. Fisher; A Multi-modal Garden Dataset and Hybrid 3D Dense Reconstruction Framework Based on Panoramic Stereo Images for a Trimming Robot, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol 202, pp 262-286, 2023. A draft version of the paper is here.
  3. J. Zhang, R. B. Fisher; 3D lip event detection via interframe motion divergence at multiple temporal resolutions, Proc. Int. Conf. on 3D Vision (3DV), 2021.
  4. V. Villena-Martinez, M. Saval-Calvo, J. Azorin-Lopez, A. Fuster-Guillo, R. B. Fisher; Local-Global based Deep Registration Neural Network for Rigid Alignment, Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks, online, July 2021.
  5. V. Villena-Martinez, S. Oprea, M. Saval-Calvo, J. Azorin-Lopez, A. Fuster-Guillo, R. B. Fisher; When Deep Learning Meets Data Alignment: A Review on Deep Registration Networks (DRNs), Applied Sciences, 10(21), 2020. A draft version of the article is here.
  6. C. Pu, R. B. Fisher; UDFNET: Unsupervised disparity fusion with adversarial networks, Proc. 26th IEEE Int Conf on Image Processing (ICIP), Taipei, 2019.
  7. A. Fuster-Guillo, J. Azorin-Lopez, J. M. Castillo Zaragoza, L. F. Perez Perez, M. Saval-Calvo, R. B. Fisher; 3D technologies to acquire and visualize the human body for improving dietetic treatment, Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, Toledo, Dec 2019.
  8. C. Pu, R. Song, R. Tylecek, N. Li, R. B. Fisher; SDF-MAN: Semi-supervised Disparity Fusion with Multi-scale Adversarial Networks, Remote Sensing, 11(5):487-492, 2019. A draft version of the paper is here.
  9. C. Pu, N. Li, R. Tylecek, R. B. Fisher; DUGMA: Dynamic Uncertainty-Based Gaussian Mixture Alignment, Proc. Int. Conf. on 3D Vision 2018, Verona, 2018.
  10. J. Zhang, C. Maniatis, L. Horna, R. B. Fisher; Dynamic 3D Reconstruction Improvement via Intensity Video Guided 4D Fusion, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 55: 540-547, 2018. A draft version of the paper is here.
  11. M. Saval-Calvo, J. Azorin-Lopez, A. Fuster-Guillo, V. Villena-Martinez, R. B. Fisher; 3D non-rigid registration using color: Color Coherent Point Drift, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol 169, pp 119-135, 2018. A draft version of the paper is here. Associated code is here.
  12. L. Horna, R. B. Fisher; Plane labeling trinocular stereo matching with baseline recovery, Proc. 15th Int. Conf. on Machine Vision Applications, Nagoya, May 2017. A draft version of the paper is here.
  13. L. A. Horna, R. B. Fisher; 3D plane labeling stereo matching with content aware adaptive windows, Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Porto, Feb 2017. A draft version of the paper is here.
  14. R. B. Fisher, S. G. McDonagh; Fusing 100's of 3D Point Clouds of Objects, Proc. CVPR workshop on Large Scale 3D Data: Acquisition, Modelling and Analysis, 2016.
  15. B. Boom, S. Orts-Escolano, X.X. Ning, S. McDonagh, P. Sandilands and R.B. Fisher, Point Light Source Estimation based on Scenes Recorded by a RGB-D camera, Proc. Brit. Machine Vision Conference, 2013.
  16. S. McDonagh, R. B. Fisher, Simultaneous registration of multi-view range images with adaptive kernel density estimation, Proc. IMA 14th Mathematics of Surfaces, 2013.
  17. T. P. Breckon, R. B. Fisher, A hierarchical extension to 3D non-parametric surface relief completion, Pattern Recognition, Vol 45. pp 172-185, 2011. Also available here.
  18. R. Fisher, Y. Xiao, Bat echolocation behavior from highspeed 3D video, Proc. Int. Workshop on Visual observation and Analysis of Animal and Insect Behavior (VAIB), in conjunction with ICPR 2010, Istanbul, 2010.
  19. Y. Xiao, R. B. Fisher, M. Oscar, Performance Characterization of a High-Speed Stereovision Sensor for Acquisition of Time-Varying 3D Shapes, Machine Vision and Applications, online paper, 2010. Also Vol 22(3):535+, 2011. A draft version of the paper is here.
  20. Y. Xiao, R. B. Fisher, "Accurate Feature Extraction and Control Point Correction for Camera Calibration with a Mono-Plane Target", Proc. Int. Conf. 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT), Paris, May 2010, electronic proceedings. For code and examples click here.
  21. Y. Xiao, R. B. Fisher, "Application of a High-speed Stereovision Sensor to 3D Shape Acquisition of Flying Bats", Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Angers, May 2010, electronic proceedings.
  22. T. Collins, A. Bartoli, R. Fisher, Automatic Quasi-Isometric Surface Recovery and Registration from 4D Range Data, Proc. BMVA Symposium on 3D Video – Analysis, Display and Applications, London, 2008.
  23. T. P. Breckon, R. B. Fisher, "Three-Dimensional Surface Relief Completion Via Nonparametric Techniques", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 30(12), IEEE Press, pp. 2249-2255, 2008.
  24. Y. Xiao, R.B. Fisher, M. Oscar, "Characterising a High-Speed 3D Surface Scanner for Bat Behaviour Study", Proc. Int. Workshop on Visual observation and Analysis of Animal and Insect Behavior (VAIB), in conjunction with ICPR 2008, Tampa, pp 39-42, Dec 2008.
  25. R. B. Fisher, K. Konolige, "Chapter 22 - Range Sensors", in Springer Handbook of Robotics, (Eds. B. Siciliano, O. Khatib), pp 521--542, Springer, 2008. A draft version is here.
  26. T. P. Breckon, R. B. Fisher, "Direct Geometric Texture Synthesis and Transfer on 3D Meshes", Proc. 3rd Eur. Conf. on Visual Media Production (CVMP), London, pg 186, 2006.
  27. T. Lukins, R. B. Fisher. "Colour Constrained 4D Flow", Proc. 2005 British Machine Vision Association Conf., pp 340-348, Oxford, 2005.
  28. T. P. Breckon, R. B. Fisher, "Amodal Volume Completion: 3D visual completion", Comp. Vis. and Image Under., 99(3), pp 499-526, 2005.
  29. T. P. Breckon, R. B. Fisher, "Plausible 3D Colour Surface Completion using Non-parametric Techniques", Proc. Maths of Surfaces XI, pp 102-120, Sept 2005.
  30. T. P. Breckon, R. B. Fisher, "Non-parametric 3D Surface Completion", Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM05), Ottawa, Canada, pp 573-580, June 2005.
  31. M. Rodrigues, R. B. Fisher and Y. Liu, Special Issue on Registration and Fusion of Range Images Comp. Vis. and Image Under. Vol 87, Introduction pp 1-7, 2002.
  32. C. Robertson, R. B. Fisher, "Parallel Evolutionary Registration of Range Data", Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 87, pp 39-50, 2002.
  33. C. Robertson, R. B. Fisher. "Empirical Calibration Method for Adding Colour to Range Images", Proc. Int. Symp. on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT), Padova, Italy, pp 558-561, June 2002.
  34. U. Castellani, S. Livatino, R. B. Fisher. "Improving Environment Modelling by Edge Occlusion Surface Completion", Proc. Int. Symp. on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT), Padova, Italy, pp 672-675, June 2002.
  35. Fabio Dell'Acqua, Robert Fisher, "Reconstruction of planar surfaces behind occlusions in range images", IEEE Trans. Pat. Anal. and Mach. Intel., 24(4), pp 569-575, April 2002. An earlier version is available here.
  36. H. Cantzler, R. B. Fisher, "Comparison of HK and SC curvature description methods", Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM01), Montreal, Canada, pp 285-291, May 2001.
  37. F. Stulp, F. Dell'Acqua, R. B. Fisher, "Reconstruction of surfaces behind occlusions in range images", Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM01), Montreal, Canada, pp 232-239, June 2001.
  38. J. M. Sanchiz, R. B. Fisher, "Environment recovery by range scanning with a next-best-view algorithm", Robotica, to appear. An earlier version is available here.
  39. J.M. Sanchiz, R.B. Fisher "Viewpoint estimation in three-dimensional images taken with perspective range sensors", IEEE Trans. Pat. Anal. and Mach. Intel., 22(11), Nov 2000, pp 1324-1329. An earlier version is available here.
  40. J. M. Sanchiz, R. B. Fisher, "Estimating the viewpoint position from a three-dimensional image", Proc. Symp. Intelligent Robotic Systems (SIRS00), Reading, pp 181-189, July 2000.
  41. R. B. Fisher, A. P. Ashbrook, C. Robertson, N. Werghi, "A Low-Cost Range Finder using a Visually Located, Structured Light Source", Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Ottawa, Canada, pp 24-33, October 1999.
  42. J. M. Sanchiz, R. B. Fisher, "A next-best-view algorithm for 3D scene recovery with 5 degrees of freedom", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC99, Nottingham, pp 163--172, September 1999.
  43. N. A. Massios, R. B. Fisher. "A Best Next View Selection Algorithm Incorporating a Quality Criterion", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC98, Southampton, pp 780--789, September 1998.
  44. D. W. Eggert, A. W. Fitzgibbon, R. B. Fisher, "Simultaneous Registration of Multiple Range Views For Use In Reverse Engineering of CAD Models", Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol 69, No 3, pp 253-272, March 1998. An earlier version is available as a departmental technical report.
  45. E. Trucco, R. Fisher, A. Fitzgibbon, D. K. Naidu "Calibration, Data Consistency and Model Acquisition with 3-D Laser Stripers", Int J. of Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 292-310, 1998. An earlier version is available as a departmental technical report.
  46. D. Eggert, A. W. Fitzgibbon, R. B. Fisher, "Simultaneous registration of multiple range views for use in reverse engineering", Proc. Int. Conf. on Pat. Recog., pp 243--247, Vienna, Aug. 1996
  47. R. B. Fisher, A. Fitzgibbon, A. Gionis, M. Wright, D. Eggert, "A Hand-held Optical Surface Scanner for Environmental Modeling and Virtual Reality", Proc. Virtual Reality World '96, February 13-15, 1996, Stuttgart, Germany.
  48. E. Trucco, R. B. Fisher and A.M. Fitzgibbon: "Direct Calibration and Data Consistency in 3-D Laser Scanning", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC94, York, pp 489--498, September 1994. or a related paper.
  49. Trucco, E. and Fisher, R.B., 1994, "Acquisition of consistent range data using local calibration", Proceeding IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and Automation, (IEEE Comp.Soc. Press, Los Alamitos), pp 3410--3415, 1994.
  50. Fisher, R. B., Naidu, D. K., Singhal, D., "Rejection of Spurious Reflections In Structured Illumination Range Finders", Proc. 2nd Conf. on Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques, pp 467--474, Zurich, Oct 4-7, 1993.
  51. Naidu, D. K., Fisher, R. B., "A Comparitive Analysis of Algorithms for Determining the Peak Position of a Stripe to Sub-Pixel Accuracy", Proc. 1991 British Machine Vision Association Conf., pp 217-225, Glasgow, 1991.

Range/3D Data Analysis: Feature Extraction

  1. I. I. Ganapathi, S. Javed, R. B. Fisher, N. Werghi; Graph Based Texture Pattern Classification, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on Virtual Reality, Nanjing, July 2022, pp. 363-369, doi: 10.1109/ICVR55215.2022.9847889.
  2. H. Cuevas-Velasquez, A. J. Gallego, R. B. Fisher; Two Heads are Better than One: Geometric-Latent Attention for Point Cloud Segmentation, Proc. Brit. Machine Vision Conf., 2021.
  3. T. C. Lukins, R. B. Fisher, "Qualitative Characterization of Deforming Surfaces", Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission (3DPVT), Chapel Hill, electronic proceedings, June 14-16, 2006.
  4. A. Pichler, R. B. Fisher, M. Vincze, "Decomposition of Range Images using Markov Random Fields", Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Proc. (ICIP), Singapore, pp 1205-1208, 2004.
  5. A. Pichler, R. B. Fisher, "Markovian Decomposition of Range Images", Proc. 28th Austrian Workshop, Digital Imaging in Media and Education, June 17-18, 2004, Hagenberg, pp. 181-188, %ISBN 3-85403-179-3
  6. N. H. McCormick, R. B. Fisher. "Edge-Constrained Marching Triangles", Proc. Int. Symp. on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT), Padova, Italy, pp 348-351, June 2002.
  7. P. Faber, B. Fisher, "How can we exploit typical architectural structures to improve model recovery?", Proc. Int. Symp. on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT), Padova, Italy, pp 824-833, June 2002.
  8. C. Robertson, R. B. Fisher, "Better Surface Intersections by Constrained Evolution", Proc. Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture V (ACDM 2002), Ed. I.C. Parmee, University of Exeter, Devon, UK, Springer, pp 133-142, April 2002.
  9. P. Faber, R. B. Fisher, "Pros and Cons of Euclidean Fitting". Proc. Annual German Symposium for Pattern Recognition (DAGM01, Munich), Springer LNCS 2191, Berlin, pp 414-420, September 2001.
  10. P. Faber, R. B. Fisher, "A Buyer's Guide to Euclidean Elliptical Cylindrical and Conical Surface Fitting", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC01, Manchester, pp 521-530, September 2001.
  11. P. Faber, R. B. Fisher, "Euclidean Fitting Revisited", Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Visual Form, pp. 165-175, 28-30 May 2001, Capri, Italy. Springer-Verlag LNCS 2059.
  12. P. Faber, R. B. Fisher, Estimation of General Curves and Surfaces to Edge and Range Data by Euclidean Fitting, Division of Informatics Research Report 146, 2002.
  13. C. Robertson, R. B. Fisher, "Shape Recovery and Analysis of Large Screw Threads", Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM01), Montreal, Canada, pp 300-305, June 2001.
  14. C. Robertson, R. B. Fisher, N. Werghi, A. P. Ashbrook. "Fitting of Constrained Feature Models to Poor 3D Data", Proc. Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture (ACDM 2000), Plymouth, UK, pp 149-160, April, 2000.
  15. N. Werghi, R.B. Fisher, A. Ashbrook, C.Robertson, "Faithful recovering of quadric surfaces from 3D range data", Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Ottawa, Canada, pp 280-289, October 1999.
  16. N. Werghi, R.B. Fisher, A. Ashbrook, C.Robertson, "Improving Second-order Surfaces Estimation", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC99, Nottingham, pp 275--284, September 1999.
  17. C. Robertson, R. B. Fisher, N. Werghi, A. Ashbrook, "An Improved Algorithm to Extract Surfaces from Complete Range Descriptions", Proc. World Manuf. Conf, WMC'99 (ISMT'99) - Sept. 1999, pp 592-598, ICSC Academic Press, Durham.
  18. N. Werghi, R.B. Fisher, A. Ashbrook, C.Robertson, "Improvement of Quadric Surfaces Estimation of Manufactured Objects", Proc. World Manuf. Conf, WMC'99 (ISMT'99) - Sept. 1999, pp 587-591, ICSC Academic Press, Durham.
  19. C.Robertson, R.B. Fisher, N. Werghi, A.P. Ashbrook. "An Evolutionary Approach to Fitting Constrained Degenerate Second Order Surfaces". in Evolutionary Image Analysis, Signal Processing and Telecommunications, Proc. First European workshop on evolutionary computation in image analysis and signal processing (EvoIASP99). Goteborg, Sweden, pp 1-16, Springer LNCS 1596, May 1999.
  20. C. Robertson, R.B. Fisher, D. Corne, N. Werghi, A.P. Ashbrook. "Investigating Evolutionary Optimisation of Constrained Functions to Capture Shape Descriptions from Range Data", Proc. 3rd On-line World Conference on Soft Computing (WSC3). Also in: Advances in Soft Computing - Engineering Design and Manufacturing, R. Roy, T. Furuhashi and P. K. Chawdhry (Eds), Springer, 1999, pp 455--466. An earlier version is available here.
  21. A. P. Ashbrook, R. B. Fisher, C. Robertson and N. Werghi, "Segmentation of Range Data into Rigid Subsets using Surface Patches", Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision, Bombay, pp 201-206, Jan 1998.
  22. A. P. Ashbrook, R. B. Fisher, C. Robertson and N. Werghi, "Segmentation of Range Data into Rigid Subsets using Planar Surface Patches", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC97, Essex, pp 530--539 September 1997.
  23. A. P. Ashbrook, R. B. Fisher, "Segmentation of Range Data for the Automatic Construction of Models of Articulated Objects", Proc. IEEE Nonrigid and Articulated Motion Workshop, Puerto Rico, June 1997.
  24. R. B. Fisher, A. W. Fitzgibbon, D. Eggert, "Extracting Surface Patches from Complete Range Descriptions", Proc. Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Ottawa, Canada, pp 148-155, May 1997.
  25. A. P. Ashbrook and R. B. Fisher, "Constructing Models of Articulating Objects: Range Data Partitioning", Proc. Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Ottawa, Canada, pp 164-172, May 1997.
  26. A. Hoover, G. Jean-Baptiste, X. Jiang, P. J. Flynn, H. Bunke, D. Goldgof, K. Bowyer, D. Eggert, A. Fitzgibbon, R. Fisher, "An Experimental Comparison of Range Segmentation Algorithms", IEEE Trans. Pat. Anal. and Mach. Intel., Vol 18(7), pp673--689, July 1996.
  27. Trucco, E., Fisher, R., "Experiments in Curvature-Based Segmentation of Range Data", IEEE Trans. Pat. Anal. and Mach. Intel., Vol 17, No 2, pp 177--182, Feb 1995.
  28. Bispo, E. M., Fisher, R. B., "Free-form surface matching for surface inspection", Proc. 6th IMA Conf. on the Mathematics of Surfaces, Brunel University, 5-7 September, 1994. Published in (ed. G. Mullineux) The Mathematics of Surfaces VI, Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp 119--136, 1996.
  29. Bispo, E. M., Fisher, R. B., "Inspection of free-form surfaces using dense range data", Proc. European Symposium on Optics for Productivity in Manufacturing: Automated Vision Inspection, Frankfurt, Germany, 20-24 June, 1994.
  30. Trucco, E. and Fisher, R. B., "Preserving Shape at Boundaries in Diffusion Smoothing", in Fisher (ed.) "The Mathematics of Surfaces V", Edinburgh, pp 485--494, 1994.
  31. Fitzgibbon, A. W., Fisher, R. B., "Invariant Fitting of Arbitrary Single-Extremum Surfaces", Proc. 1993 British Machine Vision Association Conf., pp 569--578, Surrey, 1993.
  32. Borges, D. L., Fisher, R. B., Segmentation of 3D Articulated Objects by Dynamic Grouping of Discontinuities, Proc. 1993 British Machine Vision Association Conf., pp 279--287, Surrey, 1993.
  33. Borges, D. L., Fisher, R. B., "Segmentacao e Aquisicao de Partes Genericas para Reconhecimento", Proc. VI Simposio Brasileiro de Computacao Grafica e Processamento de Imagens, pp 231--237, Recife, Brazil, 1993.
  34. Borges, D. L., Fisher, R. B., "Acquiring Generic Parts for Recognition", Proc. Swiss Vision '93, pp 159-167, Zurich, 1993.
  35. Trucco, E., Fisher, R. B., "Computing Surface-Based Representations from Range Images", Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Glasgow, pp 275--280, August 1992.
  36. Fisher, R. B., "Extracting Second-Order Topographic Surface Features From Range Data", Proc. 1990 British Machine Vision Association Conf., pp 241-246, Oxford, 1990.
  37. Fisher, R. B., "Identity Independent Object Segmentation in 2 1/2D Sketch Data", Proc. 1986 European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp148-153, July 1986.

Range/3D Data Analysis: Reverse Engineering/Model Acquisition

  1. A. Fuster-Guillo, J. Azorin-Lopez, M. Saval-Calvo, J. M. Castillo Zaragoza, N. Garcia-D'Urso, R. B. Fisher; RGB-D based framework to Acquire, Visualize and Measure the Human Body for Dietetic Treatments, Sensors, 2020, 20(13), 3690.
  2. N. Bannai, R. B, Fisher, A. Agathos, "Multiple Color Texture Map Fusion for 3D Models", Pattern Recognition Letters, 28(6), pp 748-758, 2007. You can see some demos here and here.
  3. N. Bannai, A. Agathos, R. B. Fisher, "Fusing Multiple Color Images for Texturing Models", Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission (3DPVT), Thessaloniki, pp 558-565, Sept 6-9, 2004.
  4. R. B. Fisher, "Applying knowledge to reverse engineering problems", Computer Aided Design, 36(6), pp 501-510, May 2004. A draft version is here.
  5. R. B. Fisher, "Solving architectural modelling problems using knowledge", invited talk, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Banff, pp 343-351, 2003.
  6. A. Agathos, R. B. Fisher, "Colour Texture Fusion of Multiple Range Images", Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, Banff, pp 139-146, 2003.
  7. H. Cantzler, R. B. Fisher, M. Devy, "Improving architectural 3D reconstruction by plane and edge constraining", Proc. British Machine Vision Association Conf., Cardiff, pp 43-52, 2002.
  8. H. Cantzler, R. B. Fisher, M. Devy, "Quality enhancement of reconstructed 3D models using coplanarity and constraints", Proc. Annual German Symposium for Pattern Recognition (DAGM02, Zurich), pp 34-41, 2002.
  9. R. B. Fisher, "Applying knowledge to reverse engineering problems", Proc. Geometric Modeling and Processing 2002, Riken, Japan, pp 149--155, 2002.
  10. N.Werghi, R.B Fisher, C. Robertson, "Constrained Object Reconstruction Incorporating Free-form Surfaces", Proc. IX Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Benicassim, Spain, pp 273-280, May 2001.
  11. N. Werghi, R. B. Fisher, A. Ashbrook, C. Robertson, "Shape reconstruction incorporating multiple non-linear geometric constraints", Constraints, Vol.7, Issue 2, pp.117-149, 2002. An earlier version is available here.
  12. N. Werghi, R. B. Fisher, C. Robertson, A. Ashbrook. "Faithful recovering of quadric surfaces from 3D range data by global fitting", International Journal of Shape Modelling, Vol.6, No.1, pp.65-78, 2000. An earlier version is available here.
  13. A. P. Ashbrook, R. B. Fisher, C. Robertson and N. Werghi, "Construction of Articulated Models from Range Data", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC99, Nottingham, pp 183--192, September 1999.
  14. N. Werghi, R. B. Fisher, A. Ashbrook, C. Robertson, "Object reconstruction by incorporating geometric constraints in reverse engineering", Computer-Aided Design, Vol 31(6), pp 363-399, 1999. An earlier version is available here.
  15. N. Werghi, R. B. Fisher, C. Robertson and A. P. Ashbrook, "Modelling Objects Having Quadric Surfaces Incorporating Geometric Constraints", Proc. 5th Eur. Conf. on Computer Vision, Vol. II, pp 185--201, Freiburg, Germany, June 1998. (See also Springer Online.)
  16. N. Werghi, R.B. Fisher, A. Ashbrook, C.Robertson "Towards object modelling by incorporating geometric constraints", Proc IEEE International Workshop on Model-Based 3D Image Analysis, pp. 45-53, Bombay, India, January 1998.
  17. N. Werghi, R. B. Fisher, A. Ashbrook, C. Robertson, "Improving model shape acquisition by incorporating geometric constraints", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC97, Essex, pp 520--529 September 1997.
  18. Andrew W. Fitzgibbon, David W. Eggert, Robert B. Fisher "High-level CAD Model Acquisition from Range Images", Computer-Aided Design, Vol 29(4), pp321--330, 1997. An earlier version is available as a departmental technical report.
  19. A. W. Fitzgibbon, E. Bispo, R. B. Fisher, E. Trucco, "Automatic acquisition of CAD models from multiple range views", Proc. 10th National Conference on Manufacturing Research, Loughborough Univ of Technology, Sept 13-15, 1994.
  20. Bispo, E. M., Fitzgibbon, A. W., Fisher, R. B., "Visually Salient 3D Model Acquisition from Range Data" Proc. 1993 British Machine Vision Association Conf., pp 619--628, Surrey, 1993.
  21. Orr, M. J. L., Hallam, J., Fisher, R. B., "Fusion through Interpretation", Proc. 2nd European Conf. on Computer Vision, (ed) G. Sandini, pp 801--805, St. Margherita Ligure, Italy, 1992.

Range/3D Data Analysis: Object Recognition and Location

  1. F. Escalona, D. Viejo, R. B. Fisher, M. Cazorla; NurbsNet: A Nurbs approach for 3d object recognition, Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks, Glasgow, 2020.
  2. J. Zhang, R. B. Fisher; 3D visual passcode: Speech-driven 3D facial dynamics for behaviometrics, Signal Processing, 2019, 160: 164-177, 2019, publisher version. A draft version of the paper is here. There is a CC-BY-NC-ND license.
  3. Zhang, J. Richmond, K. Fisher, R.B.; Dual-modality Talking-metrics: 3D Visual-Audio Integrated Behaviometric Cues from Speakers, Proc. Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition, Beijing, 2018.
  4. Fillatreau, P. and Fisher, R. B., "Non-polyhedral landmark recognition using 3D depth images and partially correct models", Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Intelligent Robotic Systems (SIRS95), Pisa, pp 271--278, July 1995.
  5. Borges, D. L., Bispo, E. M., Fisher, R. B., "Tenicas de Aquisicao Automatica de Modelos Geometrica para Reconhecimento e Inspecao", Revista Brasileiro de Computacao, Vol 7, Num 2, Jan/Jun 1995, pp 49--60.
  6. R.B.Fisher, A. Fitzgibbon, M. Waite, M. Orr and E. Trucco "Recognition of Complex 3-D Objects from Range Data", Progress in Image Analysis and Image Processing (Proc. 7th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing), S. Impedovo (Ed.), Bari (Italy), September 1993, 599--606.
  7. Fisher, R. B., "Recognizing Objects Using Surface Information and Object Models", Proc. 2nd IEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 149-153, June 1986.
  8. Fisher, R. B., "Using Surfaces And Object Models To Recognize Partially Obscured Objects", Proc. 1983 Intl. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1983.

High Level Vision

  1. W. H. B. Smith, M. Milford, K. D. McDonald-Maier, S. Ehsan, R. B. Fisher; OpenSceneVLAD: Appearance Invariant, Open Set Scene Classification, Proc. Int Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Philadelphia, May 2022.
  2. Borges, D. L., Fisher, R. B., "Class-based recognition of 3D objects represented by volumetric primitives", Image and Vision Computing, 15(8), pp 655--664, Aug 1997. An earlier version is available as a departmental technical report.
  3. Fisher, R., Trucco, E., Fitzgibbon, A., Waite, M., Orr, M., "IMAGINE - A 3-D Vision System", Sensor Review, Vol 13, No. 2, pp 23-26, April 1993. Permanent link to this document.
  4. Fisher, R. B., "Recognition with Second-Order Topographic Surface Features", Proc. 1991 British Machine Vision Association Conf., pp 396-399, Glasgow, 1991.

High Level Vision: Object Representation

  1. N. Li, C. Eastwood, R. B. Fisher; Learning Object-Centric Representations of Multi-object Scenes from Multiple Views, Proc. 34th Conf. on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Dec 2020.
  2. Fitzgibbon, A. W., Fisher, R. B., "Practical Aspect-Graph Derivation Incorporating Feature Segmentation Performance", Proc. 1992 British Machine Vision Association Conf., pp 580-589, Leeds, 1992.
  3. Fitzgibbon, A. W., Fisher, R. B., "Suggestive Modeling for Machine Vision", Proc. 1992 SPIE OE/Technology '92 (Conference 1830 - Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics III), pp 315--320, Boston, November 1992.
  4. Fisher, R. B., "Representation, Extraction and Recognition with Second-Order Topographic Surface Features", A ScienceDirect online version. Image and Vision Computing, Vol 10 No 3, pp 156-169, April 1992.
  5. Fisher, R. B., "SMS: A Suggestive Modeling System For Object Recognition", in Mayhew, J. E. W. and Frisby, J. P. (eds), "3D Model Recognition from Stereoscopic Cues", MIT Press, 1991.
  6. Fisher, R. B., "Reducing Viewsphere Complexity", Proc. 1990 European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp 274-276, 1990.
  7. Fisher, R. B., "SMS: A Suggestive Modeling System For Object Recognition", A ScienceDirect online version. Image and Vision Computing, Vol 5, No 2, pp 98 - 104, May 1987.
  8. Fisher, R. B., "Representing 3D Structures for Visual Recognition", Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp 183-200, 1987.
  9. Fisher, R. B., "Modeling Second-Order Volumetric Features", Proc. 3rd Alvey Vision Conference, pp79-86, Cambridge, 1987.
  10. Fisher, R. B., "SMS: A Suggestive Modeling System for Object Recognition", Proc. 2nd Alvey Vision Conference, Bristol, 1986.

High Level Vision: Object Recognition, Matching and Searching

  1. L. Bergamini, S. Pini, A. Simoni, R. Vezzani, S. Calderara, R. B. D'Eath, R. B. Fisher; Extracting Accurate Long-Term Behavior Changes from a Large Pig Dataset, Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2021), online 8-10 February 2021.
  2. A. Mahmood, A. Giraldo Ospina, M. Bennamoun, S. An, F. Sohel, F. Boussaid, R. Hovey, G. A. Kendrick, R. B. Fisher; Automatic Hierarchical Classification of Kelps utilizing Deep Residual Features, Sensors, 20(2):447, 2020. A draft version of the paper is here.
  3. A.-J. Gallego, P. Gil, A. Pertusa, R. B. Fisher; Semantic segmentation of SLAR imagery with Convolutional LSTM Selectional AutoEncoders, Remote Sensing, Vol 11, 2019.
  4. A.-J. Gallego, A. Pertusa, P. Gil, R. B. Fisher; Detection of bodies in maritime rescue operations using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with multispectral cameras; Journal of Field Robotics, Wiley Online, December 2018. Here is a draft version of this paper.
  5. A.-J. Gallego, P. Gil, A. Pertusa, R. B. Fisher; Segmentation of Oil Spills on Side-Looking Airborne Radar imagery with Autoencoders; Sensors, 18(3), 2018. Here is a draft version of this paper.
  6. A. Mahmood, M. Bennamoun, S. An, F. Sohel, F. Boussaid, R. Hovey, G. Kendrick, and R. B. Fisher; Deep Image Representations for Coral Image Classification, IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering, 44(1):121-131, 2019. A draft version of the paper is here.
  7. C. Beyan, V. M. Katsageorgiou, R. B. Fisher; Extracting Statistically Significant Behaviour from Noisy Fish Tracking Data with and without large dataset cleaning, IET Computer Vision, DOI: 10.1049/iet-cvi.2016.0462, 2018. A draft version of the paper is here.
  8. A. Mahmood, M. Bennamoun, S. An, F. Sohel, F. Boussaid, R. Hovey, G. Kendrick, R. B. Fisher; Automatic Annotation of Coral Reefs using Deep Learning, Proc. OCEANS-16 MTS/IEEE Monterey, Sept. 2016.
  9. A. Mahmood, M. Bennamoun, S. An, F. Sohel, F. Boussaid, R. Hovey, G. Kendrick, and R. B. Fisher; Deep Learning for Coral Classification, in P. Samui, S.S. Roy and V. E. Balas (Eds), Handbook on Neural Computation. Elsevier, 2017. A draft version of the paper is here.
  10. X. Liu, R. B. Fisher; Identifying Individual Clown Fish, Proc. Int. Workshop on Visual observation and Analysis of Vertebrate and Insect Behavior (VAIB), in conjunction with ICPR 2016, Cancun, 2016.
  11. A. Mahmood, M. Bennamoun, S. An, F. Sohel, F. Boussaid, R. Hovey, G. Kendrick, R. B. Fisher; Coral classification with hybrid feature representations, Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Proc. (ICIP), Phoenix, Sept. 2016.
  12. E. Rodner, M. Simon, R. B. Fisher, J. Denzler; Fine-grained Recognition in the Noisy Wild: Sensitivity Analysis of Convolutional Neural Networks Approaches, Proc. British Machine Vision Conf., September 2016.
  13. Joly, A., Goëau, H., Glotin, H., Spampinato, C., Bonnet, P., Vellinga, W-P., Planqué, R., Rauber, A., Palazzo, S., Fisher, B. & Müller, H.; LifeCLEF 2015: Multimedia Life Species Identification Challenges, Proc. 6th Int. Conf. of the CLEF Association, CLEF'15, Toulouse, France, September 8-11, 2015, p. 462-483.
  14. C. Beyan, R. Fisher Hierarchal Decomposition for Unusual Fish Trajectory Detection, in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition in Environmental Informatics, J. Zhou, X. Bai, T. Caelli (Eds), pp 1-21, IGI-Global, 2016. A draft paper is here.
  15. C. Beyan, B. J. Boom, J. M. P. Liefhebber, K.-T. Shao, R. B. Fisher, Natural Swimming Speed of Dascyllus reticulatus Increases with Water Temperature, Marine Science, 2015, 72(8), pp 2506-2511. A draft version appears here. A corrigendum is here.
  16. C. Beyan, R. B. Fisher; Classifying Imbalanced Data Sets Using Similarity Based Hierarchical Decomposition, Pattern Recognition, 48(5), p. 1653-1672, 2015. The published version is here.
  17. P. X. Huang, B. J. Boom, R. B. Fisher; Hierarchical classification with reject option for live fish recognition, Machine Vision and Applications, 26(1), p. 89-102, 2015. The published version is here. Supplementary materials.
  18. C. Spampinato, S. Palazzo, B. Boom and R. Fisher; Overview of the LifeCLEF 2014 Fish Task, Proc. CLEF, 2014.
  19. P. X. Huang, B. J. Boom, R. B. Fisher; GMM improves the reject option in hierarchical classification for fish recognition, Proc. IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2014). IEEE, p. 371-376, 2014.
  20. A. Joly, H. Goeau, P. Bonnet, C. Spampinato, H. Glotin, A. Rauber, W.-P. Vellinga, R. B. Fisher, H. Mueller; Are multimedia identification tools biodiversity-friendly?, Proc. 3rd ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis for Ecological Data (MAED 2014), Orlando. The published version is here.
  21. A. Joly, H. Muller, H. Goeau, H. Glotin, C. Spampinato, A. Rauber, P. Bonnet, W.-P. Vellinga, B. Fisher; LifeCLEF: Multimedia Life Species Identification, Int. Workshop on Environmental Multimedia Retrieval, Glasgow, 2014.
  22. R. B. Fisher, Collection and Analysis of Two Complex Ecological Datasets, Invited Talk, Proc. 2nd ACM Int. Workshop on Multimedia Analysis for Ecological Data, Barcelona, 2013.
  23. P. X. Huang, B. J. Boom, R. B. Fisher, Underwater Live Fish Recognition using a Balance-Guaranteed Optimized Tree, Proc. Asian Conf. on Computer Vision, Daejeon, Korea, 2012.
  24. P. X. Huang, B. J. Boom, R. B. Fisher, "Hierarchical Classification for Live Fish Recognition", BMVC student workshop paper, September 2012.
  25. C. Spampinato, D. Giordano, R. Di Salvo, Y.-H. Chen-Burger, R. B. Fisher, G. Nadarajan, Automatic Fish Classification for Underwater Species Behavior Understanding, Proc. ACM Int. Workshop Anal. and Retrieval of Tracked Events and Motion in Imagery Streams (ARTEMIS), pp 45-50, Florence, Italy, 2010.
  26. Toby P. Breckon and Robert B. Fisher "Environment Authentication through 3D Structural Analysis", Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), Springer-Verlag LNCS 3211/2004, Part I, pp 680--687, 2004.
  27. A. P. Ashbrook, R. B. Fisher, C. Robertson and N. Werghi, "Finding surface correspondences for object recognition and registration using pairwise geometric histograms", Proc. 5th Eur. Conf. on Computer Vision, Vol. II, pp 674--680, Freiburg, Germany, June 1998.
  28. A. P. Ashbrook, R. B. Fisher, C. Robertson and N. Werghi, "Aligning Arbitrary Surfaces using Pairwise Geometric Histograms", Proc. NOBLESSE Workshop on Non-linear Model Based Image Analysis NMBIA98, 1-3 July 1998, Glasgow, Scotland, pp 103--108, 1998.
  29. Borges, D. L., Fisher, R. B., "Class-based recognition of 3D Objects represented by volumetric primitives", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC96, Edinburgh, pp 303--312, September 1996.
  30. Borges, D. L., Orr, M. J., Fisher, R. B., "A Radial Basis Function Neural Network for Parts Identification of Three Dimensional Shapes", Proc. VII Simposio Brasileiro de Computacao Grafica e Processamento de Imagens, pp 77--84, Curtiba, Brazil, 1994.
  31. Fisher, R. B., "Performance Comparison of Ten Variations on the Interpretation-Tree Matching Algorithm", Proc. 1994 European Conference on Computer Vision, Stockholm, Sweden, pp 507--512, 1994.
  32. Fisher, R. B., "Hierarchical Matching Beats The Non-Wildcard and Interpretation Tree Model Matching Algorithms", Proc. 1993 British Machine Vision Association Conf., pp 589--598, Surrey, 1993.
  33. Fisher, R. B., "Non-Wildcard Matching Beats The Interpretation Tree", Proc. 1992 British Machine Vision Association Conf., pp 560-569, Leeds, 1992.
  34. Fisher, R. B., "The Design of the IMAGINE II Scene Analysis Program", in Mayhew, J. E. W. and Frisby, J. P. (eds), "3D Model Recognition from Stereoscopic Cues", MIT Press, 1991.
  35. Fisher, R. B., "Model Invocation for Three Dimensional Scene Understanding", Proc. 10th Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, pp805-807, 1987.
  36. Fisher, R. B., "A Structured Pattern Matching Approach To Intermediate Level Vision", Proc. 1982 European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Orsay, France, 1982.

High Level Vision: Geometric Reasoning/Pose Estimation

  1. D. W. Eggert, A. Lorusso, R. B. Fisher, "Estimating 3-D rigid body transformations: a comparison of four major algorithms", Mach. Vis. and Applic., vol 9, pp 272--290, 1997. An earlier conference version can be ftp'ed from here.
  2. Lorusso, A., Eggert, D., Fisher, R. B. "A Comparison of Four Algorithms for Estimating 3-D Rigid Transformations". Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC95, Birmingham, pp 237--246, September 1995.
  3. Waite, M., Orr, M., Fisher, R., Hallam, J., "Statistical Partial Constraints for 3D Model Matching and Pose Estimation Problems", Proc. 1993 British Machine Vision Association Conf., pp 105--114, Surrey, 1993.
  4. Borges, D. L. and Fisher, R. B., "Computational Properties of Rotation Parametrizations", Proc. Ninth Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Rio de Janeiro, Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao, pp 107--116, September 1992.
  5. Fisher, R. B., Orr, M. J. L., "Geometric Reasoning in a Parallel Network", Int. J. Robotics Research, Vol 10, No 2, pp103-122, April 1991.
  6. Orr, M. J. L., Fisher, R. B., "Interval-Based Geometric Reasoning in a Parallel Network", in Mayhew, J. E. W. and Frisby, J. P. (eds), "3D Model Recognition from Stereoscopic Cues", MIT Press, 1991.
  7. Orr, M. J. L., Fisher, R. B., Hallam, J., "Computing with Uncertainty: Intervals versus Probability", Proc. 1991 British Machine Vision Association Conf., pp 351--354, Glasgow, 1991.
  8. Fisher, R. B., "Determining Back-facing Curved Model Surfaces By Analysis At The Boundary", Proc. 3rd Int. Conf on Computer Vision, pp 296--299, Osaka, 1990.
  9. Fisher, R. B., "Geometric Constraints from Planar Surface Patch Matching", A ScienceDirect online version. Image and Vision Computing, Vol 8, No 2, pp 148-154, May 1990
  10. Fisher, R. B., Orr, M. J. L., "Geometric Constraints from 2 1/2D Sketch Data and Object Models", in Woodward (ed), "Geometric Reasoning", Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989.
  11. Fisher, R. B., Orr, M. J. L., "Experiments with a Network-Based Geometric Reasoning Engine", 11th Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, pp1623-1628, 1989.
  12. Fisher, R. B., "Geometric Constraints from Planar Surface Patch Matching", Proc. 5th Alvey Vision Conference, pp55-60, Reading, 1989.
  13. Fisher, R. B., Orr, M. J. L., "A Parallel Network for Solving Algebraic and Geometric Constraints", Proc. Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing for Computer Vision and Display, Leeds, 1988.
  14. Fisher, R. B., Orr, M. J. L., "Solving Geometric Constraints in a Parallel Network", A ScienceDirect online version. Image and Vision Computing, Vol 6, No 2, pp 100-106, May 1988.
  15. Orr, M. J. L., Fisher, R. B., "Geometric Reasoning for Computer Vision", A ScienceDirect online version, Image and Vision Computing, Vol 5, No 3, pp233-238, August 1987.
  16. Fisher, R. B., Orr, M. J. L., "Solving Geometric Constraints in a Parallel Network", Proc. 3rd Alvey Vision Conference, pp 87-95, Cambridge, 1987.
  17. Orr, M. J. L., Fisher, R. B. "Geometric Reasoning for Computer Vision", Proc. 2nd Alvey Vision Conference, Bristol, 1986.

Video Sequence Analysis

  1. K. Kim, S. N. Gowda, P. Eustratiadis, A. Antoniou, R. B. Fisher; Adversarial Augmentation Training Makes Action Recognition Models More Robust to Realistic Video Distribution Shifts, Proc. Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ICPRAI), Jeju, Korea, 2024.
  2. T. Qasim, R. B. Fisher, N. Bhatti; Ground-truthing Large Human Behavior Monitoring Datasets, Proc. 2020 Int. Conf on Pattern Recognition, online, 2021.
  3. R. B. Fisher, B. J. Boom, P. X. Huang; Preliminary Experiments with the Fish4Knowledge Dataset, Proc. Int. Workshop on Visual observation and Analysis of Vertebrate and Insect Behavior (VAIB), in conjunction with ICPR 2014, Stockholm, 2014.
  4. B. J. Boom, E. Beauxis-Aussalet, L. Hardman, R. B. Fisher, Uncertainty-Aware Estimation of Population Abundance using Machine Learning, Multimedia Systems, 2015, online, DOI: 10.1007/s00530-015-0479-0 A draft version of the paper is here.
  5. B. J. Boom, J. He, S. Palazzo, P. X. Huang, H.-M. Chou, F.-P. Lin, C. Spampinato, R. B. Fisher; A research tool for long-term and continuous analysis of fish assemblage in coral-reefs using underwater camera footage. Ecological Informatics, 2014, DOI: A draft version of the paper is here.
  6. K. Vougioukas, B. J. Boom, R. B. Fisher, "Adaptive Deblurring of Surveillance Video Sequences that Deteriorate over Time", Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Melbourne, 2013.
  7. C. Beyan, R. B. Fisher, Detecting Abnormal Fish Trajectories using Clustered and Labeled Data, Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Melbourne, 2013.
  8. C. Beyan, R. B. Fisher, "Detection of Abnormal Fish Trajectories Using a Clustering Based Hierarchical Classifier", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference, 2013.
  9. C. Beyan, R. B. Fisher, A Filtering Mechanism for Normal Fish Trajectories, 21st Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Tsukuba, Japan, 2012.
  10. B. J. Boom, P. X. Huang, C. Spampinato, S. Palazzo, J. He, C. Beyan, E. Beauxis-Aussalet, J. van Ossenbruggen, G. Nadarajan, J. Y. Chen-Burger, D. Giordano, L. Hardman, F.-P. Lin, R. B. Fisher, Long-term underwater camera surveillance for monitoring and analysis of fish populations, Proc. Int. Workshop on Visual observation and Analysis of Animal and Insect Behavior (VAIB), in conjunction with ICPR 2012, Tsukuba, Japan, 2012.
  11. C. Spampinato, S. Palazzo, B. Boom, J. van Ossenbruggen, I. Kavasidis, R. Di Salvo, F.-P. Lin, D. Giordano, L. Hardman, R. B. Fisher, "Understanding Fish Behavior during Typhoon Events in Real-Life Underwater Environments", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2012.
  12. S. J. Blunsden, R. B. Fisher, "Detection and Classification of Interacting Persons", in Machine Learning for Human Motion Analysis: Theory and Practice, Wang, Cheng and Zhao (Eds), IGI Global, Chapter 11, pp 213-227, 2010. A draft version of this paper is here.
  13. S. J. Blunsden, R. B. Fisher, "The BEHAVE video dataset: ground truthed video for multi-person behavior classification", Annals of the BMVA, Vol 2010(4),pp 1-12, accessed Feb. 23, 2010. A draft version of the paper is here.
  14. R. R. Sillito, R. B. Fisher, "Parametric Trajectory Representations for Behaviour Classification", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC09, London, Sept 7-10, 2009.
  15. S. J. Blunsden, R. B. Fisher, "PRE-FIGHT DETECTION: Classification of Fighting Situations Using Hierarchical AdaBoost", Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Lisbon, Vol 2, pp 303-308, 2009.
  16. R. Sillito, R. B. Fisher, "Semi-supervised learning for Anomalous Trajectory Detection", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC08, Leeds, pp 1035-1044, September 2008.
  17. C. Spampinato, G. Nadarajan, J. Chen-Burger, R. Fisher, "Detecting, tracking and counting fish in low quality unconstrained underwater videos", Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Funchal, Vol.2, pp 514-520, 2008.
  18. S. Blunsden, E. Andrade, R. Fisher. Non Parametric Classification of Human Interaction, Proc. 3rd Iberian Conf. on Pattern Recog. and Image Analysis, Girona, pp 347-354, June 2007.
  19. E. Andrade, S. Blunsden, R. Fisher. "Performance Analysis of Event Detection Models in Crowded Scenes", Proc. Workshop on "Towards Robust Visual Surveillance Techniques and Systems" at Visual Information Engineering 2006, Bangalore, India, pp 427-432, Sept 2006.
  20. E. L. Andrade, S. Blunsden, R. B. Fisher. "Modelling Crowd Scenes for Event Detection", Proc. Int. Conf. on Pat. Recog., Vol 1, pp 175 - 178, Hong Kong, Aug. 2006 (copyright IEEE).
  21. E. L. Andrade, S. Blunsden, R. B. Fisher. "Hidden Markov Models for Optical Flow Analysis in Crowds", Proc. Int. Conf. on Pat. Recog., Vol 1, pp 460-463, Hong Kong, Aug. 2006 (copyright IEEE).
  22. E. Andrade, S. Blunsden, R. Fisher. "Detection of Emergency Events in Crowded Scenes", IEE Int. Symp. on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP 2006), London, pp pp 528-533, 2006.
  23. S. Blunsden, R. Fisher, E. Andrade. "Recognition of coordinated multi agent activities: the individual vs the group", Proc. Workshop on Computer Vision Based Analysis in Sport Environments (CVBASE), pp 61-70, 2006.
  24. E. Andrade, S. Blunsden, R. Fisher. "Simulation of Crowd Problems for Computer Vision", First International Workshop on Crowd Simulation (V-CROWDS '05), pp 71-80, Lausanne, Nov 2005.
  25. D. Hall, J. Nascimento, P. Ribeiro, E. Andrade, P. Moreno, S. Pesnel, T. List, R. Emonet, R. B. Fisher, J. Santos-Victor and J. L. Crowley, "Comparison of target detection algorithms using adaptive background models", Proc. 2nd Joint IEEE Int. Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance, (VS-PETS), pp 113-120, Beijing, Oct 2005.
  26. T. List, J. Bins, J. Vazquez, R. B. Fisher, "Performance Evaluating the Evaluator", Proc. 2nd Joint IEEE Int. Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance, (VS-PETS), pp 129-136, Beijing, Oct 2005.
  27. D. Tweed, R. Fisher, J. Bins, T. List, "Efficient Hidden Semi-Markov Model Inference for Structured Video Sequences", Proc. 2nd Joint IEEE Int. Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance, (VS-PETS), pp 247-254, Beijing, Oct 2005.
  28. D. Tweed, W. Fang, R. Fisher, J. Bins, T. List. "Exploring techniques for behaviour recognition via the CAVIAR modular vision framework", Proc. Workshop on Human Activity Recognition and Modelling (HAREM 2005 - in conjunction with BMVC 2005). pp 97-104, Oxford, Sept 2005.
  29. E. L. Andrade, S. Blunsden, R. B. Fisher, "Characterisation of Optical Flow Anomalies in Pedestrian Traffic", IEE Int. Symp. on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP 2005), London, pp 73-78, 7 - 8 June 2005.

Intensity Image Analysis

Intensity Image Analysis: Appearance-Based Vision

  1. S. Zhaole, H. Zhou, L. Nanbo, L. Chen, J. Zhu, R. B. Fisher, A Robust Deformable Linear Object Perception Pipeline in 3D: From Segmentation to Reconstruction, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(1), 2023. A draft version can be found here.
  2. P. Satlawa, R. B, Fisher, Detecting the necessity of forest thinning with deep learning, Algorithms, 16(9), 419, 2023. A draft version can be found here.
  3. Y. Sun, R. B. Fisher, F. Wang, H. M. Gomes, "A Computer Vision Model for Visual-Object-Based Attention and Eye Movements", Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 112, Iss. 2, pp 126-142, 2008.
  4. R. B. Fisher, "The PETS04 Surveillance Ground-Truth Data Sets", Proc. Sixth IEEE Int. Work. on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (PETS04), pp 1-5, May 2004. (unrefereed).
  5. H. M. Gomes, R. B. Fisher, "Learning-based versus model-based log-polar feature extraction operators: a comparative study", Proc XVI Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI), San Carlos, Brazil, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp 299 - 306, Oct 2003.
  6. Y. Sun and R. Fisher, "Object-based Visual Attention for Computer Vision", Artificial Intelligence, 146(1), pp 77-123, May 2003.
  7. Y. Sun and R. Fisher, "Hierarchical Selectivity for Object-based Visual Attention", Proc. 2nd Biologically Motivated Computer Vision Workshop (BMCV 2002) Tuebingen, Germany, November 2002, pp 427-438. Aka Springer LNCS 2525.
  8. H. M. Gomes, R. B. Fisher, "Primal-Sketch Feature Extraction from a Log-Polar Representation", Pattern Recognition Letters, 24(7), pp 983-992, April 2003. An earlier version is available here.
  9. H. M. Gomes, R. B. Fisher, "Learning and Extracting Primal-Sketch Features in a Log-polar Image Representation", Proc XIV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI), Florianopolis, Brazil, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp 338-345, October 2001,
  10. H. M. Gomes, R. B. Fisher, "Structural Learning from Iconic Representations", Number 1952 in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. pp 399-408. Springer, 2000. (Proc. IBERAMIA-SBIA 2000, Int. Joint Conf.: 7th Ibero-American Conference on AI, 15th Brazilian Symposium on AI, IBERAMIA/SBIA 2000, Atibaia, SP, Brazil, November 2000.)
  11. H. M. Gomes, R. B. Fisher, J. Hallam, "A Retina-like Image Representation of Primal Sketch Features Extracted using a Neural Network Approach", Proc. NOBLESSE Workshop on Non-linear Model Based Image Analysis NMBIA98, 1-3 July 1998, Glasgow, Scotland, pp 251--256, 1998.
  12. R. B. Fisher, A. MacKirdy, "Integrating iconic and structured matching", Proc. 5th Eur. Conf. on Computer Vision, Vol. II, pp 687--698, Freiburg, Germany, June 1998. (See also Springer Online.)
  13. Grove, T. D., Fisher, R. B., "Attention in Iconic Object Matching", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC96, Edinburgh, pp 293--302, September 1996.
  14. Fisher, R. B. and Oliver, P. "Multi-Variate Cross-Correlation and Image Matching". Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC95, Birmingham, pp 623--632, September 1995.

Intensity Image Analysis: Image Feature Extraction

  1. H. Cuevas-Velasquez, A. Galan-Cuenca, R. B. Fisher, A. J. Gallego; Efficient Multi-task Progressive Learning for Semantic Segmentation and Disparity Estimation, Pattern Recognition, Vol 154, 2024. A draft version of the paper is here.
  2. R. B. Fisher, "Projective ICP and Stabilizing Architectural Augmented Reality Overlays", Proc. Int. Symp. on Virtual and Augmented Architecture (VAA01), Dublin, Ireland, pp 69-80, June 2001.
  3. A. W. Fitzgibbon, M. Pilu, R. B. Fisher, "Direct Least Squares Fitting of Ellipses", IEEE Trans. Pat. Anal. and Mach. Intel., 21(5), pp476--480, 1999. An earlier version is available here. The most stable and correct MATLAB code is here. An interactive demo is here.
  4. M. Pilu, R. B. Fisher, "Training PDMs on models: the case of deformable superellipses", Pattern Recognition Letters, 20(5), pp 463--474, 1999. An earlier version is available here.
  5. Pilu, M., Fisher, R. B., "Part Segmentation from 2D Edge Images by the MDL Criterion", Image and Vision Computing, 15(8), pp 563--574, Aug 1997. An earlier version is available as a departmental technical report.
  6. M. Pilu, R.B. Fisher, "Model-Driven Grouping and Recognition of Generic Object Parts from Single Images", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol 21, pp 107-122, 1997. An earlier version is available as a departmental technical report.
  7. Pilu, M., Fitzgibbon, A.W., Fisher, R. B., "Training PDMs on Models: The Case of Deformable Superellipses", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC96, Edinburgh, pp 373--382, September 1996.
  8. Pilu, M., Fisher, R. B., "Part Segmentation from 2D Edge Images by the MDL Criterion", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC96, Edinburgh, pp 83--92, September 1996.
  9. M. Pilu, . W. Fitzgibbon, R. B. Fisher, "Ellipse-specific Direct Least-square Fitting", Proc. Int. Conf. Im. Proc., Vol 3, pp 599-602, Lausanne (Switzerland), September 1996. The most stable and correct matlab code is here. An interactive demo is here.
  10. A. W. Fitzgibbon, M. Pilu, R. B. Fisher, "Direct Least Squares Fitting of Ellipses", Proc. Int. Conf. on Pat. Recog., pp 253--257, Vienna, Aug. 1996. The most stable and correct matlab code is here. An interactive demo is here.
  11. M. Pilu, R.B. Fisher, "Model-Driven Grouping and Recognition of Generic Object Parts from Single Images", Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on Intelligent Robotic Systems, Lisbon, pp 147--154, July 1996.
  12. M. Pilu, R. B. Fisher, "Recognition of Geons by Parametric Deformable Contour Models", in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Proc. 4th European Conference on Computer Vision, Cambridge, UK Volume 1, pp 71-82, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, April 1996. An earlier version is: "Recovery of Generic Solid Parts By Parametrically Deformable Aspects",
  13. Fisher, R. B., Naidu, D. K., "A Comparison of Algorithms for Subpixel Peak Detection", in J. Sanz (ed.), Advances in Image Processing, Multimedia and Machine Vision, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1996.
  14. Pilu, M., Fisher, R. "Equal-Distance Sampling of Superellipse Models". Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC95, Birmingham, pp 257--266, September 1995.
  15. Fitzgibbon, A. and Fisher, R. B. "A Buyer's Guide to Conic Fitting". Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC95, Birmingham, pp 513--522, September 1995.
  16. A. W. Fitzgibbon and R. B. Fisher, "Lack-of-fit Detection using the Run-distribution Test" Proc. 1994 European Conference on Computer Vision, Stockholm, Sweden, pp 173--178, 1994. also Proc. 7th European Signal Processing Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp 967--970, 1994.

Medical and Healthcare Imaging

  1. C. Lochhead, R. B. Fisher; On The Necessity of Multi-disciplinarity in The Development of At-home Health Monitoring Platforms for Older Adults: Systematic Review, JMIR Human Factors, to appear, 2025. A draft version is here.
  2. A. K. A. N. S. Amma, L. Chen, R. B. Fisher, S. Mitra; Pressure Sensor Array and Camera-Based Activity Level Monitoring at Home: A Feasibility Study, 17th Int. Conf. on Sensing Technology, Sydney, Dec 2024.
  3. L. Chen, M. A. Raza, I. Saied, T. Arslan, R. B. Fisher; Measuring Changes in Upper Body Movement Due Fasting Using a Camera, Sensors, 24(22), 2024. A draft version is here.
  4. L. Chen, S. Ramamoorthy, R. B. Fisher; OPPH: A Vision-Based Operator for Measuring Body Movements for Personal Healthcare, Proc. 12th Int. Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics, at 2024 Eur. Conf. on Computer Vision, 2024.
  5. L. F. Chen, R. B. Fisher; MISO: Monitoring Inactivity of Single Older Adults at Home using RGB-D Technology, ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, 5(3), 2024. A draft version is here.
  6. M. A. Raza, C. Lochhead, R. B. Fisher; Effect of Face Obfuscation Methods on Pose-Based Action Recognition, Proc. AIiH: Int Conf on AI in Healthcare, Swansea, 2024.
  7. M. A. Raza, R. B. Fisher; Vision Based Approach to Assess Performance Levels while Eating, Machine Vision and its Applications, 34(124), 2023. Here is a draft version of the paper.
  8. M. A. Raza, L. Chen, L. Nanbo, R. B. Fisher; EatSense: Human Centric, Action Recognition and Localization Dataset for Understanding Eating Behaviors and Quality of Motion Assessment, Image and Vision Computing, 137(104762), 2023.
  9. Y. Mitani, R. B. Fisher, Y. Fujita, Y. Hamamoto, I. Sakaida; Image Correction Methods for Regions of Interest of Cirrhosis Liver Classification on CNNs, Sensors, 22(3378), 2022. A draft version is here.
  10. Y. Mitani, R. B. Fisher, Y. Fujita, Y. Hamamoto, I. Sakaida; Cirrhosis liver classification on B-mode ultrasound images by convolution neural networks with augmented images, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence (MLMI), Jakarta, 2019.
  11. R. B. Fisher, J. Rees, A. Bertrand; Classification of Ten Skin Lesion Classes: Hierarchical KNN versus Deep Net, 23rd Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, Liverpool, 2019.
  12. C. Di Leo, V. Bevilacqua, L. Ballerini, R. Fisher, B. Aldridge, J. Rees; "Hierarchical Classification of Ten Skin Lesion Classes", Proc. Dundee Medical Image Analysis Workshop, 2015.
  13. R.B. Aldridge, M. Zanotto, L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher, J. L. Rees, "Using multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) and hierarchical clustering, novices can sub-classify basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) in a similar manner to experienced dermatologists", JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY 132, S70-S70, 2012.
  14. R. B. Aldridge, M. Zanotto, L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher and J. L. Rees, "The 'ABCD' mnemonic does not function as a useful guide in assisting novices with the diagnosis of melanoma", British Journal of Dermatology, 165(1s), 55-56, July 2011.
  15. L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher, R. B. Aldridge, J. Rees, "A Color and Texture Based Hierarchical K-NN Approach to the Classification of Non-melanoma Skin Lesions", in M.E. Celebi, G. Schaefer (eds.), Color Medical Image Analysis, Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics 6, ISBN 978-94-007-5389-1, Springer, 2013. A draft version is here.
  16. L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher, B. Aldridge, J. Rees, "Non-Melanoma Skin Lesion Classification using Colour Image Data in a Hierarchical K-NN Classifier", Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), May 2012.
  17. X. Li, B. Aldridge, R. Fisher, J. Rees, "Estimating the ground truth from multiple individual segmentations incorporating prior pattern analysis with application to skin lesion segmentation", Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI.11), April 2011, electronic proceedings.
  18. M. Zanotto, L. Ballerini, B. Aldridge, R. B. Fisher, J. Rees, "Visual cues do not improve skin lesion ABC(D) grading", Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging Vol 7966, pp 796600-1 to 796600-10, Orlando, 2011.
  19. R. B. Aldridge, M. Zanotto, L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher, J. L. Rees, "Novice identification of melanoma: not quite as straightforward as the ABCDs", Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 2(91), pp 125-130, 2011.
  20. R. B. Aldridge, D. Glodzik, L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher, J. L. Rees, "Utility of non-rule based visual matching as a strategy to allow novices to achieve skin lesion diagnosis", Acta Dermato-Venereologica, vol 91, pp 279-283, 2011, preprint .
  21. R. B. Aldridge, X. Li, L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher, Jonathan L. Rees, "Teaching Dermatology Using 3-Dimensional Virtual Reality", Correspondence, Archives of Dermatology, 146(10), Oct 2010. A draft version is here.
  22. R. Aldridge, D. Glodzik, Y. Bisset, L. Ballerini, K. Robertson, L. Xi, L. Naysmith, R. Fisher & J. Rees, "Dermofit: a novel software that improves novices' diagnostic accuracy to a level above that of trained medical students", Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 130, p. S72-S72, Sep-2010.
  23. R. B. Aldridge, R. Fisher, L. Ballerini, K. Robertson, Y. Bisset, J. L. Rees, "Do laypersons have intrinsic pattern recognition abilities that could be harnessed to allow the accurate and early diagnosis of skin cancers?", British Journal of Dermatology. 162, 4, p. 949-950, Apr 2010.
  24. X. Li, B. Aldridge, J. Rees, R. B. Fisher, Estimating the ground truth from multiple individual segmentations with application to skin lesion segmentation, Proc. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, Coventry, pp 101-106, 2010.
  25. L. Ballerini, X. Li, R. B. Fisher, B. Aldridge, J. Rees, Content-Based Image Retrieval of Skin Lesions by Evolutionary Feature Synthesis, Proc 12th Euro. Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Image Analysis and Signal Processing, Istanbul, pp 312-319, April 2010.
  26. N. A. Laskaris, L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher, B. Aldridge, J. Rees, Fuzzy Description of Skin Lesions, Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging 7627, San Diego, pp 762717-1 to 762717-10, 2010.
  27. X. Li, B. Aldridge, L. Ballerini, B. Fisher, and J. Rees, "Depth Data Improves Skin Lesion Segmentation", Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), London, pp 1100-1107, 2009.
  28. L. Ballerini, X. Li, R. B. Fisher, J. Rees, "A Query-by-Example Content-Based Image Retrieval System of Non-Melanoma Skin Lesions", Proc. MICCAI-09 Workshop MCBR-CDS 2009: Medical Content-based Retrieval for Clinical Decision Support, London, B. Caputo et al. (Eds.): MCBR_CBS 2009, LNCS 5853, pp. 31-38. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2010.
  29. S. McDonagh, R. B. Fisher, J. Rees, "Using 3D information for classification of non-melanoma skin lesions", Proc. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, Dundee, pp 164-168, 2008. See also: Skin Cancer Surface Shape Based Classification, undergraduate dissertation, 2008.
  30. J.L. Rees, Y. Bisset, T. Lukins, C. Urquhart, H. Ravidranath, R. Fisher, "3D visualisation of skin lesions in photogrammetry", Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 127(S19), 2007.
  31. T. Lukins, R. Fisher, C. Urquhart, Y. Bisset, J. L. Rees, Microscale photogrammetry of skin lesions, British Journal of Dermatology, 155(1), 253-253, 2006. poster
  32. K. V. Chandrinos, M. Pilu, R. B. Fisher, P. E. Trahanias, "Image Processing Techniques for the Quantification of Atherosclerotic Changes", VIII Mediterranean Conf. on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, (MEDICON98), Lemesos, Cyprus, pp ***-***, June 14-17, 1998.
  33. Kaggelides, K., Elliott, P. J., Fisher, R. B., "Locating the Eyes in CT Brain Scan Data", Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artif. Intell. and Expert Systems, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp 508--517, 1993.
  34. Kaggelides, K., Elliott, P. J., Fisher, R. B., "Automatic Location of the Eyes in CT Images of the Head", Proc. 1993 Int. Symp Computer Assisted Radiology, H. U. Lemke, K. Inamura, C. C. Jaffe and R. Felix (eds), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp 684--688, June 24--26, 1993. (See a related paper).

Robot/Industrial Vision

  1. S. Zhaole, J. Zhu, R. B. Fisher; DexDLO: Learning Goal-Conditioned Dexterous Policy for Dynamic Manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects, Proc. Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024.
  2. C. Pu, C-Y. Yang, J-N. Pu, R. B. Fisher; A General Mobile Manipulator Automation Framework for Flexible Tasks in Controlled Environments, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 57(102062), 2023. A draft version of the paper is here.
  3. H. Cuevas-Velasquez, A.-J. Gallego, R. Tylecek, J. Hemming, B. van Tuijl, A. Mencarelli, R. B. Fisher; Real-time Stereo Visual Servoing for Rose Pruning with Robotic Arm, Proc. Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Paris, May 2020.
  4. A. J. Gallego Sanchez, H. Cuevas Velasquez, R. B. Fisher; Segmentation and 3D reconstruction of rose plants from stereoscopic images, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 171, April 2020. A draft version is here.
  5. H. Cuevas-Velasquez, N. Li, R. Tylecek, M. Saval-Calvo, R. B. Fisher; Hybrid Multi-camera Visual Servoing to Moving Target, Proc. Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots, Madrid, 2018.
  6. N. Strisciuglio, R. Tylecek, N. Petkov, P. Biber, J. Hemming, E. van Henten, T. Sattler, M. Pollefeys, T. Gevers, T. Brox, and R. B. Fisher; TrimBot2020: an outdoor robot for automatic gardening, Proc. 50th Int. Symp. on Robotics, Munich, June 2018.
  7. C. Maniatis, M. Saval-Calvo, R. Tylecek, R. B. Fisher; Best Viewpoint Tracking for Camera Mounted on robot Arm with Dynamic Obstacles, Proc. 3D Vision, 2017.
  8. L. M. Alkurdi, R. B. Fisher, Visual Control of an Autonomous Indoor Robotic Blimp, in Robotic Vision: Technologies for Machine Learning and Vision Applications, ed. J. G. Garcia Rodriguez and M. Cazorla, IGI-Global Press, 2013. A prereview copy is here.
  9. E. Chinellato, A. Morales, R. B. Fisher, A. P. del Pobil, "Visual Quality Measures for Characterizing Planar Robot Grasps", IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Computers (part C), 35(1), pp 30-41, 2005.
  10. E. Chinellato, R. B. Fisher, A. Morales, A. P. del Pobil, "Ranking Planar Grasp Configurations For A Three-Finger Hand", Proc. Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp 1133-1138, 2003.
  11. Wren, D. and Fisher, R. B., "Dextrous hand grasping strategies using preshapes and digit trajectories", Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vancouver, Vol 1, pp 910--915, Oct 1995.
  12. Wren, D. and Fisher, R. B., "Planning dextrous hand precision grasps from range data, using preshaping and finger trajectories", Proc. Symp. Intelligent Robotic Systems (SIRS95), Pisa, pp 213--220, July 1995.
  13. Wren, D. and Fisher, R. B., "Finding Robot Grasping Points from Range Data", Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artif. Intell. and Expert Systems, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp 522--530, 1993.
  14. Aylett, J. C., Fisher, R. B., Fothergill, A. P., "WPFM: The Workspace Prediction and Fast Matching System", Univ. of Edinburgh, in Mayhew, J. E. W. and Frisby, J. P. (eds), "3D Model Recognition from Stereoscopic Cues", MIT Press, 1991. See also: Aylett, J. C., Fisher, R. B., Fothergill, A. P., WPFM: The Workspace Prediction and Fast Matching System, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Univ. of Edinburgh, Working Paper 207, 1987.
  15. Aylett, J. C., Fisher, R. B., Fothergill, A. P., "Predictive Computer Vision for Robotic Assembly", Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol 1, pp185-201, 1988.

Parallel Vision

  1. McDonagh, S., Beyan, C., Huang, P. X. and Fisher, R. B., Applying semi-synchronised task farming to large-scale computer vision problems, Int. Journal of High Performance Computing, 2014. A draft version of the paper is here.
  2. Orts-Escolano, S., Morell, V., Garcia-Rodrigues, J., Cazorla, M., Fisher, R. B., Real-time 3D semi-local surface patches extraction using GPGPU, Real-time Image Processing, 2015. The final published version is available here.
  3. Hasselbring, W., Fisher, R., "Using the PROSET-Linda Prototyping Language for Investigating MIMD Algorithms for Model Matching in 3-D Computer Vision". in (A. Ferreira and J. Rolim Eds.), Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems (Proc. IRREGULAR '95), Lyon, France, Sept 4-6, pp 301--315, Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol 980, Springer-Verlag, Sept. 1995. or a related research report
  4. Fisher, R. B., Trucco, E., Brown, M. D., Hume, A. C., "MIMD and SIMD Parallel Range Data Segmentation", in I. Pitas. (ed), "Parallel Algorithms and Architectures for Digital Image Processing, Computer Vision and Neural Networks", John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chapt 6, pp 147-174, 1993.
  5. Brown, M. D., Fisher, R. B., "A Distributed Blackboard System for Vision Applications", Proc. 1990 British Machine Vision Association Conf., pp 163-168, Oxford, 1990.
  6. Norman, M. G., and Fisher, R. B., "Surface Tracking within Three-Dimensional Datasets Using a Generalised Message-passing Sub-System", in Kerridge (ed), "Developments Using Occam", IOS Publishers, Amsterdam, 1988.

Other Vision

  1. A. Linson, Y. Xu, A. R. English, R. B. Fisher; Identifying student struggle by analyzing facial expressions during asynchronous video lecture viewing: Towards an automated tool to support instructors, Proc. 23rd Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Durham, 2022.
  2. Tylecek, R., Sattler, T., Le, H-A., Brox, T., Pollefeys, M., Fisher, R. B. & Gevers, T.; The Second Workshop on 3D Reconstruction Meets Semantics: Challenge Results Discussion, Proc. ECCV 2018 Workshops (Leal-Taixa, L. & Roth, S. - eds.), Springer, vol. 11131, p. 631-644, 2018.
  3. H. Gong, G. D. Finlayson, M. M. Darrodi, R. B. Fisher; Rank-Based Radiometric Calibration, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, to appear, 2018?
  4. R. Tylecek, R. B. Fisher; Consistent Semantic Annotation of Outdoor Datasets via 2D/3D Label Transfer, Sensors, 18(7), 2018. A draft version is here.
  5. H. Gong, G. D. Finlayson, R. B. Fisher, and F. Fang; 3D Color Homography Model for Photo-Realistic Color Transfer Re-Coding, The Visual Computer, vol 35, 2017. A draft version is here.
  6. G. Finlayson, H. Gong, R. Fisher; Color Homography: theory and applications, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 41(1):20-33, 2019. A draft version is here.
  7. G. Finlayson, H. Gong, R. Fisher; Color Homography Color Correction, Proc. 24th Color and Imaging Conf. (CIC-2016), November 2016, San Diego.
  8. H. Gong, R. B. Fisher, G. D. Finlayson; Recoding Color Transfer as a Color Homography, Proc. British Machine Vision Conf., September 2016. Supplementary theory.
  9. G. Finlayson, H. Gong, R. Fisher; Color Homography, Progress in Colour Studies, London, September, 2016.
  10. B. Boom, S. McDonagh, S. Orts-Escolano, P. Sandilands, R. B. Fisher, Interactive light source position estimation for augmented reality with an RGB-D camera, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, December 2015, DOI: 10.1002/cav.1686.
  11. R. B. Fisher, Sub-pixel estimation, Chapter in Computer Vision: A Reference Guide, K. Ikeuchi (Ed), Springer Reference, pp 775-777, 2014.
  12. G.Nadarajan, Y.-H. Chen-Burger, R. B. Fisher. "Semantics and Planning Based Workflow Composition for Video Processing". Journal of Grid Computing, Special Issue on Scientific Workflows, 2013, pp 523-551. A draft version is here.
  13. G. Nadarajan, Y.-H. Chen-Burger, R. B. Fisher, "A Flexible System for Automated Composition of Intelligent Video Analysis". Int. Symp. on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, ***, Dubrovnik, Sept. 4-6, 2011.
  14. G. Nadarajan, Y.-H. Chen-Burger, R. B. Fisher, "SWAV: Semantics-based Workflows for Automatic Video Analysis". Special Session on Intelligent Workflow, Cloud Computing and Systems, KES-AMSTA 11, Manchester, U.K., July 2011.
  15. G. Nadarajan, J. Chen-Burger, R. Fisher, "A Knowledge-Based Planner for Processing Unconstrained Underwater Videos", Proc. IJCAI-09 Workshop on Learning Structural Knowledge From Observations, pp 37-44, 2009.
  16. R. B. Fisher, "Scene recovery from many randomly distributed single pixel cameras", Proc. Int. Conf. on Pat. Recog., Vol 1, pp 988-991, Hong Kong, Aug. 2006 (copyright IEEE).
  17. T. List, J. Bins, R. B. Fisher, D. Tweed, K. R. Thorisson, Two approaches to a plug-and-play vision architecture - CAVIAR and Psyclone. Proc. AAAI05 workshop on Modular Construction of Human-like Intelligence, Pittsburgh, pp pp 16-23,AAAI Technical Report WS-05-08, 10 July 2005.
  18. J. Bins, T. List, R. B. Fisher, D. Tweed, "An Intelligent and Task-independent Controller for Video Sequence Analysis", Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Computer Architecture for Machine Perception (CAMP'05), Palermo, Italy, pp 172-177, July 4-6, 2005.
  19. T. List, J. Bins, R. B. Fisher, D. Tweed, "A Plug-and-Play Architecture for Cognitive Video Stream Analysis", Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Computer Architecture for Machine Perception (CAMP'05), Palermo, Italy, pp 67-72, July 4-6, 2005.
  20. T. List, R. B. Fisher, "CVML- An XML-based Computer Vision Markup Language", Proc. Int. Conf. on Pat. Rec., Cambridge, Vol 1, pp 789-792, 2004.
  21. Robert B. Fisher, "Self-organization of random sensors", Proc. Eur. Conf. on Computer Vision, Copenhagen, pp 146-160, May 2002.
  22. P. Baron, R. Fisher, A. Sherlock, F. Mill, A. Tuson. "A Voxel Based Approach to Evolutionary Shape Optimisation". Proc. 4th AISB Workshop on Evolutionary Computing, April 7-8, 1997, University of Manchester, England. Published in Evolutionary Computing, Eds D. Corne and J. L. Shapiro, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci. series, Vol 1305, Springer, pp 253-261, 1997.
  23. P. Baron, R. Fisher, F. Mill, A. Sherlock, A. L. Tuson. "A Voxel-based Representation for the Evolutionary Shape Optimisation of a Simplified Beam: A Case-Study of a Problem-Centred Approach to Genetic Operator Design." 2nd On-line World Conference on Soft Computing in Engineering Design and Manufacturing (WSC2). 1997.
  24. M. Wright, A Fitzgibbon, P J Giblin and R B Fisher, "Beyond the Hough transform: further properties of the R-theta mapping and their applications", Proc. Intl. Workshop on Object Representation in Computer Vision II, Cambridge UK, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1144, (Ed. J. Ponce, A. Zisserman and M. Hebert), Springer, pp361--380, 1996.
  25. M Wright, A Fitzgibbon, P J Giblin and R B Fisher, "Convex Hulls, occluding contours, aspect graphs and the Hough transform", A ScienceDirect online version. Image and Vision Computing, Vol 14, No 8, pp 627-634, 1996. Here is a photocopy.
  26. Fisher, R. B., Gionis, A. P., "Surface reflectance recovery under point light illumination", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC96, Edinburgh, pp 263--272, September 1996.
  27. Wright, M. A., Fitzgibbon, A., Fisher, R. B. "Convex Hulls, Occluding Contours, Aspect Graphs and the Hough Transform", Proc. British Machine Vision Conference BMVC95, Birmingham, pp 493--502, September 1995.
  28. Wolfart, E., Fisher, R. B., Walker, A. "Position refinement for a navigating robot using motion information based on honey bee strategies", Proc. Symp. Intelligent Robotic Systems (SIRS95), Pisa, pp 257--264, July 1995.
  29. Fisher, R., "Is Computer Vision Still AI?", AI Magazine, Vol 15, No. 2, pp 21--27, 1994.
  30. Perez-Minana, E., Wallace, D., Fisher, R., "Stochastic Image Restoration: Clean images and their likelihood", Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artif. Intell. and Expert Systems, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp 518--521, 1993.
  31. Hayes, G. M., Fisher, R. B., "Evaluation of a Real-Time Kinetic Depth System", Proc. 1990 British Machine Vision Association Conf., pp 315-318, Oxford, 1990.

Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition

  1. L. Nanbo, M. A. Raza, H. Wenbin, Z. Sun, R. B. Fisher; Object-Centric Representation Learning with Generative Spatial-Temporal Factorization, Proc. NeurIPS, 2021.
  2. L. Nanbo, R. B. Fisher; Duplicate Latent Representation Suppression for Multi-object Variational Autoencoders, Proc. Brit. Machine Vision Conf., 2021.
  3. A.-J. Gallego, J. Calvo-Zaragoza, R. B. Fisher; Incremental Unsupervised Domain-Adversarial Training of Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 32(11), Nov 2021. A draft version of the paper is here.
  4. B. J. Boom, P. X. Huang, R. B. Fisher, Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search to support Manual Image Annotation of large domain-specific datasets, Proc. Int. Workshop on Video and Image Ground Truth in Computer Vision Applications (VIGTA'13), VIGTA 2013, St Peterburgh.
  5. B. J. Boom, P. X. Huang, J. He, R. B. Fisher, Supporting Ground-Truth annotation of image datasets using clustering, 21st Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Tsukuba, Japan, 2012.
  6. R. R. Sillito, R. B. Fisher, "Incremental One-Class Learning with Bounded Computational Complexity", Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), Porto, J. Marques de Sa et al (Eds), Springer LNCS 4668, pp 58-67, Sept. 2007.
  7. R. B. Fisher, "An Empirical Model for Saturation and Capacity in Classifier Spaces", Proc. Int. Conf. on Pat. Recog., Vol 4, pp 189-193, Hong Kong, Aug. 2006 (copyright IEEE).
  8. C.Robertson, R. B. Fisher, "1D Parabolic Search Mutation", Proc. 7th On-line World Conference on Soft Computing (WSC7) (see {}), 2002.

Other Research

  1. A. Nuthmann, A. C. Clayden, R. B. Fisher; The Effect of Target Salience and Size in Visual Search within Naturalistic Scenes under Degraded Vision, Journal of Vision, 21(4), April 2021. A draft version is here.
  2. A. Clayden, R. B. Fisher, A. Nuthmann; On the relative (un)importance of foveal vision during letter search in naturalistic scenes, Vision Research, 177, Dec 2020, pp 41-55. A draft version is here.
  3. A. Clayden, R. B. Fisher; The relative importance of foveal vision in visual search in 3D dynamic scenes, Abstracts of the 19th Euro. Conf. on Eye Movements, Wuppertal, 2017, p. 124. Abstract.
  4. R. B. Fisher, "CVonline: an overview", Int. Assoc. of Pat. Recog. Newsletter, 27(2), April 2005. Refreshed Chinese translation (pages 6-7, March 2016) in the Chinese Computer Federation Computer Vision Newsletter.
  5. R. B. Fisher et al, The Computer Graphics subject definitions (merged alphabetically). in P. Laplante (ed.) The CRC Dictionary of Computer Science, Engineering and Technology, CRC Press, 2001.
  6. K. Patel, A. Tuson, A. Coulson, S. Sturrock, R. Fisher, "Evolving Protein Similarity Scoring Matrices using Differential Evolution", Recent Advances in Soft Computing 2000, ***, to appear. See: K. Patel; Optimisation of Amino Acid Scoring Matrices for Improved Protein Homolgue Detection.
  7. P. Baron, R. Fisher, A.L. Tuson, F. Mill and A. Sherlock, "A Voxel-based Representation for Evolutionary Shape Optimisation", Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AI-EDAM), 13(3) ISSN 08900604, pp 145--156, 1999. An earlier version is available here.
  8. R. B. Fisher, K. Koryllos, "Interactive Textbooks; Embedding Image Processing Operator Demonstrations in Text", Int. J. of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol 12, No 8, pp 1095-1123, 1998. An earlier version is available here.
  9. P. Baron, R. Fisher, A. Tuson, A. Sherlock, F. Mill. "A Voxel Based Approach to Evolutionary Shape Optimisation", in Evolutionary Computing, Eds D. Corne and J. L. Shapiro, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci. series, Vol 1305, Springer, pp 253-261, 1997.
  10. N. Mitsakakis, R. Fisher, and A. Walker, "Classification of humpback whalesong units using a self organizing feature map", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Part 2, 100(4), p 2644, 1996. A related technical report submitted to the J. Acoust. Soc. Am. can be found at here.
  11. Anonymous publication (Fisher, R.), "THESIS PREVENTION 2 -- A Student of Father Hacker Replies", Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour Society Quarterly, Vol 82, Winter 1992/93, pp38-39.
  12. Fisher, R. B. and Peterson, A. M., "A Facility For Interactive Digital Signal Processing", Proc. 1980 IEEE Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Denver, Colorado, 1980.

Other Research Group Publications

  1. L.D., Cai, "A Consistent Zero-Thresholding Inequality of the Gaussian and Mean Curvatures", Computer-aided Surface Geometry and Design, The Mathematics of Surfaces IV, A. Bowyer (Ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1994. pp. 365-372. Also published as L.D., Cai, "Zero-thresholding of KH and KJ sign images for multiple scale segmentation of surfaces", China Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol.3, No. 7, 1998. pp. 562-565.
  2. L.D., Cai: An Estimate of the relationship between zero thresholds of Gaussian Curvature and Mean Curvature, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Univ. of Edinburgh, Research paper 450, 1989.

Unpublished documents

  1. R. B. Fisher; Parallel Image Analysis Technology, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Univ. of Edinburgh, Working Paper 105, 1982.
  2. R. B. Fisher; The Potential of Expert System Based Training Aids part 1 and part 2, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Univ. of Edinburgh, Working Paper 121, 1982.
  3. R. B. Fisher; Reasoning About Anomalous Data In the Image Analysis Process - a Proposal, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Univ. of Edinburgh, Working Paper 144, 1983.
  4. R. B. Fisher; Anomalies Occurring in the Image Formation and Analysis Proces, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Univ. of Edinburgh, Working Paper 137, 1983.
  5. R. B. Fisher; A PROLOG Version of ACRONYM's CMS - Version 1.1, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Univ. of Edinburgh, Software Paper 12, 1987.
  6. R. B. Fisher; Details of A Network Engine for Algebraic and Geometric Reasoning, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Univ. of Edinburgh, Working Paper 210, 1987.
  7. R. B. Fisher; Solving Algebratic Constraints in a Parallel Natweork, As Applied To Geometric Reasoning,Department of Artificial Intelligence, Univ. of Edinburgh, Working Paper 205, 1987.
  8. R. B. Fisher; 3D Geometric Constraints from Surface Patch Matching, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Univ. of Edinburgh, Research paper 441, 1989. An extended version is here.
  9. R. B. Fisher, M. J. L. Orr; Experiments with a Network-Based Geometric Reasoning Engine, unpublished, c. 1989.
  10. R. B. Fisher, M. J. L. Orr; Spatial Configurations In The Model Invocation Process, unpublished, c. 1992.
  11. A. Kick, A. Walker, R. Fisher, "A dynamic model for autonomous vehicle navigation", Department of Artificial Intelligence, Univ. of Edinburgh, Research paper 691, 1994.
  12. R. B. Fisher; Best-first and ten other variations of the interpretation-tree model matching algorithm, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Univ. of Edinburgh, Research paper 717, 1994.
  13. R. B. Fisher, M. Waite, M. J. L. Orr, J. Hallam, "Covariance Representations of Partial Geometric Constraints for 3D Pose Estimation", unpublished, 1995.
  14. M. W. Wright, R. B. Fisher; Acquiring graspable features on unmodelled objects using range data, unpublished, c. 1995.
  15. M. Wright, R. B. Fisher; Stability analyis of robot grasps,unpublished, 1995.
  16. R. B. Fisher, T.D. Grove, A. Gionis, A. MacKirdy; Iconic Object Matching Using Primal Sketch-like Features, unpublished, c. 1996.
  17. R. B. Fisher, "Special cases where benefits arise from using the logarithm transform for illumination invariant feature extraction", unpublished, 1999.
  18. R. B. Fisher, "Change Detection in Color Images", unpublished, 1999.
  19. R. B. Fisher, "Stabilizing Augmented Reality Overlays of Hinged and Curved Planar Regions", unpublished, 2001.
  20. R. B. Fisher, "AI and Cinema - Does artificial insanity rule?", unpublished, 2002.
  21. L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher, B. Aldridge,J. Rees, Hierarchical Content-Based Image Retrieval of Skin Lesions, unpublished, 2011.
  22. G. Papadimitriou, R. Fisher, R. Shillcock, B. C. Talluri, Psychophysics of Autostereogram Videos: Contrast, Repetition, Blur and Colour, unpublished, 2013. You might be interested in examples of the AVI videos (uncompressed to avoid artifacts): No distortion (159Mb), Blur (172 Mb), Low contrast (159 Mb), Large repetition period (159 Mb), Equiluminant Red/Green (368 Mb).
  23. P. X. Huang, R. B. Fisher; Individual feature selection in each One-versus-One classifier improves multi-class SVM performance, unpublished, 2014.
  24. R. B. Fisher, Is your robot afraid of dying (and why you should care)?, unpublished, 2017.

Edited Journal Special Issues

  1. L. Paletta, J. K. Tsotsos, G. Humphreys, R. Fisher, Special Issue on Attention and Performance in Computer Vision, Computer Vision and Image Understanding Volume 100, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-248 (October-November 2005).
  2. M. Rodrigues, R. B. Fisher and Y. Liu, Special Issue on Registration and Fusion of Range Images Comp. Vis. and Image Under. Vol 87, Introduction pp 1-7, 2002.
  3. G. M. Hayes and R. B. Fisher, Special Issue of J. of Robotics and Autonomous Systems (revised versions of best papers from SIRS'98), Vol 31, No 1-2, 121 pages, April 2000.
  4. D. Borges and R. Fisher, J. Brazilian Society for Automation, Special issue on computer/computational vision, 1998.
  5. E. Trucco and R. B. Fisher, Special Issue of Image and Vision Computing, (revised versions of best papers from BMVC'96), Vol 15, No 8, August 1997

Video Contributions

  1. Fisher, R. B., "3-D model matching using range data", in (ed. T. Trew) "Machine Vision Research 1994", The British Machine Vision Association, BMVA Press 1994.

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